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  1. johnnyhangover

    A sad, sad, day....

    Molson free beer allocation goes flat for retirees Molson pensioners losing (a portion of) their beer allowance? Foul! Foul! That's like the single best reason to work for a beer company---FREE BEER! And they're pis sed, too (pardon the pun!). Good on 'em. If there's anything in this...
  2. johnnyhangover

    Any Stock Market Junkies Out There?

    I am. My RRSP's are self-directed and I dumped a whack of coin into the NYSE shortly after its demise back in the fall. I basically bought all the companies you heard about that were responsible for the financial mess. AIG, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and I recently bought...
  3. johnnyhangover

    Stronach to introduce Canadian built electric car

    Magna wants to build electric car in Canada This is pretty exciting, I think. I concede there are concerns that the power required to charge these babies may com from a non-renewable source, but still, it's a step in the right direction, right? Also, Frank appears to be quite passionate...
  4. johnnyhangover

    Do the Mohawks have a point?

    Border authorities shut down Akwesasne crossing So they shut down the crossing in Cornhole, er, Cornwall today because the natives are ticked about the border guards carrying guns. The Mohawks say that the guards typically don't respect them and they are worried they may become victims of...