1 eye on the others open


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Lets get everyone up there in the arctic with ice breakers, breaking the ice up...Could global warming be a self fulling prophecy?...Get more into this later..


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Canada’s Northern Strategy

Arctic strategy documents

peopleandplanet.net > biodiversity > newsfile > new russian arctic park to protect key polar bear habitat

Campaigning to protect America

WWF - The Arctic - Protecting Arctic Environments

WWF - New Russian Arctic Park to Protect Key Polar Bear Habitat -

Hunted near extinction, blue whales returning to Alaska | KIDK CBS 3 - News, Weather and Sports - Idaho Falls - Pocatello - Blackfoot, ID - Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Blackfoot - Idaho | National & World News

Europe takes first step towards minerals Arctic policy to protect energy security | Environment | guardian.co.uk

anwr.org - Wildlife Protection

When it comes to resources /wildlife and the Arctic...There are many concerns to discuss ...Here are a few links to get an idea of the issues at hand...

My fear/greatest concern is the Arctic will be torn apart and used for resources with little care for anything else...Seems to be the way big business and governments work..Break up all the ice ..tear the arctic into little pieces ,split it amongst the hord till there's nothing left ..Blame the effects/consequences on global warming...

Hope leaders of Arctic council and others who have interest in the Arctic, will do what is best for ALL who live,respect and are involved/evolving in the arctic environment...

The Arctic has been called "the final frontier" ..I sure hope not! ...lets respect it ..OR ELSE!..MAMA NATURE WILL GET P.O'D!..:)
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
CTV.ca | 15 per cent of preschoolers suffer depression

Reseachers /Studies say "more young children are depressed because of their mothers ".(?)..

I thought the kids were too hyper? ..Now there's a problem with the quite ones too..?...Leave the kids alone..Depressed ,sensitive mothers .Angry,neandrathawl fathers.?.It's barbaric to use social studies to probe childrens brians inorder try to find something wrong to fix.

...They are kids..!.. Their bubblin energy factories of change,- based on genetics ,their environment ,their choices and options.It isn't mothers depressing children..It's some teachers..some socialists...a few politicians.a couple doctors...media editor .. ....NOT only the mothers ..their parents .....There are ups and downs,left and rights,in ,outs... in everyones life ,

.Life is multi-demensional, with markers to keep you based in reality(hopefully)along the way.There are many obstacles,paths to take, waves to manage...Sink , float ..balance...and sustain...Maintain..So keep it up and Over the mountains.:).After that it's all down hill .!..:)Let the kids play .Don't bother them with Social sappy news drama's that do nothing more than give depressed parents something else to worry about.Stuffm fulla drugs before school that'll helpm!
Ok Now my short answer to quiet depressed kids, mothers story ..

Sounds like everyones grumpy. Gotta go back to school.!.Falls comming !..It's wet and rainy outside.!.WAAAH!..enjoy it all for what it is..!.Tis Life !!..

It's time for kids to go back to school!.

Teachers , simply Think of quiet kids as good listeners ,and cram as much information in them as you can before they wake up..lol..I love this time of year...Yeah..yee haw !!..hipp hipp horray .!.

or in kid lingo..

hip hop hurry ,hurry , hooray...back to school ..hey ..yayha...!.?!..(or something like that::))..I no need eduction ..me not n scool no more!..lol..Have fun stewdents..!(jokin of course pupils ..please don't pick on me , bully me or steel my bike .K.):)

Give it your best..Never give it all..Enjoy what you have or you'll never know till it's gone.!!..

In a world full of negatives,gotta find that positive and ride the wave to better times ahead..!
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Health Care - Who Cares?

Michael Moore " Time to put a stake through the heart of capitalism ".....Would be a good quote if Capitalists had a heart to stake!..

Capitalists have no heart!...

Who cares about Health care ?

How many illegal immigrants in the U.S.? ..How many in the health care system?...

How many homeless people in U.S ?...How many are in the health care system..?..

How many recently unemployed people have no health care?...

Illegal immigrants are irrelevant to the real issue..

Healt care is a necessity ..There is more humanity in a public health care system.!...
There should be public health care for Americans ..ALL AMERICANS !...

Treat the people like they are respected by their country...Regardless of a their status.. Everyone should have the right to live life to the fullest .To be respected by their country .It should be a given in a 1st world country...

Illegal immigrants without healthcare ?..It's a none issue ,that does nothing more than stir up B.S. ..

It is obvious by looking at most other free,1st world countries, that public health care is obviously the best option....When it comes to health care it should be about giving the best,most effective /efficient health care possible , at the fairest price .Made more possible by a public health plan..

....It's about showing you care about your countries people not just $$$$...

Time to show some heart Republicans/Capitalists .!.Ooops , sorry, forgot ..Republican.Economists/Capitalist marketeers have no heart... If they wanted one, they would simply buy one, from someone who needs the money for their families health needs.I suppose $$$$$ is the rational behind the Republican health care stance(?)....

So Here!..Have a heart Republicans! ...That way you can have a heart attack ,go bankrupt ,and loose your health insurance..Then you might be able to understand ,that for most..Life doesn't evolve around oil and gold!..

As most can see ,given the last 10 yrs and the state of the economy..There is no middle ground!....Fair Markets always loose their heart, when self involved/self interested Republican capitalists and their blind folded followers try to take the lead!...

Only 1 way to live a full and complete life ...

In 1 Peace! ..not cut up into tiny pieces!

Peace or pieces ?



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Golden Oldies for Gold diggers

Wonder how big a gold bubble can get before it bursts?...Shouldn't put all your golden eggs in one nest ..Unless you have a young , golden egg, laying chick... Just like you shouldn't put all your golden eggs, in one, gold diggin, Easter bunnies basket ..Spread the wealth ...Don't be a greedy giant ...or a thieving Jack...Or in the future you might fall ,break your crown and Have to live off ,Bean stalk soup.Sure ,There's lot's of it,but it's an aquired taste that takes some getting used to..Variety is the spice of life.. ...OK ...OK ..enough ,for now..:)


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
1 eye on the others watching American health care

1 eye on the others watching American health care

With no public Health care option ..(Under this newBaucus "backus") bill .The weak and poor will be fined and forgotten ..It's sad political B.S....It sickens me to watch this issue unfold anymore .

The abuse tax paying slave drones have to go through in America, is unconscionable /unbearable /disheartning/disgusting .It's not only a sham but a shame .. Does America/your communitee /your neighbour care about you and yours in times of hardship ,when you need their assistance the most?..For better or worse ?

Does Uncle sam want you !? ...Apparently Only if your rich,healthy and have the $$$$ to pay for it...Otherwise you'll be fined and left to suffer out on the street ,ignored ,washed away into the gutter ,where others will eventually ,unknowingly,drink and share, in the illness of your accumulated misfortune..

How could one want to live in such a self absorbed culture ...It is unsustainable /unimaginable to me....All will suffer for their non-compassionate , self centeredness ... Should be ashamed U.S. politicians/ republican capitalists/ blind folded followers..Swallow your pride americans and give health care to all..It is the right thing to do..For the betterment of all/America as a whole.....
Drop the commi/socialism B.S..I thought all lived in a democracy in America ..I can see clearly now that this is not the case.

America is for the privileged/greedy/self serving few who will take, but will not give ..Proudly they hold themselves high ..Lifted and bolstered up by standing on the heads of the poor, lost and forgotten.. ...!...

I thought you were different Obama ..Get a back bone buddy and Lead.Stand for what you believe in.. Give a voice to those who can not be heard .That's what you were elected to do.!..

Many great empires have fallen due to disease/famine /poverty ..Let history be your conscience..So we all can have faith/prosper into the future...I am passionate about health care for all(as you can tell)...I will never change my stance on health care for all.!..A public heatlh care plan has been tried , tested and found to be the best system for all .. ..It is the only true solution .

There is no middle ground ,on health care, without a public plan ... Only high ground and rising flood waters ...Only with life boats, preservers and a plan can most/All be saved!.



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Canadian population on the rise..Thanks to 30-34 yr olds

Birth rate age of mothers on rise in : One News Page | Front Page


While the results are interesting ...I don't believe they fit the global trend results/statistics or average family income realities of women born and raised in Canada /1st world countries, where both men and women are working ..

( 1 source - common wealth by jefferey sachs (U.N) based on 2007 stats, as well as many other cultural Canadian FACTS) ...

I would add that immigration was probably the largest factor in stat canada's results..It's 1 reason we have an open door for immigration..

We still need the people ... right?

Well we'll all just have to keep working on it..Sustainably
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Little tid bits from here and there ..Not stale timbits from over over there.

Harrison-Ford.com - A Great Actor and Environmentalist - Great actor - A great man with a great cause

The moment David Miller decided not to run - Posted Toronto - Right on Toronto's Mayor Miller!Your a good man/Mayor who knows where his priorities are.Best of luck to you and yours in the future.

Torontonians can only hope/pray that the next mayor is as passionate and dedicated to Toronto's issues and it's people, as Mayor Miller is.Cheers

From Larry King - Stephen Colbert , Michael Moores been everywhere lately..Another good man with a good cause..

Michael Moore-can't wait to watch "capitalism- a love story".This movie is a must for 1 and all..Time to put an end to the greedy constantly stealing from all the good people, leaving them needing...It's obviously unsustainable ---


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Actually Harper Buying Tim Hortons for Canada was a good idea..:)..

Coffee ..donuts and hamburgers are always a good thing to invest in ...Not a healthy buy but it tastes good..


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Re - Universal health care for 1 and all - Re -Edited

Re - Universal health care for 1 and all - Re -Edited

With no public Health care option ..Under this Baucus bill .The weak and poor will be fined and forgotten ..It's sad political B.S....It sickens me to watch this issue unfold anymore .. The abuse tax paying slave drones have to go through in America, is unconscionable /unbearable /disheartning/disgusting .It's not only a sham but a shame ..
Does America/your communitee /your neighbour care about you and yours in times of hardship ,when you need their assistance the most?..For better or worse ?Does Uncle sam want you !?
Apparently Only if your rich,healthy and have the $$$$ to pay for it...Otherwise you'll be fined and left to suffer out on the street ,ignored ,washed away into the gutter ,where others will eventually ,unknowingly,drink and share, in the illness/disease of your accumulated misfortune.
How could one want to live in such a self absorbed culture? ...It is unsustainable /unimaginable to me....All will suffer for their non-compassionate , self centeredness ... Should be ashamed U.S. politicians/ republican capitalists/ blind folded followers/Spineless democrates..Find your voice Americans /shout it out.. and demand health care 4 all..It is the right thing to do.For the betterment of all/America as a whole.
Drop the commi/socialism B.S..I thought all lived in a democracy in America ..I can see clearly now that this is not the case..America is for the priveledged/greedy/self serving few who will take, but will not give ..Proudly they hold themselves high ..Lifted and bolstered up by standing on the heads of the poor ...!...I thought Obama was different ?I know he is..He's just too Nice(?)..Get a back bone man and Lead.. Give a voice to those who can not be heard .That's what you were elected to do.!
Many great empires have fallen due to disease/famine /poverty ..Let history be your conscience..So we all can have faith/prosper into the future...I am passionate about Universal health care for all...I will never change my stance on health care for all.!..A public heatlh care plan has been tried , tested and found to be the best system for all .. ..It is the only true solution .There is no middle ground ,on health care, without a public plan ... Only high ground and rising flood waters ...Only with life boats, preservers and a plan can most/All be saved!.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
American (universal)public health care option, Dead ?.Never ..It has garuanteed health care coverage.

Without an American public health care option .There is no health Care. Only a mandatory insurance option for high risk people?

How many unworkable/ineffecient/superficial insurance options does one country need?It's all about self centered /ignorant greed.

A bill with no public health care option has no teeth ,but the public do and will ,eventually see through all this B.S...

Those who do not stand 4 the rights/health/freedom/necessities/promises they were elected 2 stand 4, by their trusting public/4 real change/ 4 what they truly believed in will get bit in the *end(*ass).

Say what you mean ..Mean what you say..Stand for what you truly believe in and it is possible..

Peace ..Yes we can.!


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Where words and numbers lie

Where words and numbers lie..

Some professionals(?)like to use /misuse, words and numbers, polls and stats . To(o) often abuse and confuse true facts, through often meaningless, heated debate , rants and raves and other guided /misguided litterary attacks.Where words and numbers lie..
Why do they do it?.If it's not for good.Not for truth.Is it simply to win?..Simply for fun?..For the Team.Just for 1 ?.. It seems to me, that it would be for little, if nothing more, then for their own self absorbed self interests, an ego and surreality far past over blown .It's mostly little more then word smithing and number games ,based on little more than an over priveledged,undeserved education ,overkilled exageration, add in 1 vivid, eccentric imagination.And There you have it....?....Take it ,believe it , or Better left to leave it . Where words and numbers lie.
If not for good..If not for truth ,or a greater understanding .If it's not to find a better way,then for what(?), must be understood . It must be for few,for 1,for $$$.(?) Might as well be for none..No one..Cuz in the end it will be all for nothing......Where words and numbers lie..
Self absorbed self interest, over inflated, over blown ,ready to burst egos addicted to instant self gratification . An unsatisfied ,unsatisfiable, perverse,uncontrollable urge for the almighty $$$, force fed by pure greed, drives this sick and twisted agenda, this propaganda ,bogus hype.Where words and numbers lie..
The truth will call out first to those who abuse their good conscience and their falsely found , undeserving power.It will Try to turn wrongs right.Try to set them free. Where words and numbers lie..
Those who create fear and falsities for nothing more than money/greed .Ones who carelessly twist ,distort good words /numbers of fact into their own choosen deeply desired acts .Give false claims of understanding, well Knowing full well where the truth is still standing.They are not Ignorant .They are Arrogant , or maybe both!..For Apparently they are unaware ,lost,tied up in knots ,or just don't care .Blind to the fact that only the truth, truly succeeds, and will proceed forever forward , to become the future.Never will get caught up,cut up or lost, in the" everyone for themselves" chaos..!Where words and numbers lie..
For now, the self serving /self proclaming ,educated ignorant, will hold their degree's and deceipt up high in their hands, as if in victory over their wrongs.Lost and tied up in Falsities of which they defiantly /confidently created/manufactured and continue to Play out ,for no purpose but to promote and deviously advertise their own, and too often others, eventual /unsustainable demise. Yet through it all ,the think and thin, to the end and far beyond,the truth is still strong, and yes still there .Where words and numbers lie.
The ones who hold deceipt up high , do not care ,will always fall. They will be buried, with unbearable lies, unable to withstand the weight of it all .. Dishonest, Discredited, untrustworthy ,abandoned ,discarded, left alone,disregaurded,left be.For what only they would dare to call , honest progress.Was not ,is not ,will not or ever be..
The others ,the proven honest and true, will make right ,will uncover ,correct ,rediscover the truth..A truth that always calls to them , finds them ,sometimes burdens ,even pleads with them ,to make it be known.To make it be known it is still strong,never wrong,always there . It survives to shine an ever lasting light, through the never more then near perfect storms .Where words and numbers lie ..
The truth, was there,is there ,will always be there ,to guide us through the turbulent times.In the best or worst of times.It will help us get Over ,lend a hand out of, the mistakes we all make, sometimes.So none need be left behind .Where words and numbers lie!

Or what ever .!

Over and out there from here ..

Peace ..


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Chalk river update

CTV News | Price tag to repair Chalk River $70M: AECL

Privatize old broke down nuclear reactors?

Sell them to the U.S. ?

..It's kinda Like sellin an ol car..or rentin an ol run down room to an aquintance or anyone, and tellin them to check and fill the fluids under the hood...Or make sure to clean their room ,wash the sheets when they get dirty, .Once it's sold /rented.Why should the new tentants/owners listen to the OL' owner.? Especially when the item(s) sold/rented was a "ol fixer upper" to begin with.
Why should they care at all ? .

Can private owners be trusted to take care of the "Canadian Reactors" as required by Canadian/international Law?.Is it worth the risk.?..

The reactors are in our country ..Shouldn't we Canadians be responsible for our Own Nuclear Reactors?It's just plain safer, more sensible to me..

Hey a even better idea ..Lets stop making isotopes all together,just for us, or perhaps invest in newer technologies ?

Whatever the choices/options are /Any Reactors kept running after their expirey dates , should remain Canadian owned, so we are to blame if anything were to happen..

We have to hold ourselves /our system accountable/responsible for the safety/well being/maintenance and future decisions of such a boomin market supply ....Or shut them all down and take a different direction all together..