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  1. moghrabi

    Quest for justice

    This article was sent to Debbie Ducro, an American-Jewish journalist with the Kansas City Jewish Chronicle. She published it, and was fired the next day. Quest for justice By Judith Stone I am a Jew. I was a participant in the Rally for the Right of Return to Palestine. It was the right...
  2. moghrabi

    Enough. It's time for a boycott

    The best way to end the bloody occupation is to target Israel with the kind of movement that ended apartheid in South Africa.... Naomi Klein: Enough. It's time for a boycott of Israel | Comment is free | The Guardian
  3. moghrabi

    America slowly confronts the truth
  4. moghrabi

    The War on Al Jazeera

  5. moghrabi

    Death By Torture: US Media Ignores Hard Evidence
  6. moghrabi

    10 Marines killed near Falluja

    BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- A roadside bomb killed 10 Marines and wounded 11 others while they were on nighttime "foot patrol near Falluja," the Marine Corps said Friday. Bush the moron said he will win the war. I guess he is his own way.
  7. moghrabi

    Israel Successfully Tests Missile Program
  8. moghrabi

    Two U.S. Allies Leaving Iraq, More May Go

  9. moghrabi

    Convoy of Death

    Why have US television stations refused to broadcast this documentary? In Afghanistan, filmmaker Jamie Doran has uncovered evidence of a massacre: Taliban prisoners of war suffocated in containers, shot in the desert under the watch of American troops. The film has been broadcast on national...
  10. moghrabi

    Iran President: Charge Bush for War Crimes
  11. moghrabi

    Americans’ anger at an all-time high
  12. moghrabi

    Another U.S. scandal- More Gulags in Kosovo
  13. moghrabi

    BBC sanctions reporter who cried over Arafat
  14. moghrabi

    Is Bush lying about his lies?
  15. moghrabi

    Syria accuses US of launching lethal raids over its borders
  16. moghrabi

    Is it possible that those "terror" tapes are being

    Before we believe what’s been circulating about Jordan bombings, and the so-called Al Zarqawi group, we should think, what’s the significance of this method of using video, audiotapes and messages posted on internet websites to claim responsibility for attacks, whether they’re carried out in...
  17. moghrabi

    “The 21st century Nazis”

    cont ...
  18. moghrabi

    The Zarqawi Dilemma
  19. moghrabi

    Ain't no free speech allowed in Dubya's America
  20. moghrabi

    Bush aide says Iraq withdrawal bad for Israel