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    The New Religion

    The New Religion By James Bredin The new religion of the socialist left has arrived, Kyoto Accord they dreamt up and contrived, The Americans and Australians are not in, Still environmentalists think that this is a win win. China and India have both been excused, New religious nuts are not...
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    Canadian Pravda newspapers

    Canadian Pravda Newspapers By James Bredin We have newspapers that could put Pravda to shame, Wall to wall Liberal propaganda except in name, Pravda was the official communist paper, Before the Soviet Union vanished like vapour. Everything was written according to the party line, Every day...
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    What's going on at the United Nations?

    What’s Next at the United Nations? By James Bredin They shredded documents throughout two double o four, Incriminating pieces of paper in every drawer, Saddam’s oil-for-food scandal had to be kept quiet, Or the UN itself could set off an awful riot. Anything and everything connected was shut...
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    Election number one of 2006

    Election number one of 2006 By James Bredin Between Adscam, Kyoto and gun shots in the night, The Liberals now behave as if everything’s alright, It’s the Americans or the cops who are at fault, Not envelopes filled with money hidden in a vault. No loyalty, no patriotism – just sleazy...
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    Minority Governments Forever

    Minority Government Forever By James Bredin It’s not just the adscam politicians we should change, It’s their status quo system we should rearrange, They’ve got us locked in with their constant propaganda, And we don’t know where to go to get off their agenda. We don’t have an alternative so...
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    Toronto Dumster to Sumpter

    Toronto Dumpster to Sumpter By James Bredin The socialists at City Hall have their agenda, They want you to read their pompous propaganda, Send garbage to Michigan down the four o one, To Sumpter Township because it’s so much fun. They say an incinerator could cause some smoke, And the...
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    The Secret Mulroney Tape Recordings

    The Secret Mulroney Tape Recordings By James Bredin Mulroney is pissed off about Peter Newman’s new book, Taped recorded conversations and other gobbledygook, The same prime minister who also gave us the GST, With his 8 appointees in the Senate and we had to agree. And now he feels betrayed...
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    CBC Strike

    The CBC Strike By James Bredin The CBC has been on strike now for quite a long time, Nobody knows or cares how long but everything seems fine, This strike is not about their contracts so much as money, Taxpayers’ money, yours and mine and it’s not very funny. A billion dollars here and there...
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    The Right Honorable Michaëlle

    Her Excellency the Right Honorable By James Bredin Her Excellency the Right Honorable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General designate so where have you been? Would rather stay completely out of the publicity poop, Didn’t say she never was a part of that separatist group. That evidence on the...
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    Canadian Ruling Elite

    Canadian Ruling Elite By James Bredin There once was a Liberal candidate who was normal and straight, Went off to Ottawa to vote in the same-sex debate, Told by the Prime Minister he had to vote a certain way, Or his application papers would never get signed again, hey hey! And of course he...
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    Roman Catholic Women Priests

    Roman Catholic Women Priests By James Bredin The church hierarchy from the Vatican on down, Oppose this issue of women priests and they don’t fool around, But the Vatican will just have to change with the times some say, Same-sex stuff, women priests and pedophile priests all pray. The...
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    Toronto the Not so Good By James Bredin Toronto requested information by questionnaire, A subtle system to increase taxes but highly unfair, They wanted citizens to demand more services by faxes, Then use this as an excuse for raising and finding more taxes. Typical socialist system of tax...
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    We have no control of our politicians

    We have no control By James Bredin Where are we going; what are we doing; we have no control, Dithers, politicians, bureaucrats, appointees on a roll, Climate change is coming soon so you better watch and behave, They’re going to increase our taxes till we end up in a grave. Bono and Sir Bob...
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    UN dogmatic mindset

    Dogmatic UN Mindset By James Bredin They say they want to foster dialogue as they cry and lie, Then they announce more celebrations with no great reason why, International day for this and another world day for that, A day for AIDS, refugees or those who think the world is flat. Some say...
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    Resign from the UN

    Take a stand… resign from the UN By James Bredin They name certain days to celebrate their righteous existence, To justify UN survival and arrogant persistence, Mind numbing pompous platitudes to promote and pump up their weight, Meaningless meandering debate of empty words to sedate...
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    Fix Canada Now

    Fix Canada The newspapers are now hinting that we may be headed for another Quebec referendum (#3) because of the Adscam Inquiry. And they hint that because of the sponsorship hearings, the outcome of this referendum could be different that the last two – the opposite of what was intended by...
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    We Can't Stick in the Status Quo

    We Can’t Stick in the Status Quo By James Bredin If equalization can’t buy them, then they just can’t be bought, The people of Quebec with whom the English often fought, And though the times and the cards on the table have changed, And bilingualism, coast to coast has been imposed and...
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    Should the UN be closed down?

    UN oil for Food Corruption Track By James Bredin UN credibility is away down there these days, Good time to close it down and all their crooked ways, Dead folk in Africa by the millions always shut out, Tormented now by peacekeepers whose conduct is in doubt. Plenty of pompous dictators...
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    Increase Foreign Aid by Ten

    Foreign Aid should Increase By James Bredin They preach about our obligation to save mankind, And we can take the taxation though we’re in a bind, We have an obligation to those poor starving and sick, Foreign aid should increase ten fold and this is not a trick. And the United Nations will...
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    Can You Hear the Prison Gates Clang?

    Can You Hear the Prison Gates Clang? By James Bredin Can you hear the prison gates clang? Not a chance for this political gang, Forget your Adscam premonitions, Not for these corrupt politicians. They’ll soon announce that it’s a bore, Like Somalia and Krever before, And expensive too...