Unlocking a locked-in Pension (RRSP)


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Live Poor Die Rich

Hi Everybody;
Here is a artile that Grant has sent out to a number of papers .

Locked-In Pensions: Live Poor Die Rich
March 17, 2008
Many retirees today living with locked-in pensions are barely getting by and are increasingly becoming poorer with each round of rate hikes of their most basic needs. Some are often faced with no other choice but to give up the home they’ve worked for all their lives in order to obtain additional money just to survive.
The real costs facing seniors, especially in the current economic climate, are escalating uncontrollably due in large part to the rising price of energy to heat their homes, gasoline for their cars, water and sewer charges, endless property tax hikes and the rising costs for food.
If you are one of these people depending on your Ontario regulated LIF or LRIF pension to see you through these tough times, the money in your locked-in pension will outlive 99.9% of you. That’s right, according to Statistics Canada, less than one half of one percent of our seniors will ever reach 90 years of age, which is the age that you would get the final 50% of the balance of the money in your locked-in pension. Therefore, 99.9% of you with LIF’s or LRIF’s will certainly die with at least 50% of your pension money left behind to your successor all the while living out your golden years staring into your pension fund without ever getting to actually use the bulk of it. Even at the average life expectancy of 78 for a male and 82 for a female, the government still only allows a paltry 11 to 12% annual access to your locked-in pension at those ages. This is why you will certainly live poor and die rich when it comes to your locked-in pension.
The Ontario government, which regulates access to your locked-in pensions, is out of touch with the 6% annual access it grants seniors to their own pension money. They appear oblivious to the plight of these pensioners and provide no practical means to increase the rate of access to those with locked-in pensions to meet the ever-increasing real cost of living. While other provinces and the Federal government allow from 50% to 100% access to their regulated locked-in pensions, the Ontario government continues to remain far behind with a one-time access of only 25%. They continue to ignore and refuse to listen to the will of its seniors who are seeking 100% access to their locked-in pensions instead of remaining shackled with this out-dated indifferent legislation.
This is completely unacceptable and cruel to those seniors who would normally be able to afford to keep up with the rising cost of living if greater or full access to their locked-in pensions would be made available to them as was done for 61 Ontario MPP’s back in 1999 when they passed legislation that unlocked their own locked-in pensions. The Liberal government today, continues to support the double standard that it’s current leader hypocritically and eloquently denounced back in 1999 when legislation was passed to exclusively unlock MPP’s pensions 100% while ignoring all other Ontarians with similar pensions.

Further, the Ontario government is clearly inconsistent with its own economic strategies when on one hand it allows providers of essential services to set their own pricing based on the free market model of supply and demand, and on the other hand, through discriminatory and archaic legislation, prevents it’s senior population from keeping up to these market driven rising costs by fixing a limited amount of access to their private locked-in pensions. How can this paradox be allowed to continue when those with locked-in pensions aren’t allowed the same freedom of access to their pensions to keep up with the market’s unrestricted freedom to set pricing of goods, services, taxes and other basic necessities.
The current policies and philosophy regarding locked-in pensions were developed back in the day when the day-to-day costs of these basic necessities rarely rose at all. Those days are long gone, but the outdated legislation governing Ontario’s locked-in pensions are not. Tight government interference with seniors’ private locked-in pensions simply must be eliminated in order to allow these folks a fighting chance to keep up with the ever increasing real cost of living, especially when they don’t often have any other means to increase their income other than through their LIF or LRIF pensions.
The Ontario government’s insistence on limiting its seniors ability to manage these burgeoning costs with its paternalism over their own pension money is bordering on white collar elder abuse and is outright shameful. This government is completely out of touch with its senior population and continues to ignore private members bills, lobbying by private citizens, prominent financial experts such as Jack Mintz, Malcolm Hamilton, Gordon Pape etc., petitions with thousands of signatures, CARP and the Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders.
It’s time for the Ontario government to do as Saskatchewan did in 2002 and eliminate locked-in pensions altogether thereby allowing 100% access to Ontario seniors’ private pensions and thus the opportunity to keep up with the spiralling personal cost of living by managing the money in their own LIF and LRIF pensions as they see fit.
Ultimately, if the Ontario government does not abolish these archaic "out of touch" regulations and end the control over its seniors’ LIF’s and LRIF’s, 99.9% of Ontarians with locked-in pensions will surely continue to live poorly and die rich, leaving the majority of their money behind that could have been used to provide them with the quality of life they’ve earned for themselves while alive.

Grant Fleury,
Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders


New Member
Mar 26, 2008
Omers Pensions

Hello everyone

Anyone had any experience transferring omers pensions (commuted value) into an IPP under an incorporated company after age of 55.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
A Letter on Deaf Ears

A Letter on Deaf ears
Hi Everybody;
Well here is another letter sent out to a government that doesn't really care what the people of Ontario want.

Apparently all they want to do is line their pockets. After voting them selves a 35% raise just before Christmas , they are lining their pockets again with another raise. They are the highest paid MPP's in Canada.

Maybe that is why they refuse to unlock our money.

They need that money when each senior passes away and they tax their estate at the highest rate so that they will be able to keep their pockets full of money.

Hon Dalton McGuinty; ???????

Dear Dalton ;

As you may have noticed . The Federal Government is now going to allow the unlocking of 50% of Federal Locked-in pensions in Canada.

This means that well over 50% of the Citizens of Canada will have a privilege that is being denied to the Citizens of Ontario.

Federal 50% , Alberta 50% , Saskatchewan 100% , Manitoba 50% ,((( Ontario 25% )))

I have heard that British Columbia is also considering unlocking 50%.

Your past Finance Minister Greg Sorbara during a interview concerning locked-in pensions in answer to the Question
" Do senior citizens really need protection from unscrupulous investors?"

On a CBC Radio interview Stated .

" I don't think that this has any thing to do with protecting senior citizens from investors whether unscrupulous or not. "

Your Now Current Finance Minister Dwight Duncan now States . " the Ontario government is concerned that full unlocking of locked-in accounts could put retirement income at risk. The rational is simple , these funds are important in ensuring that seniors are provided with a regular income stream throughout retirement despite the uncertainty of an individuals life expectancy , future investment ,returns and inflation."

It appears that your Finance Ministers answers depend on is if there is a election or not.

Before a election Your government isn't concerned if a Senior is capable of looking after their own funds . ((( I would like to remind you this is our own funds )))

Now that the election is over Your government is saying in a nice way that only the Seniors in Ontario are to Stupid to look after their ((( OWN FUNDS ))) Not government money !!!

We were smart enough to save money for retirement. We are also smart enough to use it and invest it wisely.


Jack M. Mintz Professor Of Business Economics ,Rotman School of Management ,

Malcolm Hamilton,Actuary ,Mercer Human Resource Consulting Toronto ,

Gordon Pape , Renowned Financial Expert ,

One Thousand Eight Hundred Signatures on the online Petition that has requested that the Government of Ontario Unlock LIRF , LIRA , LIF 100%

CD Howe Institute , Canadian Economic And Social Policy Think Tank,

CARP , National Advocacy Organization For The 50 Plus , 250,000 members in Ontario ,

The Common Front For Retirement Security , 2 Million Members across Canada .

The Ontario Coalition of Independent Locked-in Fund Holders ,

Ontario Coalition of Senior Citizens Organizations.

My Question Is why does the Liberal Government of Ontario Refuse to unlock Locked-in Pensions 100 %.

Especially when A good Number of Current Liberal MPP'S will enjoy this Privilege at the age of 55 or when they retire.

Bill Costello


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Ontario A Have Not Province
Hi folks,
Copying everyone on the May email sent to each of the 107 MPPs and various newspapers in Ontario.
Bill Nafziger

Ontario is a “Have Not Province” for Seniors with Locked-in Pensions.
During 1999, MPPs in Ontario and Saskatchewan discussed the consequences of locked-in pensions for their retirees.

Dalton McGuinty eloquently expressed the unfairness of locked-in pensions, commenting on Ontario Seniors as “getting down on their bended knee asking for their own pension money”, as evidenced in the 1999 Hansard.

The discussions in Ontario resulted in 61 MPPs of all parties unlocking their pensions in 2000, but denying the same right to all other Ontarians with locked-in pensions.

Saskatchewan’s decision in 2002 was to unlock 100% of their locked-in pensions for their retirees.

"There'll be no restrictions on the amount of withdrawal that can come out," says David Wild, superintendent of pensions.

"Anyone with a locked-in retirement account will have the option of moving monies to a RRIF [registered retirement income fund] at retirement. Anyone who already has a LIF or an LRIF in Saskatchewan will have that money in a RRIF immediately. So the LIF and LRIF will no longer exist."

According to Wild, retirees, financial planners and financial institutions had become "frustrated" with LIF and LRIF rules in the last four years.
On a technical basis, he says, they couldn't plan ahead because maximum withdrawals from LIFs and LRIFs change according to market conditions. Also, many found the formulas for calculating maximums complicated. On a philosophical level, Wild says regulators "received complaints, such as 'I'm a responsible adult. Who is the government to tell me how much money I can withdraw from my own LIF or LRIF?'"

Ontario reacted six years later in 2008, unlocking an insulting 25% of locked-in pensions.

Ontario locked-in pension holders paid between $5.2 and $15.6 million in financial hardship application fees, to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) over a three year period (2003 to 2006) to reject only 53 out of over 26,000 applicants. Taxpayers paid for additional remaining costs.

Ontario continues to require these huge costs, to support a full-time department at FSCO , whose sole objective, is to determine which pensioners can have access to more of their own money.

Saskatchewan pensioners and taxpayers paid nothing, as their government allowed pensioners the flexibility to determine their own income streams.

Saskatchewan moved past the “age of government paternalism” in 2002, which continues to exist in Ontario in 2008.

Perhaps this is another reason why Ontario is moving towards a “Have Not Province”.

Best regards,
Bill Nafziger

Canadian Association of Retired People
Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders
Common Front for Retirement Security


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Letter to Dalton

Mr. McGuinty ;

I see that you are asking the Federal Government for Fairness for Ontario on TV and through the papers. You say that we in Ontario should be treated fairly .

Quote "Ontarians are not looking for special treatment. We're looking for the same treatment. We're looking for – we're demanding – fairness."

Although I do agree with you on this issue . I think back how the Seniors of Ontario have been asking you for the very same thing for the past three years .(((( FAIRNESS ))))

Seniors are not looking for special treatment . We,re looking for the same treatment as the 60 MPP,s of Ontario received in 1999 . Many of them from your party , and the same treatment the Seniors of Saskatchewan received in 2002 .

We are looking for- we are demanding - fairness .

We are asking you to treat the Seniors of Ontario with fairness , just as you wish to be treated .

Unlock - Locked in Pensions for the Seniors of Ontario and treat them fairly .

Bill Costello
The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Liberals Hypocritical on Pension Unlocking

This is a letter sent out to all Liberal MPP's .

Mr Duncan ;

Thank you for responding to my letter . Even though your response was still the Same Old , Same Old .

I would like to quote you on some of your response .

Quote " As you mentioned, some MPPs voted to unlock their RRSP-type retirement arrangement in 1999 "

" This legislation was passed by the former government despite the objection of Liberal MPPs . The Liberal Caucus Opposed to compleat unlocking in 1999, and its views remains consistent . "

You are Correct in the above statements .

I would like to now Quote for You also what Your Premier said at that time .

" I want to make it perfectly clear in this House today that I and my party will have none of it."

Dalton McGuinty plus Jim Bradley , Michael Brown , Sean Conway , Elinor Caplan , Monte Kwinter , Lyn McLeod , Gerry Philips , David Ramsay , Tony Rupercht , Richard Patten , and the list goes on took all of it . 100% Unlocking !!!!!!

Don't you think Mr Duncan that Your party is being a bit Hypocritical ,letting members take all of it when they retire ,when your leader said " MY PARTY WILL HAVE NONE OF IT ".

You Can be sure of one thing Mr Duncan that I and The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders will continue to inform the Seniors of Ontario who all the members of the Liberal Party are that will have 100% unfettered access to their pensions on retirement .

Where as any other citizen of Ontario has to wait until they are 90 Years of age OR DROP DEAD so they may receive the same privilege.

To Me Sir HYPOCRITICAL is not a strong enough word for the disparity and hardship You and the Liberal Party are forcing on the SENIORS of this Province .

People that worked hard all their lives . People that saved all their lives for a comfortable retirement ,
And now You Sir and your party are denying them their own money in their golden years .

Bill Costello , The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders .


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
New Private Members Bill

Hi All ;

I have just been notified by Ken Elliott that there is another Private Members bill to unlock locked in pensions 100 % in Ontario .
We can use all the help we can get from concerned Ontario Citizens , or if you are in any other province and hold a Ontario locked in pension . mail your MPP's of all party's , and asking them to support bill 116 on your behalf .
It would also be helpful if you also mailed Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario .

Here is the addresses of the MPP's .
Legislative Assembly of Ontario | Members (MPPs) | Current MPPs

If you are stuck for words this is a letter Philip James set out to his MPP.

" Hello Peter.

We have received information that Mr Chudleigh of Halton has introduced a private members Bill to finally level the playing field Re: Locked in Pensions. His Bill states that all should get 100% unlocking as did the 61Mpp,s back in 1999, with some still sitting including Dalton McGuinty. My question Peter is straightforward.
Can we the pensioners of Ontario count on your yes vote for Bill 116. Your response will be appreciated.

Regards Philip James , The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders . "

As Many of You know these locked in Pensions are Pensions arriving from your own private pension plans and the Ontrio Government has no right to keep them locked in when there has already been a presedent set in 2002 in Saskatchewan when they unlocked 100% for their Citizens , in 1999 61 Ontario MPP's passed legislation to unlock their pensions for them selves 100% .

This is your own money not Government money . This is not CPP or QAS .

Please pass this on to as many people as you can . We need to fight the unjustness of the curent legislation .

Thank You Bill Costello , The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Hoalders

-------Original Message-------

Subject: Bill 116

Hi all,

Just received this e-mail this morning ... let's keep the pressure on ... even Chudleigh in his first sentence is acknowledging that MPPs have been given an exemption on locked-in pensions


----- Original Message -----
From: Ellis, Ben
To: kenneth.elliott@sympatico.ca
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2009 11:05 AM
Subject: Locked-In Pensions

Dear Mr. Elliott,

I have been informed that you are interested in the issue of legislation surrounding locked-in pensions and the exemptions for certain people including the terminally ill and MPPs. As you may have heard, Mr. Chudleigh has tabled legislation recently that would “level the playing field”, so to speak. Bill 116 would amend the Pension Benefits Act to allow up to the entire amount in the account to be transferred into a registered retirement income fund for all Ontarians. The transfer could be made at age 55 or, if the pension plan provides for retirement at an earlier age, at that age.

In drafting this legislation, Mr. Chudleigh is attempting to undo and simplify the complicated laws which rob people of the right to spend their own hard-earned money. As a conservative, Mr. Chudleigh feels that retirees deserve more respect, and do not need pensions rationed out by government like parents giving allowance to their children. Beyond that principle, Bill 116 would act as a significant and timely stimulus to the economy.

Bill 116 will be given second reading some time in 2009, at a date yet to be determined (depending on Mr. Chudleigh's ballot day). At that time, we hope there will be serious debate on this issue both in the House, in the media and in the public. Even if Bill 116 fails to pass, we hope that the Liberal government will take note of the issue and at least introduce legislation that changes the current system.

I understand the frustration that exists regarding this matter but there are several steps that can be taken to increase our chances. For instance, as a private citizen you might start a petition or letter-writing campaign, perhaps in concert with an organization like CARP. If you were able to stir up enough support, Mr. Chudleigh could read them into the record and demonstrate to the McGuinty Liberals that there is real public clamoring for change. I would be happy to help with this process.

Please feel free to contact me anytime to discuss this or other issues.

Best regards,

Ben Ellis

Executive Assistant to

Ted Chudleigh, M.P.P. Halton

P.C. Critic for Economic Development and Trade


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
All of the Provinces as well as the Federal Government have their own Rules and Regulations concerning Locked-in RRSPs. Probably only you people that have one would know what I mean.
There are only two Provinces that allow you to unlock these RRSPs (Sask. being one). Manitoba allows you to unlock 50% (once). Ontario allows ex MPPs to unlock theirs, but nobody else. The Federal Government is the most restrictive. Since we are ALL Canadians we should ALL be treated the same. Isn't that what we have a Constitution for? The new Federal Finance Minister is an ex MPP from Ontario, so can unlock his. This should be standardized across the country. Banks and other institutions don't know what rules to follow. Hundreds in Ontario lost money recently in a scheme to extract money that was locked-in. Are there any of you in this situation?

Yep. $30,000 "evaporated" in a matter of weeks in late September.


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Locked in Pension Survey
Hi All;
This is a survey I would recommend filling out. It is being done in British Columbia and recomended by CARP. Every province that unlocks pensions helps us accomplish it in Ontario and Federal.
It does not matter what Province your pension is in or if it is Federal. Everybody can fill this out if they wish.
Please also send this on to anybody you know that has a locked in pension.

Regards Bill Costello

You're invited to participate in a survey about retirement planning and private pension plans.
Will your pension be there for you? •

Do you have a private pension

• Have you ever needed ‘instant access’ to your locked-in private pension funds?
• Would you like to have the option to ‘instant access’?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of the above questions then we want to hear from you!!
Please find below a link to a survey about retirement planning and private pension plans. Survey results will be used by Simon Fraser University researchers to generate policy alternatives with respect to the locking-in of private pension benefits.
CARP is happy to help with the research and urges former private pension members to complete the survey as thoroughly as possible. This survey is voluntary and you can withdraw at anytime. Your responses are confidential and will not be distributed to third parties.
In clicking on the below link you are consenting to participate in this study:


We thank-you in advance for your contribution to this important research.

The survey link is closed. Will another be posted anytime soon?


Council Member
Nov 27, 2008
Sitting at my laptop
Hi Everybody;

I just thought that I would let everybody know that the 50 plus site has opened up a forum strictly on pensions. It would be a good place to check out if you have questions on any pensions as hopefully some one there will respond and help you out.
50Plus Discussion Forums (Powered by Invision Power Board).

Take Care Bill C


I have a "hypothetical" for you. If one has a debilitating disease, are there avenues for accessing a "locked in" pension prior to 60yrs old?


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Quote "Bill;

I have a "hypothetical" for you. If one has a debilitating disease, are there avenues for accessing a "locked in" pension prior to 60yrs old? "

Hi Free Thinker ;

Not that I know of . You could check the Financial Comision of Ontario web site under Lcked in Pensions .

Pensions - Financial Services Commission of Ontario

To the Question about another survey . I dont know of one at this time .
if there isanother one I will post .

Regards Bill


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Private Members Bill 116

Hi Everybody ;

I thought I would pass private members bill 116 's address in case you would like to look at it .


Ted Chudleigh MPP Halton has assured me that he is fully committed to having these pensions unlocked as is his party .

He said if the current government should prorogue parliament he will present it again under a new number .

Please e- mail your MPP and ask him/her to support bill 116 . You could also e-mail Premier McGuinty and ask him to let this bill pass .

We have a petition in the works that I will mail out as soon as it is ready .

On another front a Liberal MPP is also having unlocking pensions 100% put on the agenda for discussion in the next caucus meeting February 4 . There are a number of Liberal MPP's that already support unlocking 100% , with your encouragement maybe we can get more .

I have received a letter from Gilles Bisson one of the NDP candidates that they now have decided to back unlocking 50% . I have asked him why the Turnaround from Andrea's private members bill of 100% . His reply was it was a party decision . I have not yet received a reply from any other of the candidates when I asked what percentage of unlocking they support.

I would ask of you all to mail the 4 NDP candidates and ask them why the change .

I thought they always say they are for the people . Do they now feel that we are not competent enough to look after our own money .

We are getting to the stage that I really belive that we are going to succeed in having this cruel legislation changed . We just need the support from all of you and anybody else you can reach out to , to also mail the MPP's of Ontario and ask for LIF , LIRF , LIRA pensions be unlocked 100% .

To anybody out of province that has a locked in pension in Ontario or feels that this unjust legislation should be changed . You can e-mail Premier Dalton McGuinty and ask for change .


Until I have further Information , Take Care Bill Costello , The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Update on Private Members Bill 116

Hi Everybody ;
Here is a update
February 2, 2009
To all the people that would like to see LIRA , LIRF , and LIF's Unlock 100% in Ontario .
Great news! The Ballot Day lottery was held today and Ted pulled number 17. That means that second reading of Bill 116 will be held on May 7, 2009, much earlier than expected. There is still a chance that the Liberals will prorogue the house which might affect the number of the Bill and could possibly move the date back a few weeks but all signs indicate that they won’t prorogue.
This is a grassroots cause for fairness, respect and economic benefit. It is a cause for which many of you have been struggling for several years. While Ted Chudleigh is personally dedicated to Bill 116’s passage, he is also acting as your representative as Ontarians so I encourage you to keep in touch with him through me so that we stay united and so that your voices do not get muffled by the usual politics. Your ideas are most welcome. Even if we disagree, our own healthy debate will strengthen our position leading up to May 7th.
Thanks again to all for your continued support. Together, I think we have a real chance for success!
Best regards to you and your families,
Ben Ellis
Executive Assistant to
Ted Chudleigh, MPP Halton
PS . AS always we need your support in contacting your MPP's and Premier Dalton McGuinty and request of them to pass Bill 116.
There will be a site where you can download a petition . I will post it as soon as it is set up .
Regards Bill C


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Petition Address

Hi Everybody ;

This is the site to download the petition if you wish .

The second reading will be on May 7th and then it will be debated.

We need all the help we can get to try and have this petition accepted by the majority of members from all party's . Mailing your MPP and Premier Dalton McGuinty and requesting of them to pass Bill 116 . The Bill to unlock LIRA , LIRF , and LIF pensions in Ontario .

We also need all of you to download the petition and print out copy's and get them signed ...

Please don't procrastinate and think the next person will do it . If everybody takes that attitude , We are then dead in the water .
If we want these pensions unlocked we have to show that there are a great number of people behind unlocking.
Have your family , children (( There is no age restriction )), friends , neighbors and whoever sign .

There is one restriction however . Only citizens from Ontario may sign , overthought you may hold a locked in pension under Ontario rules . In this case e-mail Premier McGuinty and protest .

If you get at least one petition signed ( Great ) if you can get a hundred . ( Absolutely Fantastic ) . What ever the number it will be a big help in reaching our goal for every retiree , being able to control their own finances in times of need and not have to pay the government a fee and beg for their own money (( This is not CPP or OAS ))

Please also pass this on to any contacts you have and also ask for their help .

We Can Do This !!!

The Petitions can be mailed to . Ted Chudleigh , Room 450 Legislative Building , Queen's Park , Toronto , Ontario , M7A 1A8

Or you can mail to me and I will bundle them up and send them on .
Bill Costello , 6 Chub Lake Road , Box 56 , Atikokan Ontario , p0t 1c0

We would like the petitions sent in by April 10th .

Take Care , Regards Bill Costello , The Ontario Coalition of Independent LIF Holders .



New Member
Feb 4, 2009
BC locked in RRSPs...

Hello I was forced to pay into these locked in RRSPs in BC from 1996-2001 when I lived in Alberta and still do and now I am broke, unemployed and almost on the street with a cup in my hand and I have tried everything to unlock this money.I have talked to Union law offices,bank managers,Ethical fund client personal and Government of BC pension.I need a lifeline and it appears this money was never intended to be mine.Where is the financial hardship legislation that allows you to withdraw a percentage when needed I think Alberta has this. It feels like It was a kickback to the government for the privilege of working in BC and forecably I might add, I was not given a choice either pay into this plan or work somewhere else under union contract.Im currently seeking legal counsel but its hard, I keep getting referral after referral its going nowhere fast and no one wants to touch it.Its recession time I want some Money now.I heard of bouncing this money around until it looses its lock a friend did this 15 years ago. now? no way to secure.Any advise? please Im all ears. warrenrobertson@shaw.ca


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Update on Private Members Bill 116

Bill to Unlock Pensions to be Debated May 7th, 2009

MPP Chudleigh Seeks Fairness and Respect for Retirees​
(Milton, ON – February 3, 2009) Today Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh announced that his
Private Member’s Bill 116, the Pension Benefits Amendment Act, will be read for the
Second time and debated on May 7​
th, 2009.
Bill 116 would allow retirees full access to locked-in funds (LIFs, LIRAs, LIRFs) at the
Age of 55. These funds are currently doled out in increments by the government and not
Fully paid out until the recipient is 90 years old. Too often, retirees pass away before
Receiving their hard-earned pensions.
“My Bill seeks respect for retirees first and foremost,” said Chudleigh. “Ontarians over
55 do not need the government to ration out their pensions like parents giving allowance
To their children. At the age of retirement, most Ontarians have raised families, bought
And sold homes, made investments and shown prudent and responsible management of
Their money and property. It’s time to start treating our seniors like adults.”
“An immediate unlocking of pension funds would also act as a timely stimulus to the
Economy,” added Chudleigh. “It would put money in the hands of the people and, while
I’m sure they won’t spend it all at once, I imagine they might use some of it on projects
And expenditures that would ease our provinces current economic trouble and create some
Well-needed jobs.”
Chudleigh has worked in concert with the Ontario Coaltion of Independent LIF Holders
(“The Coalition”) in understanding the issues and garnering public support. This
Province-wide group of activist citizens has been demanding changes to pension laws for
Many years.
“There have been several attempts to unlock pensions but so far the government has been
Reluctant to act,” said Coalition spokesman Bill Costello of Atikokan. “Yet we remain
Hopeful that Premier McGuinty and MPPs from all parties will finally see the light and
Vote for Mr. Chudleigh’s Bill 116 on May 7
th. It is simply the right thing to do.”
The Coalition has begun a petition which calls on the Legislative Assembly to pass Bill
116 without delay. The petition can be downloaded at

And sent to Chudleigh’s Queen’s Park office: Room 450, Legislative Building, Toronto,
Ontario, M7A 1A8.
For information contact:
Ben Ellis - 416-325-5747 or 905-878-1729​
Bill Costello - 807-597-6882


Nominee Member
Feb 15, 2006
Atikokan Ontario
Hello I was forced to pay into these locked in RRSPs in BC from 1996-2001 when I lived in Alberta and still do and now I am broke, unemployed and almost on the street with a cup in my hand and I have tried everything to unlock this money.I have talked to Union law offices,bank managers,Ethical fund client personal and Government of BC pension.I need a lifeline and it appears this money was never intended to be mine.Where is the financial hardship legislation that allows you to withdraw a percentage when needed I think Alberta has this. It feels like It was a kickback to the government for the privilege of working in BC and forecably I might add, I was not given a choice either pay into this plan or work somewhere else under union contract.Im currently seeking legal counsel but its hard, I keep getting referral after referral its going nowhere fast and no one wants to touch it.Its recession time I want some Money now.I heard of bouncing this money around until it looses its lock a friend did this 15 years ago. now? no way to secure.Any advise? please Im all ears. warrenrobertson@shaw.ca

Hi Warren ;

It is sad to say , you are in the same boat as thousands of others in these economic times . I know that BC is currently looking at following Alberta with 50% unlocking , but government moves very slow . I am not sure if BC has a unlocking under hardship clause You could check by searching British Columbia Locked in pension rules .
I think I have a address of some one in British Columbia that is fighting the locked in pension legislation there . I haven't kept up on what is happening in BC as we are having a heck of a time trying to get the McGuinty government in Ontario to change legislation .
If I find the address I will e-mail you .

Regards Bill Costello