Chevron Boycott
Just recently Chevron announced that they have made another record profit. I think that it's time we sent them a message.
Like most everyone else, I'm frustrated by the amount of money that the oil companies are charging for gasoline. As these companies cheerfully announce record profit after record profit, we hear the same old line from them: “Sorry, but we can’t help it; it’s just ‘Supply and Demand’”. The truth is that they could charge any price they wanted to, and we have little choice but to pay up.
Granted that we should be buying cars that get better gas mileage, using public transport whenever we have the choice, and doing anything else we can to cut gas consumption. But nothing can justify the right that the oil companies think they have to gouge us. So what can we do about it?
It's simple really, we use the old strategy of divide and conquer. Here is how we can do it:
Starting on June 1st, we boycott Chevron gas stations. Buy your gas anywhere you want, but not at Chevron. We will boycott them for one week. If by the end of the week they haven’t lowered their gas price by 10% at the service stations in your home town, then boycott them for another week, and continue to boycott them until they comply with your wishes. It’s simple; it’s just “Supply and Demand”.
After we have convinced Chevron to lower their prices, and have lifted our boycott on them, we will get organized, and target the next Major that has recently bragged about their huge profits.
So let’s do it! Tell everyone in your family; tell your friends; tell the people at work; tell the people you buy your groceries from. Talk it up in the coffee shop. Phone in the talk shows; call Larry King, and let him know about our plan. Use the internet; it’s the most powerful tool for democracy ever invented. Do anything you can think of to get the word out. As consumers, we’re the people who really control the market. If we can speak in one voice, we might just be loud enough to get heard, and if we act together, perhaps we can bring one of these corporate giants to their knees.
Good luck to all of us in this endeavor.