Legalize Marijuana!


New Member
Mar 26, 2002

I think pot should be legalized. People smoke fags. Why cant they smoke pot? Fags are worse then pot, with more chemicals! At least pot has some medical properties to it that could help the general public. :lol: :!: :lol: 8O [/b]


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
No way

Weed is not better than pot. Chemical count is about the same. But did you know Marijuana contains 40-50 times MORE tar than an average cigarette?

It kills braincells and renders your brain useless over a period of time and with a lot of people this is no reversable.

Marijuana should only be used for medicinal purposes to ease the pain of diseases such as cancer. As for the full out legalization of it, I don't think this should happen.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
Re: No way

Anonymous said:
Weed is not better than pot.

Of course its not, its the same friggin thing ;) Heh.. you should proofread before clicking Submit.

Marijuana should only be used for medicinal purposes to ease the pain of diseases such as cancer. As for the full out legalization of it, I don't think this should happen.

It should be legalized for medicinal purposes, as terminally ill patients sometimes require it to function in everyday life. However, this is not going to stop people from buying it, the government is missing out on tax dollars here, and hey who are we kidding, if they can add a tax to it to sell it, they probably would. $4+ tax on cigarettes.. lmao get real. They have their grubby little hands into everything now adays.


Electoral Member
Mar 27, 2002
Montréal, Quebec
Tax dollars

Like the government doesnt tax us enough already?

Legalizing it might be a good idea. But it should be sold in limited quantities. Just like how the convenient store can refuse to sell you alcohol if you seem too intoxicated.


New Member
Mar 26, 2002
It's fun

Let's add a little more fun to this world and legalize it EVERYWHERE!

Tsha, you know vhat? I smoke a looooot of weed.


New Member
Mar 24, 2002

Even though there are cons to having it legalized, should make Canada a more interesting place if its legalized!


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC

Jonas said:
Even though there are cons to having it legalized, should make Canada a more interesting place if its legalized!

Welcome to the new Canada, home of drunken citizens, hockey players, and stoned snow boarders. Even if its not legalized in any form, it wont make much of a difference, those who use it now will, and those who dont wont. I could imagine the protests and rallies for and against this that would be raised all over the country.

Medicinal legalization should take place, the total legalization is up to our government whom judging by some of the things they've been doing have started their own grow Ops. :mrgreen:


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
I do agree it should be legalized, but I dont know in what fashion, it should be available to patients who need it, but i dont know if a full legalization of marjuana is wise


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
I agree with you. I believe those who are terminally ill and suffering should not be punished for using the drug for a medicinal purpose. I also think that the guidelines to use it for a medicinal purpose should be strict. Not like if someone broke their rib, they obviously shouldnt be allowed to use it. As for full legalization, I dont know if Im FOR or AGAINST it yet. Marijuana does have its place as a recreational drug, and that never will change wether it is fully legalized or not. People will still be able to find it easily and use it.

For example, some Olympic snowboarders use it as a recreational drug.. LOL ;) sorry had to toss that one in here somewhere. hehe :mrgreen:


New Member
Jun 15, 2002
Backpacking across Canada
Soryy, I disagree, with a cavet.

The pot/weed/marijuana of today is NOT pot/weed/marijuana! It is full of chemical additives. These chemicals are STIMULANTS! Just ask people (someone such as myself) who now have heart problems BECAUSE of smoking what passes for pot today. Ever feel your heart pound, or your heart skip beats! That is because of the stimulants!

Pot is NOT supposed to stimulate you! It IS supposed to mellow you out man! Chill! Ya know! I grew up in the 70's when pot was pot. 50$ for a FOUR FINGER bag of REAL gold, or lambsbreath! Anyone remember that!

Now THAT, was real!

2nd, do you really want to see teenagers, YOURS, smoking weed in your own backyard! Todays weed! I don't think so, and anyone who says otherwise doesn't have any kids.

My caveat is this, I DO believe that terminally ill patients have the RIGHT to determine their eventual outcome in WHATEVER way they see fit. However, I do NOT believe the FEDS have ANY idea how to grow the stuff. We will see.


Electoral Member
Jun 6, 2002
You have a very good point daTerminehtor. The reason I don't smoke weed is because of those additives.. Chemicals are a terrible thing to put in your body at anytime.... There is a reason we have processes which all drugs go through to approve them.... Look at the United States, they have so many drugs we don't have and for what reason? Canada has stronger policy about these matters.

The feds do know how to grow mary jane, but it's a matter of keeping it all there and parting with it! lol.

Medicinal purposes = yes.... Everyday drug = no, don't kill your brain.


New Member
Jul 3, 2002
I believe the Feds do know how to grow pot. It doesn't get the name" Weed "because it's difficult to grow!

As for pot today not being the pot of the 70's is true ,to a certain degree.
Additives or chemicals where added to pot in the 60's & 70's as well as today .
Stuff like Gold and lambsbreath are still around just under different names.
Today's pot is the result of a lot of hybrids of different strains. Plus most pot today is grown locally and is usually more potent then the imported stuff. It's like buying Californian fruit ,which loses some of it "goodness"in shipping,as opposed to buying local fruit....which is better??? :)

As for legalizing it...well Alcohol and tobacco are legal and we all know what they do!!
I think the key word here is moderation and regulation ie: the feds ,and knowing what you smoke, drink,etc.


New Member
Jun 10, 2002
It should be legal, I mean its not like Im shooting up with heroine or something similar. Alcohol is just as bad if not worse for you than Marijuana is.

I think its just about how the government would control it, so people wouldnt just be growing their own and selling it still. Once the government gets their grubby little hands into it, you can STILL expect that growing and selling of marijuana will be illegal unless its by one of their authorized stores.

Canadian Weed Stores? heh be interesting nonetheless.

Ah well *rolls a joint sits back and enjoys life*


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
Mary J should be legalized and taxed immediatly if for no other reason than to piss off the US! They screw us with illegal duties on tomatoes, lumber and a host of other products, let us show them we still have some self initive and take our own path.
the above is a little off base but the legalization and taxation in BC would be a great idea.

Right now every year in BC over $1 billion, yes billion is grown and exported or consumed every year. Yet the only people making money are criminals. Stats in BC show that 1 in 3 people smoke mary J at least once a month! Mary J is less dangerous than alcohol and tabacco by a large degree. Yet alcohol and tabacco is freely available and taxed. Putting a tax on the legal trade of marijuana will take the money out of the criminals pockets, allow normal people to take their personal free choice to put whatever they want into their own lungs and not have to worry about being arrested for it. but best of all the tax dollars generated would help offset any of the health issues that are already arising from the current illegal use in which no funding is being raised. With a 10 percent tax applied to the Mary J in BC alone the money raised would help pay for all the budget shortfalls the hospitals, schools and other institutions now face due to cutbacks by the provincial government. Also the tourism industry from south of the border would bring in much american $$ as other people wishing to excersise freedom of choice chose to smoke Canadian weed.

The only stipulation I would put on the sale would be an age requirment. It would be the same as the legal drinking age that each province has established for its citizens.

To those morons who have probably never even sampled Mary J yet want it kept illegal your biggest arguement that marijuana damages your brain is just plain false propaganda of the failed American drug war. In my close circle of friends, we all went to university, all smoked weed every single day, sometimes more than once and we all graduated on time, we all hold jobs( 1 lawyer, 2 police officers, 2 business owners, 1 draftsman, 1 programmer, 1 special effects guru) have families and no criminal records or health problems. The false propaganda that follows marijuana is just that, false. The only reason mary J is still illegal is the doing of our paranoid friends to the south.

Did you know that Canada has allowed DEA agents to set up shop in Vancouver to conduct investigations on Canadian citizens?


Mar 24, 2002
That's also a good point. Taking the money out of criminal's pockets. But yet, this just proves that we follow the united states on everything we do. Take a look at holland, the population has not suffered because they allow mary jane (its actually a grey area in the law).

Legalizing it for medical use was a pretty big step, now all we have to do is allow it in shops. Our economy would boom if we allowed marijuana!


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
Marijuana should be legalized and controlled by the government. We all KNOW its less harmful for us them cigarettes and alcohol. And as for the 1 billion a year industry here in BC, Im sure its really much larger than that.

The government would probably tax it by at least 16% or more, and lets say it is 1 billion a year the industry does make (which I think is a gross under-estimate), the government would be bringing in totally new revenue of $160 million per year. That would like czardogs said, be spent nicely to help with our ailing hospitals, and school districts which are ALL fighting the inevitable to stay open, and keep privatization at the back of most peoples minds, including their own.

I will go out on a limb here and say probably 1 out of every 20 people smoke marijuana in this country. The taxable income the governments would make is just sheer insanity. But they wont? Why not? Their financial backers, and supporters all have their own views which are pushed onto whoever is running said party. Everyone (aside from Cretein essentially) has admitted to having smoked it or to be smoking it.

We are in the time and age where it should be legal, obviously there is a large group of people in our country who smoke MJ otherwise we wouldn't have as large of grow operations here. True a lof of it does get exported, but a lot of it also stays here in the country.

But thats just my 2 cents, and after the government taxes my 2 cents, Im sure I'll owe them money :mrgreen:


Mar 24, 2002
16%? Maybe not! Lets think a bit higher, maybe 50-100%! Look at cigarette taxes for an example.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
Andem said:
16%? Maybe not! Lets think a bit higher, maybe 50-100%! Look at cigarette taxes for an example.

16% was an example, I dont think they want to overtax it and have illegal operations still going. I think the whole point of legalization is to get it away from the mom & pop growers and have the government or some appointed organization produce it for them. If they overtax it, sure its legal to smoke and buy, but you can bet your bank it wont be legal to grow it.

Over taxation on it would mean a lot of people would continue to grow it, which after legalization would be one of the major concerns. Maybe my 16% random number was a little low, but if they had a tax much too large on it, the problem with grow ops springing up every 400m would continue like it is now.


New Member
Mar 26, 2002
it will happen, maybe not in our lifetime, but it will be legal. alcohol went through same thing!