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    Connection beetween republican and Nazi

    the rest is here.
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    China respect human rights.

    In my wet dream maybe, but in reality it is quite the opposite Knowing that our governement are just friends with those governement preak, only shows how biased are our leaders.
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    USA double standard on Terror People on the right here, ask themselves why people like me doesnt believe this stupid war on terror, damn you guys are naive....incredible...
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    Iraqi Women Under Siege: Read Report!
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    Not guilty. The Israeli captain with no counciousness,2763,1643573,00.html :evil: can you people believe that our governement support israelis gov?? Shame on bush, shame on harper, shame on the whole coalition of ignorants, and especially shame on those who still support them.
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    11 facts on Building 7

    On 9/11 a THIRD Skyscraper Plunged to Earth: The Sudden Implosion of WTC Building 7 By David R. Kimball July 30, 2005 “It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth … For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am...
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    Barbarians want to use nuclear weapons against iran
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    Libby claims Bush OK'd leak about Iraq weapons

    And just like in france, people in the us will riot in the street to get their president impeach.......oups no, i guess the americans are used to get screwed.....
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    Pentagone strike
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    alec baldwin vs sean hannity and mark levin

    Hollywood liberal Alec Baldwin stormed out of an in-studio radio interview Sunday night after he was confronted on the phone by radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin. Baldwin was 30 minutes into a planned two-hour-plus sitdown with WABC Radio’s Brian Whitman when Hannity called in. The...
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    Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian on 9-11

    Charlie Sheen's Statement to the London Guardian Challenges Press to Stop Slinging Mud, Confront The Science Charlie Sheen felt compelled to respond to one of many hit-pieces against him, a column written for the London Guardian and carried by British commonwealth newspapers worldwide. Sheen...
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    How to become a republican :lol:
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    Loose change 2nd edition A very good documentary on 9-11, you can listen to it, just by clicking this link, very interesting and very well documented Lot of peoples are talking about it in the united states of america.Even farenheit9-11 is a...
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    The Whitewashing of Ariel Sharon

    by Saree Makdis professor of English and comparative literature at UCLA. The 'man of courage and peace' story ignores his bloody and ruthless past Published on Saturday, January 7, 2006 by the Los Angeles Times As Ariel Sharon's career comes to an end, the whitewashing is already...
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    Jews against Zionist

    A nice website, for those who think israel is doing great towards palestinians, check out this one, and see what real jew think about it.
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    The white house memo, so much for diplomacy great governement!! Some think, even in here, they used all diplomatic issue to avoid the war in iraq, wow this world is so full of naive peoples. With everything we know so far on those guys, how come they...
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    It is not iran, not iraq under saddam hussein, but.... Last night, I was booked to play an event about an hour outside of Salt Lake City, Utah. The hype behind this show was huge, they pre sold 700 tickets and they expected up to 3,000 people total. The promoters did an amazing job with the...
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    New Facts Emerge on 9/11 Financing

    1.26.06- Researchers and investigators have uncovered links between a Miami bank that collapsed in 2002 amid a fraud scandal that was highlighted by billions of dollars in questionable cash and fraudulent loans and money movements linked to the Bush family and businesses linked to funding pilot...
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    Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen, John McMurtry, Morgan Reynolds, and Andreas von Buelow, have concluded that senior government...
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    Message from quebec

    Hi guys!! I am from montreal, and i love my country which is canada, i just want to tell you all that We have an amazing country from coast to coast in all senses. Besides that, we got screwed by the liberals. But Seriously if harper get elected, you people will see a tremendous waves of...