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  1. Hazmart

    Members cars/bikes

    Just a 98 Jeep TJ, she is fantastic though, her name is Jep... yes I know exactly how original that is :lol:
  2. Hazmart

    Pancakes for breakfast....or whatever

    People! Seriously! I don't even like pancakes. I probably haven't eaten the in over 10 years BUT seeing this thread everyday gave me the worst craving for them! I just made pancakes! Darn it! They were damn good too! Darn it!
  3. Hazmart

    Jan's Garden

    Those are beautiful Juan! I wish my flowers looked as wonderful as those. We have had a very cold summer so far and the flowers are coming along very slowly!
  4. Hazmart

    Yorkshire Pudding

    yummmmmm! Now I am really craving some yorkshire pudding! I think maybe that will be served up for supper tonight!
  5. Hazmart

    Pot Luck blues...

    I always find it difficult to decide what to bring and usually just end up bringing cabbage rolls! Nothing exciting but at least there are never any left overs to bring home and they are easy and quick to make and if needed you can just throw them in a slow cooker. What do you usually bring?
  6. Hazmart

    December! Already?

    So in 38 minutes it will officially be December. Which means that Christmas is now just over 3 weeks away, only 3 weekends left for shopping. For whatever reason, just thinking about the next 3 weeks makes me so tired. There is just too much to do. Shopping, baking, decorating, hanging...
  7. Hazmart

    In Celebration of Friday!

    YouTube - Boom De Ya Da! I love this video! It makes me smile every time I see it, so in celebration of this being Friday I thought that I would share it with you. I'm sure a lot of you have already seen it but what the hoot! Happy Friday everyone!
  8. Hazmart

    its all about food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hummm.. Japanese Indian Vietnamese Mexican and Pub food... does that count lol!
  9. Hazmart

    krispy kreme challenge

    Has anyone else heard of this challenge? It just cracks me up, I think this is something that I would do in the future!
  10. Hazmart

    One day in Vancouver

    Ok So I think this is the first thread I have actually started! Anyway, My mother and I are going to Vancouver on Friday to visit my brother. We have all of Saturday in Vancouver and had left the day planning up to my brother, thinking that he would have an idea what we can do but so far he has...