Search results

  1. White_Unifier

    Should Canada recognize Taipei as the legitimate government of China?

    Given China's... er.. sorry, more specifically the PRC's behaviour recently, should Canada recognize Taipei as the legitimate government of China? I could see a situation in which Canada would allow only sole proprietorships, worker cooperatives, and consumer-cooperative natural monopolies to...
  2. White_Unifier

    MPs debate Brexit deal It looks like the UK will be heading towards another referendum. Question: should it be a choice between remain or leave like last time or a choice between two different leave options? Having a repeat of the first referendum will...
  3. White_Unifier

    Should the US hand over Minnesota's Northwest Angle to Canada? OK, so let's see how this would work out. Let's suppose a US judge agreed that it was a survey error and that that land had to be returned to Canada. Think of the mess this would create. Any person born on Canadian soil is automatically a...
  4. White_Unifier

    How Canada can help the UK while benefitting itself too.

    One source of division in the UK has to do with a protectionist EU (aka Fortress urope). As a result, a Briton cannot trade freely with both the EU and non-EU states: he's forced to choose one at the expense of the other. A Briton who depends on trade with the EU will thus feel strongly about...
  5. White_Unifier

    'Brexit 50-50' if May's deal rejected, says Liam Fox If I were the UK Parliament, I'd call a new referendum: 1. Remain in the EU. 2. Unilateral global free trade. If the final Brexit deal is even worse than remaining in the EU, then I imagine even many Brexiteers would rather remain for now but...
  6. White_Unifier

    I'd like a referendum on the next Federal election ballot.

    1. Remain in the USMCA. 2. Unilateral global free trade within seventy years with initial steps in that direction within five years and additional steps taken every five years thereafter. If the majority of Canadians vote option 2, Canada could still sign trade agreements with other states on...
  7. White_Unifier

    Should it be illegal to desecrate a foreign state's flag like in Japan?

    In Japan, it's illegal to desecrate a foreign state's flag, but only if the foreign state lodges a formal diplomatic complaint concerning the incident. I found this to be an interesting law in that it's legal but only as long as the foreign state doesn't lodge a formal complaint; but since the...
  8. White_Unifier

    Woman who was raped worries about man's sexsomnia defence We need to place some limits on this. For example, a person should not be allowed to use a sexsomnia defense if he freely, willingly, and knowingly consumed a recreational mind-altering substance such as...
  9. White_Unifier

    Home security-camera recommendations?

    Our security system is getting a little outdated so we're looking to upgrade. We live in a secured community with a security system at the entrances, so we don't need to go overboard on security costs; but we still want some moderate backup security to cover our front door and balcony. So far...
  10. White_Unifier

    What people do you think high school history textbooks should include but don't?

    Some that come to mind are: Hans and Sophie Scholl. Hasegawa Teru I'm sure many others too; but I think that learning about Hans and Sophie Scholl could help students to see the true spirit of German patriotism in WWII just as learning about Hasegawa Teru could teach students how the spirit of...
  11. White_Unifier

    This is what Canada needs...
  12. White_Unifier

    Would Canadians support the death penalty if it included an amnesty clause?

    If drug smuggling to Canada carried a mandatory death penalty unless the smuggler declares the narcotics at the primary checkpoint before going on to secondary inspection, do you think Canadians could support that? I get that some people might fear that drug mules are often trafficking victims...
  13. White_Unifier

    Would Canadian support the death penalty with an amnesty clause?

    If drug smuggling to Canada carried a mandatory death penalty unless the smuggler declares the narcotics at the primary checkpoint before going on to secondary inspection, do you think Canadians could support that? I get that some people might fear that drug mules are often trafficking victims...
  14. White_Unifier

    Should all new MPs receive addiction education?

    We've had cases in the past of an MP suffering alcoholism. We now have Clement. And those are just the ones we know. How many MPs suffer gambling addiction or some other addiction. Given their position as lawmakers of the land, should all new MPs receive a quick crash course on addiction and...
  15. White_Unifier

    Tony Clement finds unlikely defender in victims' advocate I don't buy it. Yes he's a victim as well as an alleged perpetrator, and yes I accept that a person absolutely can simultaneously be a perpetrator and a victim. What I don't buy is that a person is not...
  16. White_Unifier

    Woman arrested for choking wrong man over alleged butt grab The bouncer deserved it because he was a man. Long live feminism!
  17. White_Unifier

    What does a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives mean for Canada?

    Though Trump ran as a Republican, his trade protectionism is more in line with the ideas of the stereotypical Democrat than with the stereotypical Republican. In other words, whereas a Republican House could have kept Trump's trade protectionism at least somewhat in check, a Democrat House may...
  18. White_Unifier

    'It's okay to be white' signs posted around Halifax Even if the people putting these posters up are Nazis, how can any reasonable disagree with the message that 'it's okay to be white?'
  19. White_Unifier

    Police reverse discrimination fears unsurprising: equity council co-chair Let me understand. so, on the one hand, we have official language laws which will inevitably lead to over-representation of English and French Canadians, and immigration language...
  20. White_Unifier

    Canada to increase annual immigration admissions to 350,000 by 2021 Why is our immigration system based on a quota system in the first place? Why not base is strictly on a points system? To base it on how many people have entered before you this this is foolish. Base it on personal...