1 eye on the others open


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Are younions in crisis'

Are Younions in Crisis'?

Unions gotta quit blamin a "crisis" for all the auto sectors problems ..Whether you saw it comin or not?....This " Economic Crisis' " is not to blame for everything..Personally I don't think it is to blame for anything?? ...Hasn't negatively affected me, any more or less, than usual ..Although, For any who are truly suffering, from any financial difficulties..Past, present or future . May you Move positively forward with optimism, as you work toward a properous/happy/healthy /safe future...Labour Unions are entangled in worm holes .Business loop holes that have managed to tie Peoples hands behind their backs..Ripping and tearing up any usefulness from that little C.A. booklet .Like it or not!...

You want something done properly?...Ya Gotta do it yourself! .

Do your own research..Work with your company...Using your skills and abilities (the internet)to Make your own future.Team work get's us to share in goals faster and enjoy the benefits longer..!...Don't rely on unions to represent your interests ,,They can't...This So called "Crisis'" only sped up the inevitable.Brought reality and hopefully some honesty back into the economic numbers..Was a long 7-10 yrs!..

What have we learned ?.Don't trust Greedy, Money , hungry Politicians/Big Bad bully business bosses/ Simply Self interested , infectuous, self invested investors!!,....Some float ,some sink..Some make it..Unfortunatley more don't..But everyone deserves a fair chance/a valuble voice/A listening ear..Hopefully there are safety precedures set up, at the right place, and the proper time to help catch those who need it most!..

Seems to me that Auto companies ask for money every year!...G.M(auto company).. has been headed for broke as long as I can remember.Is this not true?..1st car I owned was a 1991 Pontiac ....with a Quad 4 Motor... Cracked open 3 months after I bought it ...Transmission went not too long after that...Was the 1st experience I had with my own vehicle...No mechanic wanted to even touch my car...Thanks for the memory Pontiac..But I don't blame Pontiac ,for me going broke as I struggled to make payments..lol...no ..Cuz it Wouldn't have made a hill of beans, regardless of how much I whinned and kicked the dirt..No ...I shoulda done my homework ...Oh well...,No use wasting time dwelling over past mistakes ...Pick up the pieces of scrap ..Recycle them .invent and enjoy a new green/technological way.Different motors,new ways..create more options!. Be thankful for what you got..The wonderous world around you !...and the money ya get back for scrap..lol....

Gotta reach for the stars...Enjoy the living, you are making !..Cuz It's too far to fall,and there's still so far we can go....
So let's keep movin on,,movin up .,movin forward..Move it out .lol...(and all those other foward movin,future lookin, action words.!.)

Over and out there from here...



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Obama is the first president my son will remember.He asked a question the other day.."Who is that man on T.V.?".

I said ..."That's Obama ..President of the U.S.A"....He paused..After watching the T.V screen intently for a few seconds ,he looked over to me, drawing on great wisdom from his deep moment , in 7 yr old thought,... and said ..
"Oh...,That's the president....",,,Then he ran off to get a snack///...

The seed has been planted,,,It will grow for the next 8 yrs(safe bet) along with Obama's term..In some ,suttle ways shaping ,what he will think possible, in the future to come.... I just hope the tree of knowledge grows sweet fruit...prefered over sour grapes or bitter lemons.(although whinnin and bitterness has it place in the beverage business.I suppose)...I'll do my part at watering a positive/opptumistic point of view ...lol

Gettin good at it ..Had 3 years of dilluting my views about Harper?...With liquor and beer!...lol..come on !..it's a .jk..:]..(I hardly drink at all anymore)


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
If a Conservative bill fails to gain the confidence of the house ...Does that spark another election ?

Seem like an easy answer..


The papers have been signed for a coalition...A question sighned off on ,without an answer.....Guess we'll just have to wait and see...


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Obama energy plan!>.

...Who is this guy?... Amazing ...Wow .!...Exactly..What I wanted to hear.. realistic goals..plans for a Balanced/sustainable energy plan.. ...Took the words right off my mind!...Mr.President ,sir,,your are my newest hero(Me pop's is me oldest..lol) !....Man!...Incredible....Too good to be true?..Off to an excellent start...With a great surge of energy and friendly nudge. He Hits the road runnin.. Urges us all forward!..

The marathon begins.. .At this moment..In the moment ..I am 100 % Canadian(33% with Harper) . ..to this point ..I am 110% Amercian!..
The Canadian throne speech sounded good...G.G..made an, alright speech, look better.(cause of a passionate eye...lol).

See, Mr.Harper..Why can't you say stuff like,G.G..and like that there, Obama president, next door does.? lol...
.Baird gives an example of a building that will attract tourism(which is good) .but.did't say it would be built with green effeciency..Nothing !.not on his mind at all..No new green/technology example.?. .Green infrastructure projects?.Balanced /sustainable green energy plan?..Lot's of Harper conservsative promises...but only Two choices,... Whip or Carrots?...and he won't say Carrot...Too "GREEN"

....Come on .Mr.Harper ...Just say GREEN once!..You say Green ..I'll say P.M.Harper..ok..lol..(say greenish/ grey if you prefer)....lol.....

I would like to compliment Mr.harper on his tie. Not a bad shade for you...Maybe borrow one of Flaherty's tie's 4 tommorow's speech..eh?...lol...

Go over Obama's speech a couple times ..He got the right idea!.lol
Soon we'll know 4 sure


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Hmmm...Pay down debt on borrowed credit.?..Money saved on interest.....Or Invest billions now !...for a greater return later .??...hmmm...???...Doesn't sound like a crisis' to me..Sounds like the same ol' game o ..Smells like skunky ,stinky politicking....But not as bad as it used to...Let's look forward to tommorow!


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Companies lay off ..Play hurt ,so they can get their hands on the money being thrown around,,,Big game ..Big pyramid scam...Don't be fooled...Save your money...Pay down debt...Gives you more money and control over your future...Don't need anymore insurance or Bank debt...Make them earn your business and labour, if they won't play fair!...Remember we are both the workers and the consumers...We may be at the bottom of the pyramid ..But we hold the base and two corners..lol


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
"There's probably not a god " ads on buses

Atheist slogan writer talks about infamous bus ads // Current

Free thought canada... contraversial ads on buses in calgary..."There's probably not a God, so stop worrying"

I Question those who don't believe in God(something greater/equal to ourself)....

If there isn't a God(whatever name you relate to iTt..I prefer God) ....Do you believe, we can create one?.

Should we?

Is it not, the only way, to know for sure?

Define God(ITt)?....What would ITt look like?..What would it encompass?.

I have faith in human /animals constantly evolving, to become, something greater, than the sum of their parts... Each 1 grows within.. and is allowed to expand out, in body/ mind/soul....More efficiently/effectively, when the path of least resistance, leads to the betterment of the whole.....

Noam Chomsky said something along the lines of "Animals to Angels"...we are animals trying to become angels..

Interaction.. sparks debate, brings positive change to the whole..and on it goes..Hopefully forever..

Ignorance sparks fear /Fear breeds hate ..... ..Fires left to burn.. Grow out of control always smoldering to ashes...And are simply , In its end....A waste of energy...For every 1..

Having faith in the future, is by far and wide, the safest/best bet...!..Long live the future..lol!

True..You must believe in yourself..but remember ,,There is a " whole "lotta/buncha others :)

It is The transfer of Energy and information proven real ..Makes truth!...

Even a rebelious musician, who believes his/her insturment is the best sound for the band(apparently vocalists believe this more than others..lol)Understands a good song, requires all instruments, working together, in tuned harmony..Even if you know how to play all the instruments at the same time,equally well.. Others, make it far easier, to play a hit song..live!..

Healthy Competition has its place in the appropriate arena ..As long as the Game is played With agreed upon rules, that respect and demand fair play for, and from all, who exist , in the affected environment ...Rated from G to 18+ accordingly...Everyone has the right to learn how to play the game of life...
Let's Find A Truth, that will help one, and all , succeed as Team *_____
* place team name here...(May I suggest team "G")lol

Win or loose ...Simply enjoy playing "the game of life".As Peacefully as possible.( the odd check or brawl is unfortunatley an unavoidable part of the game...) lol

Thank you for your time and this space..


Temper, Temper.ITt is what it is !:)

Obsolute zero or 1..both are required



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Obama comin to Canada feb 16th

Obama will no doubt be flying over Canada ,talking energy /security and other important issues....I am glad Obama has choosen to come here first..Although I hope He and Mr.Harper will address the public to answer any questions..

Unfortuanatley ,I worry about any decisions Harper makes on in his own behind closed doors...No offence Obama
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Are planned actions predictable?

Using history ,Can 1 really predict the future?

"Radio shack" became "The source.".Given the fact that "radio shack" was a bad name/image ..

Were certain parameters and criteria used in the creation of the new name, based on the flaws of the old..?.

.If so ..

Could you figure out the old name ,simply by knowing ,that the name had been changed?, to "the source"..?

What if you were given the parameters and criteria used in changing the name..without given the old name?



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Doctors sell fertility drugs to better the womens chances of having children...

.When 6 of 8 pass from complications.Can those embryo's be claimed for research?..

.Do they go to research?..

Where do they go.?

.Does Anyone really want to know?.

.Does this bother anyone?...

What rules are in place to ensure proper discretion and care goes into the handling of those who don't make it....

Do the current rules keep up with new technology...?


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Super bowl...Arizona Cardinals vs Pittsburg Steelers..Not a huge NFL fan..NHL...Was a Bengals fan awhile ago... I Still enjoy watching the game,from time to time...(with a passing interest)...However ..The Super Bowl is unquestionally ,one of those times everyone should watch and take part in the game.. It should be a celebrated as if it were a holiday....Cuz it's fun..Good reason for a party!..lol

.Although the Steelers seem to be favoured with the advantage..I am rootin' for the Under dogs..


Of course..!..

31- 24


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
The Vutures hover above the nest of the vulnerable.

\Vultures are hovering over the nest of the vulnerable .
Scavengers ,Waiting to swoop down and steal that deal....
Why just go after the nest egg, when you can take the entire nest...?

....Governments fly on the wings ...Proudly Looking over the Banks of green below, congratulating each other, on yet another, successfully Effecient, waste management project..

For banks /business' and politicians ,who circle themselves in economics ... It's all green...Green for as far as the eye can see!...A whole forest of Money trees and other Digitally enhanced growth...

Keep in mind, there are many different shades of green in



House Member
Apr 16, 2008
When talking about job losses, let's not forget to compare them to jobs gained/created.!...Net loss and gains are more useful than gross misrepresentation.....

Keep in mind .Under a huge economic stimulus "bail out".Healthy/profitable businesses don't get as much as failing businesses...It's would appear as though companies are getting rewarded for failure...Play hurt ..crash the economy..Take money from tax payers..lay off workers...You'll get money...But when the public asks for some..It's waste....A Ridiculous notion!
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House Member
Apr 16, 2008
A key Harper election advisor is leaving the conservative ranks to follow new opportunities in the U.S....All the best to you Patrick muttart..Good timing/planning ..like usual...:).

..I am sure we haven't heard the last from this Energizing, Canadian, strategizer .Someone to keep an eye on in the future.( in a professional way not personal of course..:)).


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
In the works of Burroughs, a predominant concept is the distinction between figure and ground. Porter[1] implies that the works of Burroughs are postmodern.
The main theme of Buxton’s[2] model of cultural pretextual theory is the difference between sexual identity and class. But Sartre uses the term ‘capitalist subdialectic theory’ to denote a mythopoetical reality. The collapse, and some would say the fatal flaw, of the deconstructive paradigm of narrative prevalent in Pynchon’s The Crying of Lot 49 emerges again in V, although in a more self-sufficient sense.
It could be said that postcapitalist Marxism holds that sexual identity, perhaps paradoxically, has significance, but only if art is distinct from truth; otherwise, Debord’s model of neocultural materialism is one of “capitalist rationalism”, and therefore responsible for hierarchy. If cultural pretextual theory holds, we have to choose between the deconstructive paradigm of narrative and Marxist capitalism.
Thus, Humphrey[3] suggests that the works of Pynchon are an example of subcultural socialism. The subject is contextualised into a that includes art as a whole.
But Sartre’s critique of cultural pretextual theory implies that the significance of the reader is significant form. Derrida uses the term ‘postcapitalist Marxism’ to denote the role of the poet as writer.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
You know what I say Ten penny?...It is what it is...Times change ..Each person has the right to their opinions, using whatever skills and abilities ,they need to convey their message ...Most have no willingness or time to contribute to the whole .The team ..only for themselves....Therefore..at the end of the day.. They have no say real lasting say... Those who positively voice their opinions ,.Reach for dreams as they make the most of their options .. Act on goals rather than react to problems ..Will be better off in the future..No matter what language is spoken / which label is given or what words one uses....

If you won't choose/use your voice...Al you'll hear is mine!

Won't get no better being bitter ..No matter who you are or what you do...:)lol

Having said that ..It will take a hell of a lot of time to check your links and desifer your message...But I will...And I thank you those words


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
That's certainly true, but on the other hand, an abundance of theories concerning nationalism may be found. But Debord promotes the use of postdeconstructive feminism to deconstruct hierarchy.


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Sometimes it is easier to tell them what they want to hear , but eventually you will have to deal with the truth, of your action or inaction..lol

In one thoughtful , meaningful , message of expression. One will either be embraced by others who share in given words ,well recieved ..Or sent out to the dog house ..cut off and kicked outta the bed they helped make ..Until they appologize for something they don't even know they did?..

.What I have learned is for about 1 week out of the month ..There is sometimes nothing you can do, or say, but to stay the hell away..Tell them everything they want to hear and give them whatever they ask for..
What you can't give ..Promise...It will be far easier to reason with them later when their back to their normal selves...:)lol

My brain hurts..I give up .Lol...!.jk..


House Member
Apr 16, 2008
Gambling on the Lottery and gaming corp

Government brings in $6 Billion a year in Lotteries!...WOW!

There's 1 way to stimulate the economy ..More and Bigger Jackpots/Money Prizes!

Where does all the money go?

Apparently The economy can't be in too bad of shape..It would seem as though people are still gambling in the lost/last hope, of trying to "WIN BIG" ,inorder to pay off that bursting debt.

I have always felt that Governments shouldn't be in the Casino/Entertainment business..Should be privately run under fair rules and regulations..

What are the chances of "Winning big" off a government run system addicted to profits?Well ..It is certain, the odds are not stacked in our favour...But For Government run lotteries ,gaming and entertainment industry..It is a constant Jackpot payout .Win/win

In ontario there are way more Casino's then are necessary...If I had my way, I would close down many smaller Casino's .For the most part, to me, they are not entertaining at all.. Crammed/cramped/ packed full of "Big Grumpy Loser's"..(lol.)....

Having said that..Niagra falls is a great entertainment hotspot.....Where else do you have the power ,the wonder, a great marvell of nature.. Mixed with the allure and excitement of good fun and "Big Money "?......AAAhhh ya ...You can smell it in the air..The smell of green is everywhere!...It is the place 2B...4 me..Cuz At least you can enjoy the true awesomeness of "The falls" for free ..after you loose all your money on gambling and entertainment..(lol)...You might as well get the biggest bang for your entertainment $$$ in this "Casino State"...

I've done my own " In field " research study on Government gaming ...The conclusion ,,The odds are stacked against you!...(Not to mention I think the government cheats...although it would be hard to prove it)...(lol)Most people say they don't trust the way government s spend their tax $$$$...Yet a large # of those same people , take the chance risking all their money , at the Government run industry!...Hmmmm ..go figure...
Lotteries and gaming facilities are a win/win for the government ..but ...unfortunatley , far more than not ,a loose/loose for gamers and local business's!(places like niagra/vegas are exceptions)..Be careful ,Drink and game responsibly because sure, the government has no problem helping spend your money on Gamblin and boozin..But will be hard pressed to help you, when your bust ,broke and hungover ..That's when it's no fun at all...and just doesn't seem fair..(boo hoo)

There should be an independent study done on Canada's lottery and gaming industry..People deserve fair play and transparent rules on returns and actual payouts for gamers...

What are your odds of winning?(slim)

Where does the money go?(who knows exactly)

"Play for fun,not for broke.".."know your limit , play within it ," "drink responsibly" ....and all those other slogans/signs Governments post on the walls, in the over abundant ammount of Gaming establishments and liquor stores throughout the country.(most in Ont)
There is way too much secrecy in the government gaming world ..It's time for the lottery and gaming corp, to open the door and allow more independent studies/research ,on regulations, fair pay/play and affect of gambling in this country. . People should have the right to know how the Gaming industry works and where all that money goes?

I wonder how much of Ontario's "have not" status can be pinned on the numerous gaming facilities?( is this a real factor?))

What are the odds of the government opening the doors to investigate issues with lottery/gaming corp?.....

Slim to none ..I would bet!


Transparentcy and accountablity, as well as, More and Bigger Jackpot prizes for all!!.Now That , would be stimulating !....

No offence ten penny .just had to get this post on before my computer Drains..
