Re: RE: Abortion don't favour life .....
fuzzylogix said:
Cannot and do not agree, Cosmo.
8) You mean *gasp* we might have a sane debate about this? What a treat!
Unfortunately, abortion is used by too many people as a quick fix. Have you ever seen an aborted fetus, ripped to shreds?
Fuzzy, it
is a quick fix to a complex problem. Adding a child to the mix when someone isn't stable does nothing for that child.
As for seeing an aborted fetus ... well, not up close and personal, but I have seen pictures. I stand by my opinion that until the fetus is viable, it's not a human being. It's tissue. No prettier or uglier than an appendix ... it just carries the possibility of more potential if a myriad of conditions are met.
Ever see someone killed with a baseball bat? I have ... in person ... somebody should have aborted the one wielding the bat and done the world a favour, imho. It's ugly. And abortion isn't, unfortunately, retroactive. I bring it up to illustrate that there are lots of ugly and unfortunate things in the world. Our focus is where we choose to put it.
People who oppose abortion (in my experience) come from the place that the mother is aborting a good, kind human being. Not always so. In fact the majority of times a woman has an abortion it's because she shouldn't be raising a child anyway. Sad truth is that women who have children they don't want usually don't do a very good job raising them. Ask any person who suffers from fetal crack or alchol addiction.
I agree with the argument that women
should give up their babies for adoption. Any woman who has done this is an absolute hero in my eyes. But that is not without its own set of problems and issues. I don't think I could ever have done that ... carried a child then gave it up. In an ideal world, this would be the norm.
Can you condone a married woman who has an abortion because she only wanted three kids and now is pregnant?
How about the 23 year old who wants one because she did deliberately get pregnant but suddenly gets hired for the job she always wanted and so now doesnt want the kid?
How about the 28 year old who wasnt using any form of protection AGAIN and now for the third time wants an abortion?
Yes, yes and yes. If a woman opts to abort a pregnancy, no matter the reason, I believe she has the right. Without reservation or judgment. Personally I would never want to subject myself to that because abortion frequently leaves some pretty serious issues in its wake (coulda / woulda / shoulda), but who am I to dictate what you do with your womb?
And what about women like me who opted to never get pregnant? We just kill off the eggs at an early phase. No difference in my mind.
I recall once when I was 19 and married (short story, that is) and discovered my birth control pills were outdated. And I was late. I freaked out. Called the doctor, the shrink, the fire department ... I was in a panic. It was through no fault of my own, but I did find myself in the position where I may have had to make that decision.
Add to the mix I was drinking, doing drugs, in a marriage that lasted a whole 13 months ... not really the kind of environment to bring a child into. And I'm not the sort who could ever give up a baby. Thank all the gawds that be, I was not preggers, but if I had been, you can bet I'd have used the "quick fix".
I dont believe abortion should be used as a form of contaception. I agree we cant ban it entirely, but people have to look at it as something more than just another quick operation.
Know what? I kinda struggle with this too. Not because women are aborting a child, but because it is dangerous both physically and psychologically. There are better ways to manage procreation. There are too many folks speaking out about how awful a woman who has an abortion is ... tough on the self esteem. There are situations where a woman wants a family, but it's the wrong time. There's so many damn considerations!
I applaud the morning after pill. I did a happy dance when they came out with that. It's no different, really, than birth control pills since you have no idea whether or not you "aborted" (I hesitate to use that on a day old fetus), but it is an option for those times that every woman who has had sex with a man experiences.
I think we do have to make people consider the reality of abortion. We have to work to make people more responsible in preventing unwanted pregnancies.
I don't really understand what you mean by "the reality of abortion", but I do agree completely with your assertion that we need to help people avoid unwanted pregnancy. Education is the cure to almost any social evil, imho.
Here's a scenario. I have a friend who was originally a twin. Her mother had an abortion, but as can rarely happen, only one twin was aborted. She survived and it was too late to abort her so her mum had to have her. She is a third child in the family. How do you think she feels about her mum?
Wow, that's a crapper. I'd hate to be in either her shoes or her mother's! Gad, it's hard enough just growing up without something like that hanging between a mother and daugher. What a sad situation. I'm glad it's rare ... I have never heard of it.
I wonder, though, why the hell the mom told her???? I'm not a parent but I'm a damn good arm chair quarterback. If I had done that, I'd shut my pie hole about it. Kids don't need to know everything. That's hurtful with no benefit.
It's exactly that kind of behaviour that makes me think abortion isn't such a bad thing. A parent who would do that to a child doesn't deserve one. Read some Scott Peck ... he talks about human evil being thoughtless rather than purposeful. This is exactly the kind of thing he meant.
Of course if there were some reason the child found out, I take back my words. But still, that's a definite reason for a trip to a good shrink. Whatever the circumstances. Man, poor kid.