Math was developed to support the field of physics.But physics, biology and chemistry stay forever.
Math being their foundation.
Math was developed to support the field of physics.But physics, biology and chemistry stay forever.
Math being their foundation.
rofl There are some of Geo's possessions still around and they have been verified, contrary to what Ariadne would have us believe. Are there any possessions of Yeshua's around? No? Not even a tooth, a diary, a hairbrush, etc. Digger's have found possessions of people that date back thousands of thousands of years, yet someone as famous as Yeshua was supposed to have been vanished without leaving a hair behind? It's irrational.Well, if there is evidence that George Washington existed there is evidence that Jesus existed.. Which is why I made that ludacris remark that there is no evidence George Washington existed.
Nope. I haven't even seen them in real life. I read. Science journals of various kinds, science magazines. If there are 5 people whose business it is to sort out fact from fantasy saying the same thing, I'd would logically accept their facts over the fantasies of millions.But still....did you personally remove his wooden teeth? Or is it faith that makes you believe they are genuine? What about his house? Were you there when he lived in it? Or is it faith? Sure lots of books and writings were made by and about Washington.
As I said, there's absolutely no proof of Yeshua's existence. Just a lot of hearsay.Same with Jesus.
Wrong, I do not use faith. I use reason. As I said, if 5 people whose business it is to sort out fact from fiction, it's more reasonable to accept their findings than it is to accept the fantasies of millions.Face it you weren't there when Washington was around. Everything you believe about him is pure faith- trust in the fact that you are not being lied to. In reality you really can't prove a single thing about Wahington's existence.
QUite right.Just because it is thousands of years ago that Jesus was on earth instead of hundreds like Washington doesn't make it less true.
Did they leave sworn affidavits of this? Or is it just that so-and-so said several people said they have friends who met some of the hundreds of thousands that saw Yeshua? Got a newspaper clipping dated at those 33 years about this phenomenon?THere is no proof Jesus existed? Well what about that 33 year period where hundreds of thousands of people looked on Him with their own eyes?
.......... and didn't leave a hair off his head behind. This is your proof? The more logical calendar was twisted by the church from having 13 months to 12 months.Cmon man. He walked around the earth for DECADES. YOur calendar is based on his existence.
Unless there is some fantastic conspiracy among scientists, witnesses, survivors, photographers, culprits, etc. to pull off this incredible hoax, reason tells me so, not faith.The holocaust. Did it really happen or no? That is less than a hundred years ago. Is it true or a lie? Were you there? Many people deny it. So did it happen? How do you really know?
Well, perhaps you have faith that either existed, but I prefer reason and science.I know, I know. Based on that logic how can I really know if Jesus was on earth.The answer- faith. Just like George Washington.
I wonder if he believed in the existence of Jesus?
Yup, lots of hearsay around, I agree.nothing definitive, but plenty of good circumstantial evidence. several versions of his life story were written down, admittedly hundreds ofyears after, when it began to appear just how important he was, but I have always believed there WAS a jesus and he was PROBABLY a man, POSSIBLY the son of God, and DEFINATELY not from san fransisco.
If there was such a person, me too.I think I would have liked him.
Math was developed to support the field of physics.
lol I was kidding, Ariadne. I paraphrased my physics prof and simply forgot to put a smilie in my post.Disagree. Math exists on it's own and is divided into two categories: pure, where all the laws are defined and applied, where we see how it is used in the real world: physics.
If there's evidence that Yeshua existed, then there's evidence that goblins and leprachauns exist. :roll:Well, if there is evidence that George Washington existed there is evidence that Jesus existed.. Which is why I made that ludacris remark that there is no evidence George Washington existed.
lol I was kidding, Ariadne. I paraphrased my physics prof and simply forgot to put a smilie in my post.![]()
Gopher and Gilbert, are you guys identical twins?
sanctus said:Most unlikely. Joshua bar-Jonah was not only of Jewish descent, he was also Aramaic.Though we lack a defined physical listing of what Jesus looked like, we can infer that he would not look any different from His human roots. In other words, certainly Jewish looking(unlike the European pictures painted of Him in The Middle Ages), and certainly not negroid and/or black.
Calling your god's existence "science" is mocking it? Science is the study of natural phenomena; it is what gives us knowledge about the round (actually elliptical) thing we live on (among other things). I cannot see how the existence of a deity could be confused with something that seeks to satisfy curiosity.
Um, as far as I am concerned, faiths in deities of any kind are flights of fantasy, but apparently some feel the need for them so that's fine with me (each to his own, sorta thing). I know what I feel, who I am, what I am, etc. and have no such need, but I am curious about things that science can explain for me. Simple as that, no racism, very little bigotry (I have a low tolerance for critters that prefer to remain ignorant rather than learn anything
Took the words right outa my mouth. I totally agree.
Yeah, given Jesus' origins as an Aramaic Levantine Jew, the probability that he was the light-skinned Renaissance prince that appears in much European Christian iconography is pretty much zero. I doubt that he was anything we would currently call black either. Odds are that he was a skinny, swarthy, hairy little man, but the whole issue seems supremely irrelevant to me. We don't know, and will almost certainly never know, what he looked like, and it really doesn't matter anyway. That's why I made fun of the OP's claim that he was black. That was just a cheap trick to get attention, I thought, which the OP more or less admitted off the top anyway, so I mocked it. That seems to have offended some people, and one person in particular who threatened to put me on her ignore list, but I'm constitutionally incapable of responding to self-righteous indignation any other way. I'm not a believer, as most of you know, but neither am I so arrogant as to dismiss believers as fools (with the possible exception of alasdair), because I just don't know, and I don't believe anybody else really does either. There are deep mysteries here, but the weight of evidence seems to me to support my position, that god is an entirely human invention and has no reality outside the realm of ideas.
I have previously provided biblical quotes which refer to Jews as being black. Therefore, Jesus could have been so as well. But there is no proof that He was white as Europeans portrayed Him after the 1400s.
C'mon sanctus. This is tripe. The almost racially pure Jewish people of the time were obviously not going to by white!Your quotes are mis-interpretations. Jesus was without a doubt white. Not European white, but certainly as white as the Jewish people He was born into.
C'mon sanctus. This is tripe. The almost racially pure Jewish people of the time were obviously not going to by white!
They would be at the very least, olive skinned. Nothing white in that at all. The White Christ is a manifestation of the European tribes that would eventually embrace Jesus and become his biggest boosters. Thus he was re-invented in ther image, not that of his.
If you go to Jerusalem today, even with the inter breeding of Europeans and the peoples of Arabic and Hebrew back grounds, the skin colour is still darker then that of the Churches image of Jesus.
That's debatable.Granted, I should have typed caucasian, as is the ethnic mix of the people of that area of the world. You are obviously correct in the description of the skin colour. In no way was I trying to imply Christ was European in descent.
But regardless of the semantics, He was certainly NOT negroid in terms of racial origin.
Lighten up. You think God has no sense of humour?
Um, as far as I am concerned, faiths in deities of any kind are flights of fantasy