Hi Jersay ,This is China. Good topic,Let me say few words.
Why are people afraid of dying ? perhaps its a big "unknown".I 'm sure that if they were convinced that they will have their friends with them ,pets ,their favour girl friend ,bar, pool table ,car. ,after they die I don't think they would be afraid of the unknown.Said1 states " fear what I do not know, I fear what i can't control. There is a difference .".
Why "control" anything? Control implies a lack of understanding of the "thing " you are trying to control . If there was an understanding , there wouldn't be a need of any control .There would be a relationship love and understanding.Parents who control their children ...do they understand them? It is a duty of a parent to love ,protect and teach their children , not to control them . Did the liberal PM's of Canada (since 1968 ) understand the people ,no they controled or tried to control the people until the western canada had enough of them and formed their own party .(Reform)Wy do people want to control their lifes ,perhaps the dont know themselfs.You can't die unless you are born ,and you cant be born unless you die.
PS. I live in China for past 4+ ys and what I long for is a cheeseburger ,but not from a fast food outlet ,no. from a truck stop ,you know ,the greasy kind , and the french fries with a thick gravy , eat and don't die.I think the Chinese food is too healthy.