Quebec as a Nation

Do you recognized Québec as being a nation ?

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the caracal kid

the clan of the claw
Nov 28, 2005
the leaf nation?

hey, I want recognition of my nation! Well, not really, unless it allows me to declare myself sovereign.... well, you know the drill. vive le caracal, vive le caracal libre!


New Member
Nov 28, 2006
See, you can't end bilingualism with the recognition of the Québec nation, because it's a nation inside Canada. Meaning that it's still part of Canada.

And federal jobs aren't JUST open to bilingual people, last time I checked, all the people down at the local passport office and at the local post office, spoke only english.

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006
I cant wait for the day when I can visit Quebec with out hearing French or seing FRENCH on signs bigger than English and no longer have Language police to enforce French at the innocent Anglophone Canadains and other Anglophones.

One Day Montreal and Quebec City will be all English speaking cities like New York City and Boston.

The French in Quebec treat Canadains like the way The Albanians in Kosovo treat Serbs even though Quebec belongs to Canada and Kosovo to Serbia.

The Canadians will defeat the Quebecois just like the Serbs will defeat the Albanians.

Quebec belongs to Canada just like Kosovo belongs to Serbia

I dont want all the Francophones expelled from Quebec but only the Quebec seperatists. The Francophones can stay but have to agree that Canada is an English speaking Nation and that includes Quebec, if they do that they can stay like the French of Louisiana.

Montreal and Quebec City will become 100% Anglophone 1 day.


House Member
Aug 28, 2006
Im going to pop in with a quick Pro-nation arguement here, on the basis of a practical use for everyday people.

Discrimination. you cannot legally discriminate in the workplace based on nationality.

Quebec was previously not a nationality, and most places I've worked people will from time to time kid about "Dirty Quebecers" or "Dumb Newfies" or both. And you were free to look over someone for a promotion for that reason, it may be in poor taste, but it was legal.

Qubecois is now a nationality, so you can but out with the "Dirty Quebecker" jokes at work. Im not Quebecois but I consider that a plus.

Now we just need to recognize Newfoundland as a Nation within Canada.

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006
When Quebec Province becomes 100% English one day I will buy a home in Montreal. So I will have 2 homes 1 in London England and 1 in Montreal Quebec. I will enjoy hearing English spoken in Montreal and only English and no French.

Montreal and Quebec City I consider English Cities and I consider them under occupation by the French. One day these Anglophone Cities will be freed from the yoke of the Francophones.

I call on the Anglophone minnority in Quebec to stand firm and be tought witht the Francophones, you are not alone. I support the Anglophone minnority in Quebec 110%.


Jun 23, 2006
what exactly is the benefit to quebec of their separation, or recognition as a nation within canada? Is it just a matter of allowing those who live there to think of themselves in a different way or would it have financial and political repercussion (such as import duties and having to use passports etc)?

Personally I think if they want to be called "the nation of quebec", let them, if it makes them happy. If it's a matter of closing the borders and making more paperwork and less tolerance i am dead against it. People should be happy and grateful for the freedom of such a great land as canada. it doesnt make any difference what language you speak, or what your background is.


Jun 23, 2006
general james wolfe, I cannot speak for the administration but I have always thought that inciteful and intolerant comments like yours are discouraged on this forum. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006
Listen buddy on the issue of Quebec I use to be a moderate. I was all for giving Quebec more rights than any other province as longs as it meant keeping Quebec in Canada. For a time I felt sorry for the Francophones of Quebec. I felt that Canada should do what it needed to do to keep Quebec a part of Canada but that was in 1995 when they had their referendum. Since then my position has changed I am no longer a moderate but a hardliner. No mater how much money or rights you give to these ungrateful Francophones they are never happy and are always causing trouble for the Canada and especially the Anglophones of Quebec who they force to speak French at the hands of the language police and for people th have bigger french writing on their signs than english.

I feel that Canada including Quebec would be better of with out these troublesome Francophones. In 10 years these Francophones with their actions and talk has changed me from a moderate to a hardliner. Moderation is out the window with me when it comes to seperatist like the BQ and thier supporters.


Give an inch (enacting billengualism and autonmy9 they take a mile (indepence).


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
what exactly is the benefit to quebec of their separation, or recognition as a nation within canada? Is it just a matter of allowing those who live there to think of themselves in a different way or would it have financial and political repercussion (such as import duties and having to use passports etc)?

Personally I think if they want to be called "the nation of quebec", let them, if it makes them happy. If it's a matter of closing the borders and making more paperwork and less tolerance i am dead against it. People should be happy and grateful for the freedom of such a great land as canada. it doesnt make any difference what language you speak, or what your background is.


Are you familiar with the term "precedent"?

When a community of people, whether their language or culture or even their skin pigmentation affords the greater majority the opportunity of discriminating against that group, what that group must strive for initially is recognition of the fact that as a group they are the targets and recipients of hate and/or descrimination in the education...where ever...

This could be African Americans, or women, it could be a religious sect...any group.

Once there is affirmation from the majority that this group is in fact being targetted for mistreatment and/or injustice/ridicule....then something can (perhaps) be done to address this situation. The primary goal of any sub-culture/group that wishes to change the circumstances experienced by that group at the hands of the majority has to be "recognition" from an authority representing that majority.

We've practiced discrimination for ever, and there could be an argument made that some "innate" attribute of the human DNA predisposes human beings to violent discrimination.... Discrimination that serves the interests of the group and can be effected through "legitimate" means (elections, unions, brotherhoods etc.) continue the practice.

If people in Quebec are suffering at the hands of the majority rather than the corrupt "government" they so enthusiastically keep electing....

Then make a case and proceed to work to change those conditions but if you really think you'd be better off "outside" Canada then by all means, go.


Jun 23, 2006
thank you i am familiar with precedent. I am also familiar with the concept that minorities who become strong tend to separate. The thing is we all recognise the francophones, and we all know that quebec is the place where most of them live. We also know that if we travel to montreal we may be at a disadvantage if we do not speak french, the same as when we travel to france.

therefore the francophiles are recognised as such and have their place in Canada. This has been true for decades i believe. So why now is it so advantageous for them to be a "nation" rather than a "province"? I find it hard to believe it's just semantics

General James Wolfe

Nominee Member
Oct 30, 2006
Why cant French Canadians be like their Cajun cousins in Louisiana. The Cajuns of Louisana dont cause trouble to America like the Quebecois do. Like it or not the British defeated France for North America. If the shoe was on the other foot believe you me the French would not allow the English Canadains to speak English. Matter of fact they would not give the Anglophones any rights whats so ever. The Francophones are dam luck that the Anglophone allow them to keep their language and laws and even allow them to stay in North America after the defeated them rather than expelling them which the French would have done if they conguered North America.

The Quebecois can keep their culture like the Cajuns in Louisana but their language has got to go. Engough pandering to the spolied Quebecois.


Mar 24, 2002
Why cant French Canadians be like their Cajun cousins in Louisiana. The Cajuns of Louisana dont cause trouble to America like the Quebecois do. Like it or not the British defeated France for North America. If the shoe was on the other foot believe you me the French would not allow the English Canadains to speak English. Matter of fact they would not give the Anglophones any rights whats so ever. The Francophones are dam luck that the Anglophone allow them to keep their language and laws and even allow them to stay in North America after the defeated them rather than expelling them which the French would have done if they conguered North America.

The Quebecois can keep their culture like the Cajuns in Louisana but their language has got to go. Engough pandering to the spolied Quebecois.

You're completely absurd. You can't just force a population to give up their language and culture, though that's what Canada is doing to both Anglophones AND Francophones with their extremely daft concept of multiculturalism: Kill all culture and language in Canada because we're too peaceful to fight back. Let's allow Toronto to become majority non-English speaking, split our cities and provinces up into ghettos of various ethnic groups and have our white population move every 5 years further away from the new so-called civilisation Canada enjoys.

Sorry, French-Canadians helped build this country and they have every right to keep their culture just like English-speaking Canadians (of English, Irish, Scottish, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, etc) decent have.

Do you think the London bombings carried out by "ethnics" is scary? Wait until Canada is on the brink of internal strife, perhaps due to Islamo-extremists; French- and English- Canadians will need each other.

John Muff

See Andem, how we feel...

This is how we sould feel as Quebecoix or whatever... This freeking General something is one of many that would be the first one to retaliate to any lawful resolution... If you never red the question they ask us, in 1995, it's a must see... (Which I never voted for, for everyone's informations... How can someone say yes to such a crappy question)

French Canadians don't feel as Canadian as they feel they are Quebecers; but in fact all this is just an illusion, caus we love canadian partnership... We would only prefer if things could be done differantely... Exemple: Having provinces way more responsible of they local matters... It would benefit all provinces as our needs are all differant...

:clock:BTW, I am still not a "freeking" separatist... You all red between lines... We form A, I'll repeat it for your ..." A, A, A, great nation, so let put some plugs in it's hole B4 it's too late... Gotcha !

We need a Federal Government weeker than right now, but so much stronger on NATIONAL matter. ie: Our poor contributions to many proffitables projects: green policies, army & security, development and international help, seeking a seat as a permanent member of the UN councils would be so much better than fightings over poor rethorics that can only be won by visiting us and saying: "It was greet !"

Just to say Andem; before visiting CanContent forums I wasn't even aware of such hate... They only showed us the good parts: when Liberals gathered larges rallies across Canada to say: "We Love You Québec"... I may have miss the late news where they showed Mr Wolfe crying of rage.

Have a good one, some have it, and some don't I must conclude...

John Muff

John Muff

Did I said something...

thank you i am familiar with precedent. So why now is it so advantageous for them to be a "nation" rather than a "province"? I find it hard to believe it's just semantics

Stupid hein, I think too... This has nothing to do with Canadians as it never had... Nation is't true. I must say so... in some way's, but it's so stupid as when you look in dictionaries... you could maybe conclude, by associations of words, that all group form a nation whithin a nation.

I would gladelly say, and I'll make many pist out... That the Provinces should gives to real Natives their shares of lands, delimited, with all rights on it. (I haven't ask the Queen yet on that one...) Establishing their own governments, with provinces, called reserves... They would than pay taxes to have clean water, services, electricity... all thoses things that everyone on earth that has some as to pay for... We are ALL nations in some ways, don't bother asking any changes, it's treason... funny hey here in Canada... We love it when provinces have their say.

There no more need to FRACTURE if the QUEEN LANDS FEDERAL AUTHORITY soften the beat :evil3: , know what I mean...

John Muff