About Doomsday

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Doomsday will happen inevitably in its due time stated by God Almighty, and if anyone doubts this, let him see the stones and rocks of the meteorites and the asteroids which are the remnants of destroyed planets in the past.
But the disbeliever denies Doomsday and the Hereafter so that he may allow himself to do wrong and to follow his lusts without restriction.
What is Doomsday?

This soora 75 of the Quran speaks about Doomsday:

Soora 75

(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
(1. No, but I [: God] swear by the Doomsday!
2. And no, but I [: God] swear by the 'censuring soul' [: the Comforter: the Mahdi!]
3. Does man [: the denier of the sending forth to the Next Life] deem that We cannot recollect his [rotten] bones?
4. Yes, indeed; We are Able even to restore [the prints of] his fingertips.
5. But man d aims [from his denying the sending of souls to the Next Life] to go on as a profligate.

6. He questions [with denial]: "When will Doomsday take place!?")

The explanation of these ayat and the rest of the soora 75 here:

And here is the recitation of this great soora 75 of the Quran