Constant awarnes of onself.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada

Can you be aware of your thoughts , feelings from moment to moment? If not, then experiment with writing down every thought and feeling that arises throughout the day; write down your reactions of jealousy, envy, vanity, sensuality, the intentions behind your words, and so on.Spend some time before breakfast in writing them down - which may necessitate going to bed earlier and putting aside some social affair. If you write these things down whenever you can, and in the evening before sleeping look over all that you have written during the day, study and examine it without judgment, without condemnation, you will begin to discover the hidden causes of your thoughts and feelings, desires and words....Now, the important thing in this is to study with free intelligence what you have written down, and in studying it you will become aware of your own state. In the flame of self-awareness, of self-knowledge, the causes of conflict are discovered and consumed. You should continue to write down your thoughts and feelings, intentions and reactions, not once or twice, but for a considerable number of days until you are able to be aware of them instantly....Meditation is not only constant self-awareness, but constant abandonment of the self. Out of right thinking there is meditation, from which there comes the tranquility of wisdom; and in that serenity the highest is realized.Writing down what one thinks and feels, one's desires and reactions, brings about an inward awareness, the cooperation of the unconscious with the conscious, and this in turn leads to integration and understanding.
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Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
That's either brilliant, or fatuous nonsense. I'm not sure which... You continue to baffle me but, I hasten to add, it's far from disagreeable. My memory is that you once (at least once) in one of your posts said you're Baha'i; is my memory right? I have a twin sister who's Baha'i, and you sound a lot like her. I love her dearly, she is most excellent company and wherever she is there is music and laughter and joie de vivre. But I don't understand her either.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Where did you learn your perspective on Freuds analytic theory?

Let me ask you a question China...

When you speak in conversation do you construct your sentence as you're speaking or is the sentence you speak the product of unconscious conceptual assembly?

Why do we choose the particular words we use? Certainly some things like "Oh look....there's a child riding a bicycle..." for the concept of bicycle and perhaps even child (this is arguable given we don't know the persons age or if they're a midget or a dwarf) but don't you think we employ a significant number of assumptions and pre-concieved notions at a "sub-conscious" level before we actually speak?


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005

Have you noticed people spend more time preparing their outward selves for society than reinforcing their inward selves? As if dressing for a "play" or "disguise" in which to interact with others? Undiscovered and shielded.

To enter the day without preparation is inviting chaos and conflict.


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Dexter Sinister : My memory is that you once (at least once) in one of your posts said you're Baha'i; is my memory right? ____________________________________________

No Dexter,I do not belong to any man made organization .


Time Out
Jul 30, 2006
Ottawa ,Canada
Mickey DB :Where did you learn your perspective on Freuds analytic theory?

When I went into sales at the age of 15 (n Canada)I've learned that in order to make any money I have tobe organized .Writing in my "log book" everyday about my daily events became a life long habit.Obviously my "habit has nothing to do with that depressed man Freud.
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