No offense taken at all Finder - a legitimate question I too have struggled with. And I also realize that my views are certainly not mainstream nor embraced by the masses. That's ok with me too. lolllll
When I say listen to your heart, it is precisely because I do not believe God is separate from me, nor I from It. I believe every every thing and non-thing (ideas, thoughts etc) is of God. Including us. I guess that's my definition of God. To me He/She/We are ALL OF IT.
Therefore my intuition, my senses, my emotions, my gut reactions are all the voices of God to me. Romantic? Crazy? Maybe, but yanno what? It's workin for me, and nothing I've tried on in my previous 40 odd years of searching for meaning has been able to do that for me. If this way doesn't work for you or anyone else, the beauty of it is there are many other paths from which to choose.
Mine is not a better way, it's merely another way.
My beliefs do not require me to convert you to my way of thinking, nor to condemn you for a choice you make that is different than mine. All ways lead to the same place, imo. Where else is there to go, after all? (For any who feel compelled to raise the issue of Hell, I have no faith in such ideas hahaha) The idea is simply to find YOUR way of knowing who and what God is to you, what YOUR relationship with God will be, and how you can best find significance in YOUR existence. To find some measure of satisfaction, fulfillment, purpose, connection within your life. Simple, no? lolllll
Even more simply, I suggest to you that every single time you enjoy something - whether it is a scent you attach a fond memeory to, or a spectacular sunset, or a delightfully wicked joke, or the feeling you get when you do something nice for somebody - even yourself, this is God (Love) speaking to you. Words are not necessary. Feelings are the language of the soul.
Conversely, when you feel bad, angry, sad, judgemental, guilty, etc... these are feelings associated with Not-God (Fear).... and btw, I do not equate these things with an entity such as the Devil. More aptly (to me) these feelings are associated with forgetting our own divinity and oneness with God.
But if this all sounds like hooey to you, then I also suggest you disregard it and move towards something that just plain makes sense to you first of all, and secondly helps you you KNOW what grounds you in faith.