Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!!


Council Member
Jun 27, 2004
When McKenna said Canada was part of missle defence "anyways" due to NATO agreements, he was being the mouthpiece for the Canadian hawks who are in love with America.

The PM said we are NOT taking part in missle defence, and he spoke for ordinary Canadians who are 75% in favour of keeping our distance from America as much as possible. Only the traitorous Elites in business, the corporate types, are in favour of playing along with the missle defence farce [and maybe a few hard christians who are blinded by their love for god?].

Most of us Canucks can see the farce of Bush and that christian military capitalist overlord crap, and we don't want anything to do with it, as much as is possible.

And how much distance IS possible for distancing Canada from that unwanted siamese twin attached to our buttocks? Could we find other nations to trade with? Could we feel secure in having "the rest of the world" to be our partner , to step in if that phony threat of 'military action from some foreign nation' ever actually happened?

How do we start? -

Canada should give notice that we are looking for other trading partners, something we could not do without offending America before, but now with Americans owing us over $4+billion and saying no way will they pay it, offensive actions is a step allready taken, taken by the Americans first, thank goodness.

It has been mentioned by some softwood industry people that Canada could stop importing wine from California and other key commodities, unless the money is handed over. This would hit some Americans hard, and THEY will take their case to the White House to settle these trade issues, which means "start playing fair".
America doesn't know how to play fair, its all bully tactic with them, and in this new world that isn't a surefire way to win an arguement. The world had been getting away from that sh*t ,until "those idiots" elected a burning Bush again.

So, Yes, Canada can trade with other nations, we can change from a 'fossil fools based economy' to a hemp based economy if we choose to, because this is a free world, with only America in the way. Its not suprising anymore to see such blatant hypocracy from America as they try to make the world believe their military machine is "spreading freedom".

quote: "So Canada's gutsy refusal to go along was the right move — and one that, incidentally, will win us higher standing in the world."

"It's now clear how the Bush administration sees things: Canadian sovereignty exists only at its pleasure. If we do what Washington wants, we retain our sovereignty. If we don't, all bets are off.
Paul Cellucci, Canada's ambassador in the USA, expressed puzzlement over Canada's decision to "in effect, give up its sovereignty."
No doubt the Soviets felt similar puzzlement as they rolled into Czechoslovakia in 1968. What's with these crazy Czechs? Don't they get it? All they have to do is co-operate with Moscow and they can retain their "sovereignty."
It's only rape if you resist."

K - that really speaks volumes about the farce of it all.

As if the farce of missles from North Korea were not enough of a farce!! Just like the 9-11 hit was not from terrorists, and the WMD in IRaq were not real, and the war on drugs too... its all PHONEY. This is what we have to stand up to - its a moral matter, one of leading the world into the light.

It is only because Canada's political powers have been spread out in a minority government "so that one group cannot be controlled to pander to the Americans" - all voices are being heard and this is what happens. Ordinarily, Canada would be joining right along with missle defence.

Here is another quote from another link:

"Let us, while we're at it, sing the virtues of minority government. We've seen nothing like it since the Pearson minority government of the 1960s, when we stayed out of the American War in Vietnam and let the war resisters find refuge here."

"In a world of Corporate Rule we just drew, re-drew, the line and said that some things are off limits.

"On the other hand, the corporate elite's spokesperson, Tom d'Aquino of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives, always stands ready to serve the higher power to the south.

"Throwing sand in the machinery of the military-industrial complex is no gesture; it is an honourable attempt to slow the lurch of war. "

So two of Canadas writers are brave enough to say the truth about the American-Canada squabble. They have found a place to write it, free of the corporate rule we are under most of the time, too much of the time.
All that old hippy stuff , conspiracy stuff, about the military industrial complex having power that was not given to them democratically, well, its real, its the truth, and now some of the boomer generation is seeing it clearly for the first time.
We have been brainwashed, we have been manipulated in our thinking, we have been led down a path that is not good for us. Media, advertising, and mostly that old idea of "just playing along" have taken their toll on freedom and free will and the environment and dignity of people... and now we see it and so we are saying ENOUGH - IT STOPS HERE, WE WON'T PLAY ALONG ANYMORE.


Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Declaring Canada's so

Straight Goods is one of the few places where articles outside of the corporate agenda can be be published, Karlin. There are a few others...Rabble, Vive le Canada, CDM etc. None are mainstream though.


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
Re: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

O, Canada!
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
By John Gibson

Constant viewers of this program are probably tired of me slapping the Canadians around like a hockey puck -- but what am I supposed to do when they do such dumb things?

It isn't just me, by the way. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice (search) cancelled a meeting with the Canadians in a fit of frustration and pique -- and now the Canadians are running around madly trying to get an appointment with her, which appears to be scheduled for a week from now.

What she is mad about -- and what I am mad about -- is that Canada decided it would pull out of the American-sponsored and American-paid-for North American Missile Defense Program (search).

This program involves the U.S. building a missile defense system and hopefully being able to shoot down missiles aimed at America -- presumably from some nut job nation like North Korea (search).

There's no question the danger exists. The North Koreans have built the missiles, they have the bomb and they're mad at us.

But mysteriously the Canadians pulled out of the deal because public opinion is so anti-American -- specifically so anti-American military.

Now here's the rub: North Korean missiles might very well be coming at America over Canada, and a missile defense system might have to shoot down a missile heading our way over Canada.

The Canadian prime minister said, "This is our airspace. We're a sovereign nation and you don't intrude on a sovereign nations' airspace without seeking permission."

In other words, George W. Bush, kindly give us a call and get our permission before you defend yourself. We won't shoot down missiles aimed at you using our airspace and you may not either unless we say OK.

The proper response from Bush ought to be, "Oh yeah? You and whose army?"

See, the Canadians don't believe in spending money on an army. What's the point? The Americans are going to defend the continent anyway. Let the dumb Americans pay for it.

But now they want us to give a call and ask permission before we defend a maxi 9/11? Canada, c'mon -- Bush invaded a country without your permission. You think he's going to be worried about your sovereign airspace?

The Canadians better hope that if the North Koreans fire a missile at the U.S. they gas it up so it doesn't fall short -- if you get my drift.

That's My Word.,2933,149142,00.html

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Declaring Canada's so

Gosh, another ignorant and uninformed view from somebody at Fox News. Big surprise there.

If they can invade our airspace without asking permission, I guess we can do the same with theirs. I've got some plans for a working trebouchet (sp?) designed to hurl everything from dead farm animals to large-ish boulders.

Perhaps we should should build it right on the border. We could use it to hurl anti-Canadians down into the US. It would be a lot of fun, and just as effective at shooting down missile as Georgie's little star wars system.


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
RE: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

"Perhaps we should should build it right on the border. We could use it to hurl anti-Canadians down into the US. It would be a lot of fun, and just as effective at shooting down missile as Georgie's little star wars system."

You already do, its called the Liberal party. Except, instead of actually kicking us out, we just choose to leave;)



New Member
Nov 18, 2004
Re: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

The proper response from Bush ought to be, "Oh yeah? You and whose army?"

See, the Canadians don't believe in spending money on an army. What's the point? The Americans are going to defend the continent anyway. Let the dumb Americans pay for it.

It only looks like Canada doesn't have an army when we're compared to the country whose military budget exceeds the next 21 countries - combined. The second and third spenders, Russia and China, together spend around $100 billion compared to America's $400 billion.

(In fact, this number is understated. The FY2005 budget is actually around $420 billion, nearly half of the global military expenditure of $950 billion. Also, still more military spending is hidden in areas like the Department of Energy.)

Because our elites generally despise Canada and worship the imperial heartland to the south, we're under constant pressure to compare our military spending to America's. But that's like comparing your biceps to Manfred Hoeberl's and feeling inadequate.

Let me say it one more time for those (i.e. the entire staff at FOX) who haven't yet heard: Canada is sixth in spending in NATO. Based on our small population, we spend quite a bit on our military.

Canada does need to decide what our military's purpose should be. This will guide how much money we spend and on what. However, it's nonsense to think that Canada could somehow defend the world's second largest country from a population of 30 million. To get a better sense of the history of Canada's military, you could do worse than read Desmond Morton's engaging book Understanding Canadian Defence.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
RE: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

I hope you have your little Canadian Civil Defense helmets... because we will shoot them down over Canada if they go that route.

Vanni Fucci

Senate Member
Dec 26, 2004
8th Circle, 7th Bolgia
Re: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

tofocsend said:
(In fact, this number is understated. The FY2005 budget is actually around $420 billion, nearly half of the global military expenditure of $950 billion. Also, still more military spending is hidden in areas like the Department of Energy.)

Looks a lot like Germany, post-WWI... :twisted:


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Re: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

Vanni Fucci said:
tofocsend said:
(In fact, this number is understated. The FY2005 budget is actually around $420 billion, nearly half of the global military expenditure of $950 billion. Also, still more military spending is hidden in areas like the Department of Energy.)

Looks a lot like Germany, post-WWI... :twisted:

Vanni "The Paranoid" Fucci


New Member
Mar 2, 2005
RE: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

Yikes! EagleSmack, you're an irritating one aren't you! You should notice that we don't set out to bash the US. We're hear to discuss politics in a civilized manor. You aren't. Please leave.


Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: Declaring Canada's so

I was working under the assumption that people here already knew about this place, Andem. Good point though...there is an awful lot here besides the forums.

Speaking of that...Does Axworthy's letter to Condi Rice belong on the front page?

Mooseskin Johnny

Electoral Member
Dec 23, 2004
RE: Declaring Canada's so

The US will build it's BMD with parts from a variety of contractors who get their high techy components made where labour is cheap, like China.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Re: Declaring Canada's soveriegnty - no missle farce for us!

The US will build it's BMD with parts from a variety of contractors who get their high techy components made where labour is cheap, like China.

The US will dig its grave the same way.