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  1. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    A substance doesn't have to be a driver to affect a change. Nor does that mean that it can't become a driver later. There's no CO2 in the atmosphere? lol Your link says otherwise. Make up that teeny weeny little rodent mind of yours. I think you're right that nothing here affects solar output...
  2. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Still have no idea what you are gibbering about here. You mean I don't like anthropoligical thinking any less? Yeah, right. What is a "you you less"? Hello kiddies please ask your science teacher tomorrow what keeps tons of rainwater in the sky. Of course you have the info below and they...
  3. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Wanna put that in English so it's coherent?
  4. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    lol Attaboy. Keep chewing that bark n anthropomorphising things like fate and the universe.
  5. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Don't ask him to do math; neither he nor his "electric universe" heroes come up with any. Beavers should stick to making things with sticks and eating bark.
  6. L Gilbert

    Mushroom Stroganoff

    Sounds good. Just needs some elk, moose, bison, or something.
  7. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    lol. Ain't that the truth.
  8. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Yes it is and anyone can scroll back to see exactly what your said. You originally said it was 600 miles from C Bay to Goose L and then you switched to 600 kliks. Wasn't it you who blabbed about never insulting people? Ah, so only people that have been to Rankin know where Cambridge Bay is...
  9. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    So Ton said Goose Lake is 600 kliks from the SK border. According to the map, it looks like Goose Lake is about 600 kliks from either the SK border or Cambridge Bay. Looks to me like you can't understand English. And you did say 600 miles south to the camp in the first place. Remeber this post...
  10. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Zinged yourself, chuckles. A little while ago you changed your tune and said, It isn't me that switched distances. You switched from 600 miles to 1175 miles with just a few posts in between. And yes, I was looking at the map here: An even...
  11. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Get this? Guess who said that. Not sure who said that? Well, the post number is 498 here;
  12. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Yep. I'm thinking he's been listening to them with his mouth fully engaged at warp speed. IOW, mouth open - ears shut. Quite.
  13. L Gilbert

    This summer may see first ice-free North Pole

    Perhaps he should stray out of his home for a look at the real world.
  14. L Gilbert

    Death knell for AGW
  15. L Gilbert

    Death knell for AGW

    You tell me. You seem to consider yourself the expert on all things climactic. I didn't say that. You're attempts at diversion are getting weaker. We don't live in the mountains. We live beside the lake with the mountains behind us. I bet they don't. People got flooded because by the time the...
  16. L Gilbert

    Death knell for AGW

    :) Air molecules don't carry water molecules. Air, moist or not is a mixture of gases. The molecules do not meld. Like I said, shouldn't have skipped those science classes. Who is "we"? Average snow in comparison to the last decade or so. The spring produced more precip in June than normal bet...
  17. L Gilbert

    Death knell for AGW

    WTF? Try a private message.
  18. L Gilbert

    Death knell for AGW

    Ok, I give up. Tell me.
  19. L Gilbert

    Death knell for AGW

    Oh, I thought you were suggesting the Sahara was always a barren desert. What caused it to become such were the changing courses of the monsoons. The rains relocated.
  20. L Gilbert

    Death knell for AGW