Can You Hear the Prison Gates Clang?


Electoral Member

Can You Hear the Prison Gates Clang?


James Bredin

Can you hear the prison gates clang?
Not a chance for this political gang,
Forget your Adscam premonitions,
Not for these corrupt politicians.

They’ll soon announce that it’s a bore,
Like Somalia and Krever before,
And expensive too because of the costs,
Close it down now because they’ve heard lots.

They’re immune to doing time in jail,
Their appointees would certainly prevail,
They own the status quo, didn’t you know?
Appointees on a quid pro quo.


Forget those many missing millions,
Mismanagement among those civilians,
Though some money did go into foundations,
But that secret and no more allegations.

This is close to discussing religion,
Like a conversation with a pigeon,
They are programmed to never change,
So don’t even think that this is strange.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Electoral Member

Adscam, Gomery, Sponsorship Inquiry


James Bredin

Funneled funds to their Francophonie friends in Quebec,
Adscam, sponsorship, Gomery inquiry if you check,
Liberal corruption seeped deep into organization,
Plus furtive funds stashed steep still in secret foundations.

“Canadian values,” they said in their propaganda,
Pay attention to Darfur, Somalia and Uganda,
Overlook scandal, patronage, theft and corruption,
But don’t do, think, say or vote that might cause disruption.

Sneaky secret slush funds slid here and there, everywhere,
To their friends under the table with a wing and a prayer,
No invoices or contracts; it was just word of mouth,
Because they could trust each other not to blabbermouth.

Therefore there was no documentation or paper trail,
Investigators were and are still blind, using Braille,
And democracy had no input when thieves were at large,
It was a one-party state where they were in charge.

Confrontational issues were easily solved,
Their abortion or same-sex issues just evolved,
Because it’s in the Charter and don’t disturb the status quo,
Equalization too in the Charter or didn’t you know.

Complacent lazy dithering corrupt politicians,
Think referendums would interfere with their conditions,
And after a while they start to believe their own lies,
While they say they’re not the same as those adscam guys.

Friday, March 25, 2005


Electoral Member

What is a Canadian?


James Bredin

A Canadian is a witness to the passing parade,
Of new arrivals now that hockey has been delayed,
Drive nice cars but have pious pompous politicians,
Bobbing and weaving in adscam inquiry conditions.

But few have the courage to point out colossal flaws,
In front of fierce propaganda and political applause,
As we heard how they paid and spend the adscam ransom fee,
Sponsorship money for fear of Referendum Three,

Because only Quebec can have a referendum vote,
The rest of the country is quiet reverend and remote,
And Quebec gets billions more called equalization,
No one can find the missing billions hidden in foundations.

As they scream we’re doing great at the United Nations,
Among tin pot dictators and American frustrations,
Where Kyoto is king and left wing activists score,
Where common sense is seldom allowed on the floor.

Canadians watch as their prime minister is selected,
Not by them but by a political party elected,
And then he selects his friends to be senators and judges,
And no questions are allowed and not even grudges.

The prime minister does not depend on the people to stay,
They are just remote distant and very far away,
He then travels the world – every country twice,
For no apparent reason regardless of the price.

Sunday, March 27, 2005


Electoral Member

We Deserve the Politicians We Get


James Bredin

We deserved the Liberal politicians that we got,
And now we see the light and they may finally get caught,
At the adscam hearings -- how they manipulated money,
Though still declaring ethics and honesty – not funny.

The arrogance of these Liberals was hard to behold,
We used to have a soul which they sold out for our gold,
Our taxpayers’ money manipulated back to their accounts,
Millions missing and no one knows the exact amounts.

Their self confidence and delusions of grandeur so great,
Stuck in their status quo without referendums or debate.
Their list of scandals came like water under a bridge,
Or food gone rotten after a month in an old fridge,

And although I’m not a prophet I’ll make a prediction,
That none of them will go to jail or get a conviction,
We’ll have an election and a Quebec referendum,
To change things around and get out of this conundrum.

You’ll read about this in the papers as time goes by,
You can then think back and say, who was that poet guy?
Who could read the hidden handwriting on the wall,
At a time when the Liberals still pretended to walk tall.

As their Red Book and stained ethics came home to roost,
And we realized that we were the voters they seduced,
And still they hardly notice as they travel here and there,
And each and everyone acts like he/she’s a millionaire.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


New Member
Apr 6, 2005
I don't believe anyone will serve any jail time, and I think the liberals will win another minority when we have another election. Ontario voters are just too pathetic to do otherwise.


Council Member
Mar 21, 2005
Tesroc said:
I don't believe anyone will serve any jail time, and I think the liberals will win another minority when we have another election. Ontario voters are just too pathetic to do otherwise.

Of course no one will serve jail time, except maybe some sacrificial lamb. Certainly not the top officials of the Liberal party who orchestrated this scam. I'm waiting for the civil suit against the Liberal party to recover this money..... filed by Canadian Taxpayers Federation??

That could really cripple them financially for the next couple elections. :x


Executive Branch Member
Jan 7, 2005
"filed by Canadian Taxpayers Federation?? "

One of the few organizations who actually speak for tax payers.


Senate Member
Mar 8, 2005
Kamloops BC
I wish they had more teeth though!I fully support them suing the ass of the Libs.Its about time somebody knocked them of their high horse


Electoral Member
Mar 28, 2005
Whitby, Ontario
Why didn't we sue the Conservative of the 80's? They were far worse then the Liberals of today.

First of all get off your high horse and start to realize that these Liberals are far worse than any other government much less the Conservative party of the 80's. That was over 20 years ago.

Why don't you join the rest of us into the 21st century?

You're always trying to derail the topics. Adscam is about the Liberals, not about what happened 20 years ago. It's happening today.

Having said that, I completely understand that you have no real rebuttal since these crimes are undefendable.


New Member
Apr 4, 2005
Adscam is about organized crime and the fleecing of Canadians. This time it happens to be Liberals.


Electoral Member

If We Had a Feminist Supreme Court Judge


James Bredin

If we had a feminist Supreme Court judge, how would we know?
We’re not allowed to ask questions and there is no quid pro quo,
And would this really matter if you ended up in her court?
Or would she, could she, look down at you as a devious dork?

Because this is the way the system was designed,
By Trudeau and Chretien with many of their friends combined,
They called it the Charter but with no property rights,
And their media screamed it was great from the lofty heights.

There is no public input in their government decisions,
It’s party policy, no free votes and no revisions,
No referendums, recall and we could be in dire straits,
Without election dates, term limits or public debates.

No proportional representation for this proud crowd,
Constitutional changes will just not be allowed,
Need seven provinces plus half the people to arrange,
But Ottawa politicians don’t want that change.

As they tax, spend, borrow and lend and cover their tracks.
And at the adscam hearings evade the facts to the max,
And appoint their friends to high places and cover their ass,
Just to make sure it’s another Shawinigan pass.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Click here for more adscam stuff
Click here for Supreme Court of Canada stuff


Electoral Member

Click here if you have some time to spare

Charter Judicial Dictatorship


James Bredin

A lot of back room consulting they say, to get that list,
Of secret appointees and no questions they insist,
American style vetting will not be allowed here,
No questions about who might be homosexual or queer.

Can’t ask about feminism or even the Lord ’s Day,
No public input into these decisions and no display,
Photograph taken, dressed in bright red gowns like lords,
What did they do or will they do to deserve these awards?

Because this Canadian system cannot be tested,
It has never been challenged and no one protested,
Supreme Court ladies are up there maybe higher than god,
Docile Canadians behave with the slightest nod.

Charter judicial dictatorship in an iron glove,
Unquestioned decisions made somewhere up above,
No referendums, no recall and just show more respect,
No term limits needed either because we’re so correct.

While politicians are busy at the Sponsorship Hearing,
Denying everything and there’s nothing worth fearing,
Because the system is perfect so we’ll have an election,
No proportional representation in this selection.

Friday, April 15, 2005


Electoral Member

Have we Gone Mentally Ill?


James Bredin

Can’t be asked if they are gay or fascist activists
Can’t be asked about fierce feminist abortionists,
Nothing will be debated or questioned or asked,
In the shrouded secret world where all appointments are masked.

You can’t have an independent thought that you might regret,
A status quo politician might think of you as a threat,
Transparency and accountability is not debated,
The media will keep the public semi sedated.

The weekly political scandal has just arrived,
Taxpayers just discovered again that they’ve been deprived,
And they’re going to enforce and impose same-sex stuff soon,
Teach it in the schools by tomorrow or Friday afternoon.

These crazy decisions that come down from up above,
You are forbidden to be disgusted so just think of love,
And if the country is not completely mentally ill,
If you too stick around long enough, you too certainly will.

And referendums and recall have been forever banned,
Except in Quebec where they have a Francophonie band,
And soon they are going to have Referendum Three,
To flee from Ottawa mad bourgeoisie that they see.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

E-mail the guy who wrote it...

click here to Fix Canada


Electoral Member

It’s Canadians Who are to Blame


James Bredin

Never underestimate an arrogant Liberal despot,
Evidence that has turned the Adscam into a hotspot,
They’re going to form a commission to put things right,
Appoint a friendly commissioner in the dark of night.

They say the real enemy is separatists in Quebec,
So they misplaced a few billion but that’s not much if you check,
They have moral duty to govern forever, they claim,
And if something goes wrong they can’t take the blame.

And same-sex stuff and Kyoto is the only way to go,
Maybe teach it in the schools so the kids will all know,
They’ll increase foreign aid to nearly one per cent of GDP,
We’ll feel good about our taxes, this they’ll guarantee.

Chretien refused to touch his Charter or Constitution,
Went for Kyoto instead because of pollution,
And what’s an annual scandal just between friends?
That’s the way Ottawa runs with these Liberal trends.

How could you come to think that they are to blame?
Corruption and status quo held us together just the same,
And disgraced politicians might not mean that much,
It’s Canadians who are to blame for being out of touch.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

E-mail the guy who wrote it...