Debate Over Children and Psychiatric Drugs


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
I was diagnosed with diabetes at 8. Symptoms to watch for are the symptoms of high blood sugar:

frequent urination, drinking large quantities, losing weight, tiredness, and in extreme cases, shortness of breath and chest pains (don't worry too much about that unless it happens. i think it's quite unlikely in a new diabetic). testing for diabetes is very very easy. all it takes is a drop of blood.

I'm not seeing those symptoms, just the headaches and vomiting. Thanks for the info.


Time Out
Apr 11, 2006
Richmond, Virginia
ok Kim says the learning disability is diabetes caused but not insuline caused. Because he was diagnosed so early they caught it quickly. its poor developement of the executive functions due to so many highs and lows. He needs aids to help him understand the reading portion of learning. He's very bright but just has trouble understanding writen words.

The migrains are just juvinile migrains but while he was here he had two. The lil guy goes through hell.


Council Member
Aug 7, 2006
ok Kim says the learning disability is diabetes caused but not insuline caused. Because he was diagnosed so early they caught it quickly. its poor developement of the executive functions due to so many highs and lows. He needs aids to help him understand the reading portion of learning. He's very bright but just has trouble understanding writen words.

The migrains are just juvinile migrains but while he was here he had two. The lil guy goes through hell.

Difficulty processing the written word is sometimes dyslexia.

With migraine, it seems that males sometimes outgrow them during puberty whereas females start getting them during puberty.