Apparently the Chinese Head Tax which was in place for Chinese immigrants from 1885-1923 has become a hot topic within the Chinese community, especially in Vancouver.
My question is why? Why should a government of 2006 apologize for wrongs committed in the past? As for compensation, how is money going to really make these people feel better?
It is fine for the current government to say that the policy was wrong and a mistake, but an apology is a bit much. I mean, Paul Martin had nothing to do with the tax, he did not implement the Chinese Head Tax of 1885, nor the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923. Go blame Sir John A and Mackenzie King.
Besides, name a minority group that hasn't been discriminated against? I mean the world wasn't a nice place back in the day.
As for compensation, will that money really help? I could possibley seeing the Head Tax returned to those who had to pay it, but for surviving relatives, forget it. If government had to pay for every past wrong committed, we'd be bankrupt.
My question is why? Why should a government of 2006 apologize for wrongs committed in the past? As for compensation, how is money going to really make these people feel better?
It is fine for the current government to say that the policy was wrong and a mistake, but an apology is a bit much. I mean, Paul Martin had nothing to do with the tax, he did not implement the Chinese Head Tax of 1885, nor the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1923. Go blame Sir John A and Mackenzie King.
Besides, name a minority group that hasn't been discriminated against? I mean the world wasn't a nice place back in the day.
As for compensation, will that money really help? I could possibley seeing the Head Tax returned to those who had to pay it, but for surviving relatives, forget it. If government had to pay for every past wrong committed, we'd be bankrupt.