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  1. Machjo

    Members only: Woman makes sculptures of *****es of former lovers

    If the sexes were reversed, people would be calling her a womanizer or a skirt-chaser.
  2. Machjo

    Should Ontario privatise its energy indutry?

    Those parts of the industry that are not natural monopolies could just be privatized like any other business. Those parts that are a natural monopoly coudl be converted into a consumer cooperative. Once that is done, the rule is simple. The province does not subsidize it and it pays the same...
  3. Machjo

    The Ontario PC's shold learn from their Quebec Counterpart.

    Team Adrien Pouliot - Conservative Party of Québec Don't let the party name fool you. The Conservative Party of Quebec is very much a libertarian party. It supports maximum decentralization of provincial government powers and educational decision-making at the school level including maximum...
  4. Machjo

    What ever happened to Churchill's vision?

    "This gift of a common tongue is a priceless inheritance, and it may well some day become the foundation of a common citizenship. I like to think of British and Americans moving about freely over each other's wide estates with hardly a sense of being foreigners to one another." The Gift of a...
  5. Machjo

    Should we redraw Quebec's borders along linguistic lines?

    Should we allow all majority-French-speaking municipalities outside of Quebec to hold a referendum to join Quebec and if it votes to join and Quebec wants it, Quebec can take it? Of course we'd do the same for majority-English-speaking municipalities too. In all cases though, the...
  6. Machjo

    Should entrapment ever be an excuse?

    To me, if a person breaks the law, entrapped or not, he should pay the price. Of course we can make entrapment illegal and maybe fine or imprison a police officer that does so, or demote or fire him, or a combination of these. Fine. But as for the guilty party, entrapped or not, he still...
  7. Machjo

    Do Canada's racial demographics concern you?

    They certainly don't concern me. I'm more concerned about the content of a person's character, not the hue of his skin or his place of birth. However, it would seem that a few white nationalists have appeared on this forum all concerned about seeing people on the streets who don't look like...
  8. Machjo

    Should a third-time convicted thief be branded on the forehead?

    Your thoughts? We are talking about a third conviction for theft here.
  9. Machjo

    Tory leadership hopeful Tony Clement calls for 'wanted' list, jailing of terror threats - Politics - CBC News Never mind guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. It seems Clement wants to be able to have you imprisoned if there is even reason to belive that you are a potential threat. To be...
  10. Machjo

    Culture war within the Conservative Party of Canada?

    Kellie Leitch defends 'anti-Canadian values' survey question - Politics - CBC News It would appear that Leitch and Chong have very different views of social conservatism, one based on 'Canadian' (presumably a code-word for English and French Canadian) values and the other on more universal...
  11. Machjo

    Why we need a North American Passport.

    Why we need a North American Passport (Opinion) - Very good points.
  12. Machjo

    Your thoughts on official unilingualism?

    I just got challenged on a French Québec forum and need your help. I proposed that instead of a sovereignty referendum, Québec should have a referendum on official unilingualism in the Constitution and federal administration. For example, it could propose that the English provisions of the...
  13. Machjo

    Does liberalism attract the wrong kind of immigrant?

    I'd been reading that due to the baby-boom, we'll soon need to significantly increase our immigration rates. Okay, fine. But then how might our lax tobacco, alcohol, drug, gambling, prostitution, and other laws attract the wrong kind of immigrant? For example, a marijuana or sex laddict would...
  14. Machjo

    Should teacher colleges and public schools teach sex addiction remedies!

    It might already be the case for all I know (though I doubt it very much), but should a teacher college be required to inform its students of where to turn for help if they do suffer any kind of sex addiction, whether pedophilia, rape fantasies, or any other such problem? Also, should sex...
  15. Machjo

    Bring back the death penalty.

    Teen who died in Starbucks washroom needed rehab but mom says she couldn't afford it - British Columbia - CBC News I can see at least two cases where the death penalty should be the default with the judge having the discretion to grant life: murder and arson. I can see at least one case where...
  16. Machjo

    A universal royalty and a tax-free economy?

    Right now, each jurisdiction can charge the royalty of its choice on its resources. This can lead to competition with states trying to undersell one another, with two negative consequences: 1. Worldwide resource depletion and 2. Government revenue shortfalls that must then be compensated for...
  17. Machjo

    Cultural appropriation vs. tranculturation

    Let's not confuse cultural appropriation with transculturation. Today it seems fashionable to accuse anyone who adopts any cultural trait from another of 'cultural appropriation' when in reality it's usually a case of transculturation. Transculturation us perfectly natural and to be expected...
  18. Machjo

    The Brexit Gamble?

    I can see one possible very positive outcome for Brexit: 1. Unilateral free trade. In other words, unilaterally abrogate all tariffs. 2. Visa-free travel. Should no EU country budge on this, the UK will suffer. However, should other countries decide to also leave the EU and unilaterally go...
  19. Machjo

    The Svalbard Treaty. I like the idea. The Treaty limits Svalbard's powers of taxation, migration, and trading powers. Anyone in the world can go there visa-free, work there, and do business there. I don't remember ever reading about a single terrorist incident there...
  20. Machjo

    The New Political Divide

    The new political divide | The Economist Interesting article. Might we be seeing a gradual shifting from the traditional right-leftdivide towards a closed-open divide? Drawbridges up | The Economist