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  1. NZDoug

    Well that was entertaining!

    Lean forward if its hard to take a dump.
  2. NZDoug

    Well that was entertaining!

    December 21, the United States Congress passed the COVID-19 Relief Package, as part of a larger $2.3 trillion bill meant to cover spending for the rest of the fiscal year. As usual, US representatives allocated a massive sum of money for Israel. While unemployment, thus poverty, in the US is...
  3. NZDoug

    Well that was entertaining!

    There goes Israel. ☠️
  4. NZDoug

    Well that was entertaining!

    Sticks and stones, do you go along with this? " Israeli authorities demolished 729 Palestinian buildings in 2020 on the pretext of lacking construction permits, according to an Israeli human rights group. "Israel has displaced by its policies 1,006 Palestinians, including 519 minors, after the...
  5. NZDoug

    Well that was entertaining!

    Be cool if the U.S. military bulldozed the homes of the terrorists like their pals do in Israel.😱
  6. NZDoug

    5 Eyes - 4 eyes sounds better

    Time to bail. why would NZ plot to defeat its main trading partner? Do only Huawai networks spy on peeps? America is unfit to rule. 4 eyes is more realistic.
  7. NZDoug

    It's Kamala

    She went to Westmount High in Montreal when she was a “yun un”. Gotta be good.😺
  8. NZDoug

    Greta Thunberg

    Greta ees on new sveedish stamp. Lick away! buy the whole set!
  9. NZDoug

    NDP calls for right-wing group Proud Boys to be banned, labelled as terrorists

    Cool, got that “ home on the range feel”!
  10. NZDoug


    Melania (get moose and squirrel !) should get Donny a play telephone.☎️🤡
  11. NZDoug

    Tens of millions of Americans are Al Qaida operatives

    Weirdest since 911. Lookin’ good! NOT ! (Borat voice)
  12. NZDoug

    'The worst president we have ever seen. Period'

    All good here in NZ. 365,102 now according th the John Hopkings COVID-19 Tracker.
  13. NZDoug

    'The worst president we have ever seen. Period'

    Russell Winters, the Harley dealers who supplied the cops. Edjo from VMC got it it in the mid 60s to turn it into The Motorcycle Factory. Custom Choppers, FATZ Motorworx.