Date Trees and Flies in the Ointment: The U.S. "Capture


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Date Trees and Flies in the Ointment: The U.S. "Capture" of Saddam Hussein, Axis of Logic Commentary, December 22, 2003
By Les Blough, Editor
Dec 22, 2003, 11:15

Just after the release of the news of the alleged capture of Saddam Hussein by U.S. Troops, I spoke by telephone, with a very good friend of mine in Tehran, who served in the Iran-Iraq war. I asked him what he thought of the "capture". He replied, laughing himself, saying,

"Iranians are laughing about it. In the orchard around Saddam's hideout, the dates are on the trees!. Everyone in Iran knows that dates are harvested in the hottest part of August. The dates on the trees and the color of the trees tell us the photos of Saddam's hideout were taken in summer. This is late autumn".

My Iranian friend's assertions appear to be confirmed by no less than the United States Marine Corps, itself. Spc. Melissa Walther, reporting for the Marine Expeditionary Force in Iraq reported:

"As the hot afternoon sun blazed down from an intense, blue sky Aug. 5, military members of the Humanitarian Aid Coordination Center took part in an ancient tradition of the Middle East: the Date Harvest."

On August 11, 2003, The Coalition Joint Task Force Seven also reported their participation in the August date harvest:

"The dates are harvested every two to three days and are taken directly to the local market to be sold, or are dried in the sun and sold as an export product."

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