Climate Scientists Praise Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Climate Scientists Praise Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'

WASHINGTON -(AP)- The nation's top climate scientists are giving "An Inconvenient Truth," Al Gore's documentary on global warming, five stars for accuracy.

It's time to act. Reject the lie that this is a right vs. left issue, we're all in this together and need to face it together.
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just special
May 7, 2006
not in Kansas anymore
Kyoto for Dummies-You have a messy backyard. Your neighbour has a cleaner yard. Every year you give billions to your neighbour.Your yard stays a mess and your neighbour spends your money buying things to clutter his yard.Al Gore supports this plan.The NDP and Liberals support this plan. I am so glad Harper is in poiwer.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
Pollute the hell out of the planet and let intelligent design take care of the problems.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
wallyj, I don't think you understand the Kyoto Protocol.

Let's say two people have equal-sized yards.

Person A: Yard is packed with 50 % garbage.
Person B: Yard is packed with 50 % garbage.

Person A does a good job, and reduces his garbage amount.
Person B does too, but not enough to meet his target (let's say 25 %).

Person A: Yard is packed with 10 % garbage.
Person B: Yard is packed with 40 % garbage.

Person B needs to "meet" his target of 25%, so he purchases fifteen percent of his garbage in "garbage credits" from Person A, since Person A exceeded his garbage targets by that fifteen percent. So, with this "transfer" in "garbage credits":

Person A: Yard is packed with 10 % garbage (-15 credits, to 25 %)
Person B: Yard is packed with 40 % garbage (+15 credits, to 25 %)

So, altogether, these two neighbours now have 50 % garbage between them, whereas there would have been 100 % of a yard's worth before the Protocol had started. The total amount of garbage for the neighbourhood has decreased, just as the Kyoto Protocol endeavours to make the global amount of greenhouse gas emissions decrease.


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Re: RE: Climate Scientists Praise Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth

wallyj said:
Kyoto for Dummies-You have a messy backyard. Your neighbour has a cleaner yard. Every year you give billions to your neighbour.Your yard stays a mess and your neighbour spends your money buying things to clutter his yard.Al Gore supports this plan.The NDP and Liberals support this plan. I am so glad Harper is in poiwer.
That is indeed something that should only be expoused or subjected to dummies.

Do tell though, what is Harper going to do about Global Warming. Or, should ANYTHING be done about it in your opinion?