El Barto Jul 15, 2012 I dunno as much as i love to hug my kitty i still hate spitting the fur left behind
El Barto Jul 15, 2012 Hmm looks like you are pleading the fith here by your silence...... psst ,, that only works for Americans
Hmm looks like you are pleading the fith here by your silence...... psst ,, that only works for Americans
El Barto Jul 15, 2012 ummm , lesss loss of life? as in ... you have lost a life or two before? Or was it because a couple of them died on you and it screwed with your perfect average?
ummm , lesss loss of life? as in ... you have lost a life or two before? Or was it because a couple of them died on you and it screwed with your perfect average?