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  1. Socrates the Greek

    The War in avganistan is about hypocrisy and deceit.

    The real reason why Harper is taking the ass kissing supportive root to Afghanistan is because Harper is out to impress W Bush and other world war loving leaders like Tony Blear and others. When Politics put a spear through the hart of Democracy that is Hypocrisy! Harper is a cartoon in real...
  2. Socrates the Greek

    What is Justice?

    Book I of The Republic appears to be a Socratic dialogue on the nature of justice (Gk. dikaiwsunh [dikaiôsunê]). As always, the goal of the discussion is to discover the genuine nature of the subject at hand, but the process involves the proposal, criticism, and rejection of several inadequate...
  3. Socrates the Greek

    The Examined Life

    My fellow Canadians here is the biger picture other than politics. The deep of your minds! Apology: The Examined Life Because of his political associations with an earlier regime, the Athenian democracy put Socrates on trial, charging him with undermining state religion and corrupting young...
  4. Socrates the Greek

    Is Harper sincere?

    Here is some food for thought. Just today the Cons announced that they will offer a formal apology to all the Chinese Canadians who had been wrongfully charged the infamous head tax. The catch her is that, (money talks and garbage walk), and I am sure you know what I mean. The manipulation is...
  5. Socrates the Greek

    Harper - Secrecy & Hypocrisy

    Socrates argues that the best ruler must always be someone who knows how to rule, someone who understands ruling as a craft. But since crafts of any sort invariably aim to produce some external goal (Gk. teloV [télos]), good practitioners of each craft always act for the sake of that goal, never...
  6. Socrates the Greek

    Harper promised open Government and reneged on his promise.

    Harper has introduced a policy of restricting reporters' access to the third floor hallway where Cabinet meetings are held, and where reporters traditionally ask questions of ministers as they left the meetings. The Parliamentary Press Gallery is also increasingly up in arms over the Prime...
  7. Socrates the Greek

    The Privilege of Power

    At this point in the dialogue, Plato introduces Thrasymachus the sophist, another fictionalized portrait of an historical personality. After impatiently dismissing what has gone before, Thrasymachus recommends that we regard justice as the advantage of the stronger; those in positions of power...
  8. Socrates the Greek

    The Privilege of Power

    At this point in the dialogue, Plato introduces Thrasymachus the sophist, another fictionalized portrait of an historical personality. After impatiently dismissing what has gone before, Thrasymachus recommends that we regard justice as the advantage of the stronger; those in positions of power...