Another smoking gun of controlled demolition

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Absolute proof the Tinfoil Hat crew are not at all interested in actual facts, just their own twisted conspiracy theories.

NOT ONE has stepped forward to debate the post above, despite its being first posted by SassieLassie, and re-posted by me, and sitting out there awaiting a challenge for DAYS.

COME ON guys.

Don't hold your breath Colpy, the commanding face you possess may turn purple.

Logic 7

Council Member
Jul 17, 2006
I noticed you failed to address the following, originally posted by wonders WHY?

Will you run away again?

None of this is factual, there was huge explosion before each collapse wich resulted a 2.1 and 2.3 earthquake registered by university of columbia, which has broke the bottom of the buildings before each collapse.

here is the proof.

Wtc 7 was destroyed by explosives, the fact that the building fell faster than free fall speed, and the fact that the leaseholder admitted to have controlled demolish the building on a pbs documentary called america rebuild.

here is the proof

"Pull it"

and this is the proof of what "pull it" means

Just right there , i just proved that popular mechanics are a total joke just like you colpy and sassylassie, the rest of what you say is irrelevent to the discussion , since the thread is about controlled demolition, still i could easily debunked everything you posted, but instead start a new thread.


Nominee Member
Nov 1, 2006
Absolute proof the Tinfoil Hat crew are not at all interested in actual facts, just their own twisted conspiracy theories.

NOT ONE has stepped forward to debate the post above, despite its being first posted by SassieLassie, and re-posted by me, and sitting out there awaiting a challenge for DAYS.

COME ON guys.

You bleat just a bit too much. I have replied to this post, but it is held up pending approval by a moderator.


Custom Troll
Sep 24, 2006
I already posted this in the WTC thread, but perhaps I should post it here to.

All the questions were answered in the episode titled "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" on South Park.

The US government is feeding this conspiracy to prove they did it to keep the sheeople in the belief that the government is in full contol 24/7/52.


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
You bleat just a bit too much. I have replied to this post, but it is held up pending approval by a moderator.

There is nothing in the moderator section about this. If it was it isn't right now. You may want to try it again.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
What would change if the conspiracy theorists ideas were true? Would all those people killed in this tragic event rise from the dead? Would the hundreds of thousands that have died around the world be restored to health and vitality?

Would America pardon Timothy McVeigh?

The Project Man

Liquer'd Up & Lash'n Out!
Aug 22, 2006
What would change if the conspiracy theorists ideas were true? Would all those people killed in this tragic event rise from the dead? Would the hundreds of thousands that have died around the world be restored to health and vitality?

Would America pardon Timothy McVeigh?

Maybe there would be a stop to it all?


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
That would be marvellous but do you think it's a realistic idea?

Timothy suggested that a cadre of highly placed lobbyists and plain corrupt politicians were not only prepared to wage war on the American people but had actively demonstrated this preparedness vis a vis Waco and Ruby Ridge....among other examples of course.

My question is even if there was a controlled demolition does anyone really expect that we'd see a significant change in the reality of Afghanistan and Iraq? If some deranged group of American's was responsible for the tragedy of 9/11 (and this could be proven) aren't we well beyond prioritizing our concerns with "damage control"?

What could realistically be anticipated as the most likely reaction to the proof of "inside" culpability playing a role in this horrendous event? Civil war?


A Truth Soldier
Oct 13, 2005
Nova Scotia, Canada
See"Technical Question on WTC Collapse" Thread


1. Fwd: Focussed micro-nukes were used on 9/11

Posted by: "Toby" tobyblyza

Wed Nov 8, 2006 1:46 pm (PST)

The ONLY solution is to enforce The Plan and reinstate God¹s Perfect
Laws of Liberty:- http://jahtruth. net/plan. htm

http://thewayhomeor facethefire. info/

--- In Strait_Truth@ yahoogroups. com, "Mathias" <matt_labudzki@ ...>

For evidence regarding the use of focussed micro-nukes on 9/11 go
http://thebirdman. org/Index/ Temp/Temp- ThermonuclearDev ice&911-MW. htm
<http://thebirdman. org/Index/ Temp/Temp- ThermonuclearDev ice&911-
The article is pasted below: Evidence of fusion devices at the WTC:

1. pulverization of 99% of concrete into ultra fine dust as recorded
official studies. Concrete dust was created instantly throughout the
towers when the fusion device million degree heat rapidly expanded
vapor in the concrete floors.

2.. Superheated steels ablating (vaporizing continuously as they
as seen in video clips of the towers collapsing. This requires
temperatures roughly twice that of thermate.

3. 22 ton outer wall steel sections ejected 200 meters into the
garden. Cutting charges cannot provide the energy required.

4. 330 ton section of outer wall columns ripping off side of tower.
Cutting charges cannot provide energy required.

5. Molten ponds of steel at the bottom of elevator shafts (WTC1,
WTC7) Thermate is impractical for lower level demolition due to the
thickness of the 47 steel columns.

6. The spire behavior (stands for 20-30 seconds, evaporates, goes
steel dust remains)

7. Sharp spikes in seismograph readings (Richter 2.1 and 2.3)
at the beginning of collapse for both towers. Short duration and high
power indicate explosive event.

8. A press weighting 50 tons disappeared from a basement floor of
Towers and was never recovered from debris.

9. Wide area electrical outage, repairs took over 3 months. Fusion
devices cause EM pulse with Compton Effect.

10. Fires took 100 days to extinguish despite continuous spraying of
water. Thermate would cool down much faster.

11. Brown shades of color in the air due nuclear radiation forming
sulfuric acid. TV and documentary footage changed the color balance
blue to disguise this fact indicating complicity in the coverup.

12. Elevated Tritium values measured in the WTC area but not
in New York. Official studies stated that 8 EXIT signs from two
commercial Boeing jets were responsible. This is why the "no
planes" line of inquiry is very important and should not be ignored
attacked. It can provide conclusive proof of fusion devices and
therefore US/Israeli military involvement.

13. Pyroclastic flow observed in the concrete-based clouds. Only
with volcanic eruptions and nuclear detonations. Jim Hoffman
unfortunately missed this obvious observation in his papers.

14. Huge expanding dust clouds 5 times the volume of the building
indicating extreme levels of heat generated far in excess of
demolition explosives.

15. Rubble height was some 10% of the original instead of 33%
in a traditional demolition. Fusion device removal of underground
central steel framework allowed upper framework to fall into this
space and reduce the rubble height.

16. No survivors found, except some firefighters in one corner
pocket in
the rubble who looked up to see blue sky above them instead of being
crushed by collapsing debris. Upward fusion flashlight beam of
destruction missed this pocket but removed debris above firemen.

17. 14 rescue dogs and some rescue workers died far too soon
to be attributed to asbestos or dust toxins (respiratory problems
due to
alpha particles created by fusion that are far more toxic)

18. Record concentrations of near-atomic size metal particles found
dust studies due to ablated steel. Only possible with fusion.

19. Decontamination procedure used at Ground Zero (hi-pressure water
spraying) for all steel removed from site. Water spraying contains
fusion radiactivity.

20. No bodies, furniture or computers found in the rubble, but intact
sheets of paper covered the streets with fine dust. Items with
significant mass absorbed fusion energy and were vaporized while
did not. Paper and Powder theory.

21. 200 000 gallon sprinkler watertanks on the roofs of WTC1 and
but no water in the ruins. Heat of fusion devices vaporized large
reservoirs of water.

22. reports of cars exploding around the WTC and many burned out
could be seen that had not been hit by debris. Fusion energy blast
EM pulse caused electrical components in cars to explode and burn
vehicles far from WTC site.

23. EM pulse was recorded by broadcast cameras with high quality
electronic circuitry. This occurred at the same time as the seismic
peaks recorded by Lamont Doherty during the beginning of the
This is due to the Compton Effect and resulted in a large area power
outage at the WTC.

I sincerely hope that you will help me refine this hypothesis using
expertise in the field of fusion. Statistical probability would
that this long list of evidence cannot be easily dismissed and in
provides the solution to the WTC demolitions.

I would also appreciate your comments on my seven laws of science in
911 Eyewitness DVD in order to improve our presentation.

Please feel free to use any segments from our DVD in your

I would also like to take this opportunity to invite you and other
scholars to speak in Washington DC this Sept. 11 anniversary and have
your grievances redressed as is your constitutional right according
the first amendment. Your presence at the Capital would certainly
make a
significant statement to those who have the power to change the
state of affairs.

Best regards,

David Shaw
911 Eyewitness
http://www.911eyewi truth/index. php?
name=News&file= article&sid= \
<http://www.911eyewi truth/index. php?
name=News&file= article&sid\
=61> [http://www.acebaker .com/KingdomCome /Tower%20Explode s.jpg]
<http://www.metacafe .com/watch/ 31046/video?
rd=60796c939786c17a edae20c471\
957afe30378bba43756 bfa> volcano-like eruption --can not be explained
away by "pancaking floors"
[http://www.acebaker .com/KingdomCome /mushroom. jpg]
<http://www.checkthe evidence. com/video/ 911/Prof% 20Steve%20Jones%
09-11%20Scientific% 20%26%20Ethical% 20Questions% 20-%20Feb% 201%
tremendous thermic upward surge--volcano- like----thermite alone can
hardly provide this amount of energy---a focussed mini-nuke (fusion)
can. israel (reported by vanunu) has pursued the minimization of
fusion-warheads/ devices (down to 0.01 kts) for a long time---as well
the u.s.

--- End forwarded message ---


A Truth Soldier
Oct 13, 2005
Nova Scotia, Canada
29 September 2006
The Top September 11 Conspiracy Theories

Wow..what a piece of crap post that would take way to long to point all the lies...but the pull it one is great....He told them to pull the building down.....There was no...airplane, luggage, seats,fuselage,bodies, or anything else from a plane at the pentagon.....take a look at the picture where the man is standing beside that small little engine...thats the only solid piece ever found.that engine is just the right size for a cruise misslie....the jet engine from the supposed airplane were supposed to be nine feet high....wheres the huge landing gears..I could go on for ever..only idiots believe the government and media...