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  1. Motar

    Atheists rise up!

    By “it“ you mean “perfect love,” TB? It only costed the giver - his life.
  2. Motar

    God Speak

    God speaks through His glorious and distorted image-bearers and their created artifacts. Both support His redemptive narrative in the Scripture.
  3. Motar

    Atheists rise up!

    1 John 4:18
  4. Motar

    God Speak

    Yes, in the created order, especially in his image-bearers and their created artifacts.
  5. Motar

    Atheists rise up!

    How are we defining church, RCS?
  6. Motar

    God Speak

    Yes, and purposeful.
  7. Motar

    Atheists rise up!

    How does man allay his fears of loneliness or enslavement or irrelevance or misunderstanding?
  8. Motar

    God Speak

    Yes, historical.
  9. Motar

    NWO Utopianism
  10. Motar

    God Speak

    Yes. In Spirit and in truth (John 14:17).
  11. Motar

    God Speak

    Interesting. Tell us more.
  12. Motar

    What's the Difference Between Frodo and Gollum?

    In Paul’s record, a distinction is made between worldly (deathly) remorse, and repentant (salvific) remorse. “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death” (2 Cor 7:10). Who can judge? Only God.
  13. Motar

    What's the Difference Between Frodo and Gollum?

    Similar to Judas and Peter. Both betrayed Christ, however one felt remorse and self-destructed (Matt 27), while the other repented and was reinstated (John 21). People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).
  14. Motar

    God Speak

    Scripture refers to Jesus as the Word of God in human form (John 1:14-18). Jesus references Scripture as the word of God in written form (John 10:35-35). Does God speak today? How?
  15. Motar

    NWO Utopianism

    Do you reference Eden, Petros?
  16. Motar

    NWO Utopianism

    The image of God within keeps utopian hope alive however unregenerate human nature will never achieve it. NWO utopiansim is real hope frustrated by human frailty.
  17. Motar

    NWO Utopianism

    Who are "they", TS?
  18. Motar

    NWO Utopianism

    Funny how education humbles. The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.
  19. Motar

    NWO Utopianism

    Thanks for the perspective, Friend. I appreciate the sharpening this forum affords (Proverbs 27:17).
  20. Motar

    NWO Utopianism

    Dylan Thomas wrote: “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” Is there another option?