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  1. Tecumsehsbones

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    How many Trump bibles have you bought?
  2. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    I do. The carrot/stick game is delicate. I actually have some sympathy for Netan-yahoo. We'll never know if he appreciates the subtleties, because he's got a pissed-off and terrified electorate to placate.
  3. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Civilised is BritEnglish. In the U.S. it's "civilized." I read a lot of British/Canadian literature and periodicals. My written English is a hodgepodge of them all. Damned if I can figure it. Listen, we got our asses kicked by a bunch of illiterate peasants in Vietnam. Only thing I can...
  4. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    Hard to say, and I'm as lost as you are. But in the here-and-now, I'm good with "Israel is justified in protecting its people and eliminating threats to its people. In so doing, they must obey the laws of war. Or lose their support from the civilised world."
  5. Tecumsehsbones

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    Try it with Trump. When you've decided you're sick of living.
  6. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    I'm not even sure what a "Palestinian" is. Insofar as it's a culture of its own, it seems to exist in Gaza, the West Bank, and Jordan. So, no, I don't think an effort to shift the Gazans to the east (ironically where the "West Bank" is) constitutes genocide. That's debatable, though, because...
  7. Tecumsehsbones


    James Earl Carter, 39th President of the United States, 1924-2024.
  8. Tecumsehsbones

    Canada 51st State

    Nope. Y'all take us debt and all.
  9. Tecumsehsbones

    Hamas attacks Israel

    It can be. "Genocide" is a deliberate attempt to wipe out a people as a people. It doesn't mean "killing a lot of folks." It needn't even involve much killing at all. It's the attempt to wipe out a culture. That's why kidnapping little kids into "schools," cutting their hair, and beating...
  10. Tecumsehsbones

    Chrystia Freeland

    I hear Prince Harry's free.
  11. Tecumsehsbones

    Defund CBC

    Hunh. I'm not Canadian and not completely up on your laws, but I agree. . . this makes CBC an arm of the government and ineligible to hold a copyright.
  12. Tecumsehsbones

    Canada 51st State

    Works for me. Why not just the whole country?
  13. Tecumsehsbones

    Defund CBC

    Curiousity. . . what percentage of CBC's budget comes from public funds? What are the other sources?
  14. Tecumsehsbones

    Chrystia Freeland

    No person named "Bonnie" should be elected to any position above Chair of the Prom Committee.
  15. Tecumsehsbones

    Omnibus Russia Ukraine crisis

    Look up the difference between a homicide rate and a homicide total. Verb sap.
  16. Tecumsehsbones

    Donald Trump Announces 2016 White House Bid

    If he is a Marine, he's fucked.
  17. Tecumsehsbones

    Two years into the Trudeau 2.0 Minority Term, which day will Justin call the election that only he wants?

    Yes, yes. Every person who doesn't personally participate in what they support as policy is a HYPOCRITE! If they're named Trudeau, that is. That's why everybody who lives in a house or apartment and claims to want to house the homeless is a hypocrite.
  18. Tecumsehsbones

    Homeless Tent Cities in Canada

    Sixty years ago it was serving in Vietnam.
  19. Tecumsehsbones

    Canada 51st State

    Yep, I did the same. Theoretically I was doing it because my license was expired, but if one is stationed outside the state of issue, the military ID extends the expiration date indefinitely. But I really wanted the cops to know I was a GI. Got me a "warn and wave" a few times, especially in...
  20. Tecumsehsbones

    Canada 51st State

    Yeah, Cuban jails are pretty grim now, but they were way worse when Fuzzy was the big dawg. The best part about being in West Berlin was that my military ID gave me immunity from the Berlin cops. The worst they could do, and only if they reasonably deemed me an active threat of violence to...