With Homolka in the news again, these sorts of things always bring up the death penalty, and mixed feelings.
If there is an old thread on this subject already, I apologize, but I would like to hear views from Canadians, and non-Canadians alike around here, about their feelings on the subject.
I will start.
I am pro death penalty for capital crimes such as murder in the first degree and rape (for repeat offenders). I feel that rehabilitation has its purposes in the “criminal justice system”, but under these crimes it isn’t warranted because of the nature of the offences.
I don’t care about deterrent as the motivation for allowing these types of sentences to exist, as I’m more concerned with the idea of justice, and to me justice in these circumstances is not having to deal with those types of offenders (for 25 years and the money associated with it) and the satisfaction of knowing they don’t exist anymore and neither will the next people who commit these crimes.
Of course I support the appeal process, and I do not wish for the not guilty to be put to death for crimes they simply did not commit, and I would like to see steps included that cut that risk to nil.
If there is an old thread on this subject already, I apologize, but I would like to hear views from Canadians, and non-Canadians alike around here, about their feelings on the subject.
I will start.
I am pro death penalty for capital crimes such as murder in the first degree and rape (for repeat offenders). I feel that rehabilitation has its purposes in the “criminal justice system”, but under these crimes it isn’t warranted because of the nature of the offences.
I don’t care about deterrent as the motivation for allowing these types of sentences to exist, as I’m more concerned with the idea of justice, and to me justice in these circumstances is not having to deal with those types of offenders (for 25 years and the money associated with it) and the satisfaction of knowing they don’t exist anymore and neither will the next people who commit these crimes.
Of course I support the appeal process, and I do not wish for the not guilty to be put to death for crimes they simply did not commit, and I would like to see steps included that cut that risk to nil.