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  1. G

    Did Prophet Mohammed doubt about his apostle-hood?

    I have always thought Freud was just a bit obsessed with sex but his quote "religion is the biggest human mass delusion of all time" is spot on.
  2. G

    Did Prophet Mohammed doubt about his apostle-hood?

    You poor sad uneducated Homo Habilis. First, prove God exists. No human has ever done so, in spite of all the mythical wackadoodle prophets (false, all of 'em) and your infantile rants have yet to do so. I sorrow at the destruction and damage you demonstrably suffer. The Jews were there in the...
  3. G

    Equality is downsizing religions, as parent refuse to downsize their love for an LGBTQ+ or female child.

    Excellent post. However, ALL religions are on the downward trend. Which can only be a good thing. Unfortunately the one exception seems to be the blood soaked secular religion of Marxism. Even after killing approx. 140 million of their own, they continue to work at destroying more people.
  4. G

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    Great post. Agree completely. JT must go—ditto for the entire Federal Liberal Party.
  5. G

    This dream a warning to Zionists of Tel Aviv

    Aaah, so reassuring. After almost 2 years absence almost the first posst I read is a post from that prime example of puerile antisemitism aka. "Torchlight". Actually the dream is to be interpreted as follows. The Porcupine which has evolved the simplest of defence weapons is the somewhat vacuous
  6. G

    UFOS: Are we finally going to learn the TRUTH?

    Nothing about UFO's makes sense. Nothing. The maneuvers they make are impossible according to the well-proven laws of physics. The accel. is likewise impossible etc., etc.. And yet there is now admitted open evidence that this is what we see. IMO we can thus rule out little green men in...
  7. G

    Has Physics Lost Its Way?

    And of course these days, actual experiments are proving much of the weird irrational stuff predicted by the seemingly crazy physicists decades ago are turning out to be true. Which is both incredibly exciting and at the same time extremely troubling. Bells Theorem, Heisenburgs Principle...
  8. G

    How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

    If the shit was removed from your posts there would be a hard industrial vacuum left.
  9. G

    How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

    My prayer when I masochistically turn on my solid state electronic Babbage Difference Engine in the morning is - I wonder what sh*t and asinine insanity I will have to see to day.
  10. G

    How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

    Over 5000 years have yet to show even a smidgen any evidence of your obviously non existent God. OTOH the "God" of the Torah shows itself to be a vain insecure pompous homicidal, genocidal, misogynistic monster who advocates killing men, women, babies etc., while reserving young virgins to be...
  11. G

    How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

    There are many things claimed by religion. Who cares. Most of us are atheists who consider that no evidence exists at all for these Marvel characters. How many of us worry about placating Thor, Jupiter, Zeus, Mithras, Ball, Horus There is no God, no Satan except in infantile damaged minds...
  12. G

    Adam sinned, not Eve. Why did Yahweh punish an innocent Eve?

    Thankfully even after 4000-5000 years of history there has not been even a nanoparticle of evidence that the Big Invisible Head In The Sky even exists and therefore a gigatonne of evidence that He/She/It/They never existed. As a lifelong atheist I continue to be amazed at the silliness of it all.
  13. G

    WE really need to get rid of this guy

    Evidently that is officially approved Dogma for Liberals.
  14. G

    COVID-19 'Pandemic'

    Tell someone who cares.
  15. G

    COVID-19 'Pandemic'

    In every instance that you stupidly cite, nobody said any such thing. However I do admire your posts. You must work hard to achieve such nonstop rubbish.
  16. G

    Trump is going to LOSE!!!

    Your monumental ignorance and Homo Erectus I.Q are likely world record status. Fascinating but scary.