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  1. R

    Ontario Hydro, problem solved

    People, we are not dicussing a boring free trade issue, our people ARE HURTING NOW. It calls for action immediately, and not handled in a casual timeframe. We need emergency measures, and the federal government needs to step in. I'd use the standard methods used when our citizens are...
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    These commercials should be banned

    This is basically a rant on commercials, but some are dangerous and send the wrong message. First is the commercial where the cute puppy is being trained by the little boy. Supposed to be harmless, and we initially come away with the "awwwww- shucks would you look at this" response. The...
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    Attack on Woodburning Stoves, time to fight back

    The government is on the attack of families in Canada who heat their homes with wood. The announcement is made in an attitude that implies they are criminals, a paria group. On the face of it, we can say why not implement it.? It's a primitive method of heating, so why not ban it?. Already, when...
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    Canadian Tire Web Site Irritant

    Yes, yet another CT irritant. Looking for a product on CT's web site is a real pain. The culprit is the dreaded "Enter Store Location"(ESL) window. You would think it would go away after you were nose led into it's labrinth. The session doesn't retain the information you give it, but enters an...
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    Glengarry Musing, St. Raphael

    The St. Raphael Ruin campaign doesn't appear to be winding down soon. I'm reminded of the Laval toll overpass scandal. It was contracted on the understanding that the travellers would toss a quarter in the bag at the toll booth on crossing, and in a few years the bridge would be paid...
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    Canada, the Have-Not Nation

    In my 70 years I have seen this nation become a service nation. I feel it's lack of manufacturing is it's downfall. All Canada's financial problems can be attributed to a central cause, the lack of jobs. I recall that every family had disposable income. Dance halls were everywhere, and after...
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    Harper sacrifices Alberta to side with Obama

    Well that's what it looks like to me. Either Harper didn't do his homework, or he's really super competant. Some sources say the whole thing about oil prices falling is really a ploy by the US to get even with Russia by manipulating their economy. The thing is when Obama throws sh%$ at the fan...
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    Retaliation of Russia Could backfire

    So Canada, now down to a service country wwhen it sold off to Asia it's MFG base, is towing the bankrupt US line once more. Like it needs to throw inter-trade down the drain and start muscle flexing other nations. We are barely grovelling as it is trying to keep people employed at McDo,Wendys...
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    Looking for answer

    Hi everyone. Can't remember her name. For our class topic, and heros, there was a commemorative stamp made for a lady, (a member of parliament I think) who visited a jail and was so appalled she went to parliament to make changes to the prison system. Thanks for the help.
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    So Much for Due process, Drones

    From: U.S. targets al-Qaeda with fatal drone strikes in Yemen amid fears of potential terrorist attacks | National Post "Three U.S. drone strikes killed a total of 12 suspected al-Qaeda terrorists Thursday......." My interest is what the Canadian government has to say about this...
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    Lodgepole Pine Beetle Threat

    A program on TV brought to light the devastation of this insect to the conifers of BC. Global warming as given this beetle and edge, since the colder temperatures formed a limitation on it's ability to reproduce in numbers that would be devastating to the planet. The program presented a fly...
  12. R

    CBC Guilty of Casting Aspersions

    I turned on the TV today to see if what I heard about the Pope resigning was true. The resistance too much for the editors of CBC, a live picture of the Pope in the background was overlain by front page images of headlines about pedophilia in the Church, while some commentary was...
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    Furnace OIl Tank Gouge

    Last year we received notice our outside oil tank needs to be replaced. It's a good thing we had a year's grace since much of the "lid from the garbage can" has come off to reveal some truths about what appears to be, has a furnace tech friend describes has, a scam. Forced to confront the...