A concise soora

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Soora (or Quran chapter) 87 is a short soora. One can listen to it in a few minutes.

This is a recitation of this wonderful soora by an Iraqi reciter:

Here is the explanation of this great soora 87
Soora 87

(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)​
1. Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High.
2. Who creates [creatures], and makes perfectly symmetrical [their body organs.]
3. Who decrees [for them their means of livelihood], and guides [them thereto, with the mind and the instinct.]
4. And produced [from the earth] the pasture.
5. And He turns it [after being fresh vegetation] into stubble, containing [nutrient substances and remedies.]
6. We shall recite to you [the Quran by Gabriel] and you will not forget [it,]
7. Save [some revelations or ayat] which God wills [to make you forget, in order that you will not recite them to your people]; surely He knows what [words] are spoken aloud and what [secrets] are hidden [in breasts.]
8. And We shall make it easy for you, for the 'advantage and happiness' [of people.]
9. So keep on admonishing [people with the Quran]. The admonition is profitable [to him who accepts it.]
10. And he will receive the admonition, who fears [God's punishment.]
11. But the most wretched [among the disobedient] shall flout the [admonition],
12. He who shall broil in the great fire.
13. Then he will neither die therein [and get rid of the torment] nor live [and be at comfort.]

[Then God – be glorified – started to describe the believers and what He has prepared for them in the Next Life, and He said:]
14. Prosperous will be he who purifies himself [from sins and from the association.]
15. And [he] mentions the name of his Lord [when commencing his prayers] and performs [the prescribed] prayers.
16. But you [people] prefer the life of this World [to the Next.]
17. While the Next Life is better and more enduring [than this life of the World.]
18. Surely, [We mentioned all] this in the former [heavenly] scriptures:
19. The scriptures of Abraham, and [the scriptures of] Moses [: the Torah.])

More explanation by the pen of Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
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Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,