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    Muslim leaders call for summit to fight extremism
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    Muslim MPs speak out
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    500 Conspiracy Buffs Meet to Seek the Truth of 9/11
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    Reaction from Moderate Canadian Muslims

    I am finding that Canadian news sources are not trying to provide any balance in their reporting of the arrests on the weekend and the response of the Muslim community. The New York Times is providing balance and the reaction of Muslims apart from the lawyers and spokespeople for those...
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    The targets If they are so anti-westernization what are they doing in Canada?
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    why is Canada growing its own extremists?
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    Internet monitoring sparked a CSIS investigation
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    Twins, 11, donated $10,800 to Volpe's campaign I wonder if the kids just had $5400 each kicking around. Imagine the conversation: "I think I'm going to donate my money to Joe Volpe. Me two Me three We'll be a family for Volpe"
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    Canadians healthier than Americans For the last paragraph the results may also reflect how the question was phrased. If the question also included whether the noninsured in the US were able to get in line at all then the Canadian system even with wait times would...
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    Hundreds protest Canadian immigration laws I think it is a bad political move to attack Harper for the origin of these policies as they obviously predate his tenure. There probably is room to negotiate a possible regularization with his...
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    Enron Execs Guilty

    Former top Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling were found guilty today of conspiracy and fraud in the granddaddy of all corporate fraud cases. On the sixth day of deliberations, a jury convicted the pair of misleading the public about the true financial health of Enron, the giant...
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    New Bin Laden tape about 9/11
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    Harper has support to win majority
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    Canadian program presents alternative to Taliban
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    Venezuela's Chávez Is a Divider

    You may have to register for this article but it's free. Gaddhafi tried much of the same in Africa with similar results. The path Chavez is on is well trodden and...
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    Australian PM addresses Parliament
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    Canada asked to lead in Kabul
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    Four Liberal contenders don't pass as bilingual
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    RCMP can't afford to fight most organized crime

    This is reassuring. There is a very large department full of lawyers at Justice that only fouses on chasing Canadians who owe the government money. Priorities?
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    Information czar blasts Harper's accountability bill

    Information czar blasts Harper's accountability bill Gives bureaucrats new places to hide, says John Reid James Gordon, CanWest News Service Published: Saturday, April 29, 2006 OTTAWA -- Canada's information czar unleashed on Friday a scathing attack on proposed access to information...