Bush personnally authorized and signed 9-11.


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
I don't know,and I don't agree with it.....If you want to exchange barbaric acts that have happened in the last week,month,year,etc. that have been committed by your people against any group,religion,idealogy or whatever,I am game. Last week(not 9 years ago) in vancouver a muslim man smashed 9 gay people in the head with a hammer (Where were you?).This week(not 9years ago) muslims executed two female canadian aid workers for helping women. This week(not 9 years ago) a muslim man was found with a pound of cyanide. Yesterday(not 9 years ago) a saudi,muslim of course,cut out his daughters tongue and set her on fire,she is dead. He was part of their Virtue and Vice Police. Shall I go on? Go to www.thereligionofpeace.com ,for more. Do you really want to argue this point? Canadians are kept in the dark by our 'multi-cultural ' liberal press. I am not. Why did you bring up a racial incident above anyways? I will explain once more to you,ISLAM IS NOT A RACE,it is a death cult posing as a religion. Do you need bigger letters to understand? And your prophet,Mohammed,married a six year-old,popped her cherry at the ripe age of nine,and your people worship him,enough said.
Today 12:30 AMwallyj
Quoting quandary121Only a racist would pull random newspaper articles,off the web, into a discussion to show that Muslims are bad,i probably could find some with White supremacists who have done something easily as terrible ,or a skinhead, or a National front member.very week evidence of your jihadists
Then find one, apologist

HERE where you asked me too show you proof of a racists .

Do you really want to argue this point? Canadians are kept in the dark by our 'multi-cultural ' liberal press. I am not. Why did you bring up a racial incident above anyways?

No like is said to you it is you who are bringing this into the thread

I will explain once more to you,ISLAM IS NOT A RACE,

I know this fool
it is a death cult posing as a religion

And your prophet,Mohammed,married a six year-old,popped her cherry at the ripe age of nine,and your people worship him,enough said.
My answer to you is that regardless of the age of the man concerned because that is not the issue.the issue is "WOULD HE . Have done it.!! Having Many "wife's",any would of sufficed for the carnal earthy thoughts,of men..! several "wife's" were "widows", more of his "wife's" were married because it would bring them fortune, by being married again ,.! Higher "standing"(not a sitting down woman in regards to her well being. ) Somebody who gained "respect " "1400 years ago," in the community where she "lived" .!!!"He had enough Religious "merit "as "Jesus" in "my Opinion" same as Jesus would have had, Did jesus not have children..?Has this been "PROVED YET" in these text.that women wrote would that not be the case so "WHO knows" would you now concede that he too had many followers, and "concubines" ,Many of jesus's followers were "women", and their testomanys were striped from "RECORDS". leaving" Christian" ,"Jewish" with just "mens statutes ".and "recordings" your little prospective on the whole Religious Interpretations are limited by your unwillingness to see something" OTHER" then how you see it so you therefore revert back to your fight flight reflex and take the easy way for you because your minds made up and you bite before you get bit because you don't understand that your idea is wrong because it goes against your safety,so rather then run away from the issue you Attack it..!!!! :angryfire::angryfire::angryfire:



Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
Oh yea one more thing wallyj Im White CHRISTIAN not a muslim,so all your snide remarks of your prophet are pointless,and show that it is your contempt of me not the issue spoken about you bend your bias because its me answering you


Electoral Member
Jun 30, 2008
Ohau, Hawaii
thats a relief, i'll admit that it still gets me from time to time tho. like sometimes, i dont mean to, but i'll stare into it, and cant look away like it has me under its creepy spell, like something from the twilight zone...........yes, i have problems


Time Out
Apr 20, 2008
thats a relief, i'll admit that it still gets me from time to time tho. like sometimes, i dont mean to, but i'll stare into it, and cant look away like it has me under its creepy spell, like something from the twilight zone...........yes, i have problems

I tell you what you must do enter this thread Stop It!!


Posts: 4,790

August 13th, 2008, 03:19 PM

Sage advice from Bob Newhart

you will have to wait while he sees his first patient
DO what he says ok and this problem will cease
