Catholicism's huge decline (everybody welcome)


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
To my understanding, organized religion as a whole is seeing a slump in attention. Churches of all stripes and colours have been trying to figure out ways to fill seats as congregations grow smaller and older.

Of course they are. As stated in one of my links, there used to be 3 out of 4 catholics attending church and now there is 1 out of 4. I don't know what makes a person a catholic if he/she doesn't keep in touch with the church. And I don't know how the church can count them when they aren't aware of them. Maybe it's wishful thinking?


disturber of the peace
I didn't say it was. I said I didn't know what constitutes attacking religion.
Ooooohhhhh. Well, I don't think this thread constitutes attacking religion. I would say that saying all Catholics suck is attacking a religion...but I wouldn't say discussing the issue we are discussing would constitute an attack. But, rightly so, I think that the constant attack on the GLBT community by the Catholic church is brutal as well, and I would hope that if anyone was posting blatantly homophobic crap and justifying it by hiding behind the bible would be dealt with in the same way that someone who is "attacking" catholocism would be dealt with.


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
Ooooohhhhh. Well, I don't think this thread constitutes attacking religion. I would say that saying all Catholics suck is attacking a religion...but I wouldn't say discussing the issue we are discussing would constitute an attack. But, rightly so, I think that the constant attack on the GLBT community by the Catholic church is brutal as well, and I would hope that if anyone was posting blatantly homophobic crap and justifying it by hiding behind the bible would be dealt with in the same way that someone who is "attacking" catholocism would be dealt with.

In a perfect world snfu73. I can't say anything more at the moment.


disturber of the peace
Your confusing the heck out of me lieexpsr. I dunno what's going on...and what the top secret stuff is all about. No one told me the handshake...I don't know the passcode...I dunno what's going on. But, hey...have it your way...we shall end the conversation at that.


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
Your confusing the heck out of me lieexpsr. I dunno what's going on...and what the top secret stuff is all about. No one told me the handshake...I don't know the passcode...I dunno what's going on. But, hey...have it your way...we shall end the conversation at that.

Look snfu, how about you carrying the ball for me. You can say anything you want about any religion you hate or like or dislike or whatever. If you have negative thoughts on any religion you can rest assured that I will concur wholeheartedly. Me, I have been instructed to not attack religion and I have yet to figure out what ........ thinks is an attack


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
Well....who has instructed you? Have you asked them why? Is there a specific post you can point to? Are you attacking religion? And if you aren't, then does it matter what someone else thinks? And if someone wants to kick you out because of

I'll send you a private message. I don't know if they are really all that private or not but I'll take a chance.


Jun 23, 2006
snfu. lieexpsr said something (i'm not sure what) that was considered an attack on religion. One of the mods told him off and now he's being all funny about it, pretending he doesnt know where the line is. Either that or he really doesnt know.


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
snfu. lieexpsr said something (i'm not sure what) that was considered an attack on religion. One of the mods told him off and now he's being all funny about it, pretending he doesnt know where the line is. Either that or he really doesnt know.

Actually herman, I really don't honestly know. If we looked at the crap that was flying around here a few days ago when I arrived it would be hard to imagine that anything was agaisnt the rules. Check it out if you don't believe me.

But that's o.k. because I don't have to say anything more on religion right now.


Jun 23, 2006
i've been here some time now, and i'm aware of people who have been here for years. they all seem aware of where the lines are. It's really no different to real life. the normal rules of politeness apply.


Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
i've been here some time now, and i'm aware of people who have been here for years. they all seem aware of where the lines are. It's really no different to real life. the normal rules of politeness apply.

If I was a child molester would the rules be the same for me? The child molester who was just released from jail after serving 20 years is having his picture shown on t.v. so people can identify him and harass him. Of course it's also possible that people have to know who he is so they can protect their children because this guy is likely to strike again. Does this guy deserve to have the same rights as the rest of us in society.

Now think of the rights of an atheist. Should an atheist have the same rights of free speech as a Christian. If an Christian was verbally attacked by an atheist would the CHristian have a right to tell everyone about that attack and keep telling people to embarass the atheist.

Theoretically the answer to both questions is yes but the answer may not be yes to both questions in a Christian's mind. You see, that's where the difficulty lies. You Christians can go on for years without being questioned if you call down non-believers, as you have just stated. Does that help you to understand?

A young woman in her 20's went to see her mother one day to tell her mother that se was an atheist. Upon breaking the news, her mother screamed: AAAAHhhhhhhhhhhh, not an atheist! You could have just stopped believing in god but not an a-theist!!!


Jun 23, 2006
If I was a child molester would the rules be the same for me? The child molester who was just released from jail after serving 20 years is having his picture shown on t.v. so people can identify him and harass him. Of course it's also possible that people have to know who he is so they can protect their children because this guy is likely to strike again. Does this guy deserve to have the same rights as the rest of us in society.

Now think of the rights of an atheist. Should an atheist have the same rights of free speech as a Christian. If an Christian was verbally attacked by an atheist would the CHristian have a right to tell everyone about that attack and keep telling people to embarass the atheist.

Theoretically the answer to both questions is yes but the answer may not be yes to both questions in a Christian's mind. You see, that's where the difficulty lies. You Christians can go on for years without being questioned if you call down non-believers, as you have just stated. Does that help you to understand?

A young woman in her 20's went to see her mother one day to tell her mother that se was an atheist. Upon breaking the news, her mother screamed: AAAAHhhhhhhhhhhh, not an atheist! You could have just stopped believing in god but not an a-theist!!!

nice rant.

child molesters shouldn't have their faces plastered all over the place IMO, but there are many who believe otherwise, not least ofwhom are those who can make vast amounts of cash by being the first to do it.

Atheists and christians (i am neither) should have the same rights and yes I do get annoyed when christians tell me i'm going to hell and am evil for not believing.

I understand fully thank you. Many christians believe that they can say whatever they like, but the same is true of atheists, and everyone else for that matter. It doesn't mean you can start mouthing off about it.
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Electoral Member
Feb 9, 2007
It wasn't a rant, it was sincere because I took as you really wanted to know. Now I understand that you want to hold your condescenging attitude over me to facilitate your power trip. I'll just not bother with you again for a while. You can find someone else to mouth off to now.

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
...I will drink your Macallan's on your porch and I'll bring my own ice!
Holy Cow! You'd take even The Macallan with ice? You really are an unregenerate Pharisee. :) I fully understand your being an atheist, I'm another one, despite being raised in a deeply religious household--and what a titanic struggle it was to get away from it--but there are limits. Uisge beathe in the gaelic, meaning the water of life, single malt scotch whisky, the noblest beverage ever invented by man (and it certainly *was* men, women would never have invented anything like that), is not improved by ice. Some distillates are improved by a tiny splash of spring water, but ice does nothing but damage. Actually, the best evidence I can think of that suggests there might be a god who cares about the quality of our lives is the existence of single malt scotch whisky.

p.s. I don't have a porch. I do have a shaded deck on the south side of the house though, and I'll join you there, even if you choose to poison The Macallan with ice.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
Nice Spin, Catholicism is on the rise internationally, especially in Africa.

So now you are trying to attack religion by saying its declining... you are zeroing in on 1st World Nations.

Africa, Asia has great growth in Bible-based religions... Catholicism, Christianity, overall is growing in numbers.

Living in an industrial and service based nation, people fall from religion, because they don't think they need it in their lives, where in poor nations, people need religion.

But when it comes down to death, people who have fallen from religion usually fly back..

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
Living in an industrial and service based nation, people fall from religion, because they don't think they need it in their lives, where in poor nations, people need religion.

But when it comes down to death, people who have fallen from religion usually fly back..
And what does that tell you about religion? The poor need religion and the wealthy don't? Could it be because religion promises the poor that it'll all come out even in the next life, they'll be rewarded and the wealthy will get their comeuppance? And why would people facing death go back to religion? Maybe because they're uncertain and afraid and religion makes certain promises about the next life? None of that's an argument in favour of belief, it's just wishful thinking with no basis in reality.


Council Member
Feb 3, 2007
DexterSinister, people in rich nations need God/religion just as much as people in poor nations.

What I was trying to point out is.. rich nations usually have the same belief of something more as poor nations. But they are not as devoted as poor nations.. they are preoccupied with so many things in this rich nation that they put God and religion on the back burner.

That being said, I will be the first one to say, people in rich naiton put God and religion on the back burner and don't prioritize God/religion as much as poor nations. But I will say, when it comes down to this, the stats where people believe in something more and a God and a religion are the same across the board.. but many people are not attending churches anymore.

Which is not good IMO, but thats my religious opinion... So thats what I meant.

But atheists and religion-haters, will twist and spin info by saying Catholicism has lost believers.. when its actually lost attendance, and registered members. Because.. many people are taking church out of their lives, and having religion with-in-themselves.

In rich nations, they cut out the priority of fellowship and church as big factors in religion, and think they can believe and stay close to God, without fellowship and the church.

Thats what my point is.. rich nations are not prioritizing the church and religious fellowship in their religious pursuasion.

But where in poor nations, the church and fellowship is a survival factor in their lives.