Trudeau takes a shot but...


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
Trudeau criticized Pollievre for not taking a security clearance that would have given him access to the names of compromised or possibly compromised Conservatives. Pollievre's resistance has been clear from the outset. The resistance comes in the form of a disclaimer attached to that clearance that prohibits him from doing anything about it or speaking of it publicly.

I don't know about you, Cats, but if we have compromised MPs, I want to know about them, and so should you. But for obvious reasons, Trudeau wants Pollievre pulled into this conspiracy of silence because when it comes out, there will be plenty of Liberal blood hemorrhaging.

I do not doubt in my mind that this Prime Minister is putting the country in a hell of a place for one reason: to try and save his pathetic name. He's not even protecting Liberals. He's protecting the name and the brand. I believe the Liberal Party of Canada was complicit with foreign interference because it was politically to their advantage, especially in the last election when the former Leader of the Conservative Party was targeted.

During the election that only Trudeau wanted, he turned on the gun control fearmongering, and to his detriment, Erin O'Toole, who was ahead in the polls, flip flip-flopped on the issue, and then some foreign bad guys came in hard with propaganda. I think O'Toole was a hard pill to swallow for many conservatives.

I'm not spinning anything, O'Toole lost, but the election loss really isn't the issue.

It's those questions that seem to be brushed aside.

  • Why did the Trudeau Government first vehemently say there was no interference? When clearly they knew there was. CSIS was screaming their heads off?
  • The issue is what they knew and when they knew it.
  • Across the board. Con, NDP, Lib, Bloc, Green, if someone has been compromised, why are they still in government? (Political survival?)

Seems like a no-brainer.
Otherwise, Parliament has been compromised.

First, they brought in a Nazi, and now the Real Commies are hanging with the Commie GRoupie.

He's fucked either way. But he made 100 Million in nine-plus years.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
He's fucked either way. But he made 100 Million in nine-plus years.
I think it’s between 300 & 400 million in nine plus years, on a salary of $400,000-ish annually, & his investments in a “blind” trust. Most of that by far during COVID times.

Whomever is managing Trudeau’s portfolio in this blind trust should be running the Canada pension plan…


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006

I think it’s between 300 & 400 million in nine plus years, on a salary of $400,000-ish annually, & his investments in a “blind” trust. Most of that by far during COVID times.

Whomever is managing Trudeau’s portfolio in this blind trust should be running the Canada pension plan…

Tom Mulcair nails it right in the butt.
Called Trudeau's tactic, McCarthyism.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
With Liberal MPs trying to convince Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to quit lest his massive unpopularity with Canadians reduces the Liberals to third or fourth place in the House of Commons in the next election, Trudeau on Wednesday launched his latest campaign to save Canada in testimony at the foreign interference inquiry.

Never mind the high cost of living, unaffordable housing and high immigration levels putting a severe strain on Canada’s beleaguered health care system and other vital public services.

Trudeau instead went for the oldest political trick in the book — changing the channel.

In bombshell testimony Trudeau testified that as prime minister, “I have the names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians and/or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged or at high risk of, or for whom there is clear intelligence around foreign interference.”

He said he asked CSIS to find a way to inform the Conservatives of the intelligence he was relying on, but that it was impossible because Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre refuses to get the necessary security clearance to be briefed on the issue.

Poilievre has refused because, he says, if he agrees he’ll be prohibited from telling the public what he knows.

Trudeau said, “The decision of the leader of the Conservative Party to not receive the necessary clearance to get those names and protect the integrity of his party is bewildering to me and entirely lacks common sense.”

He said it shows Poilievre isn’t serious about protecting Canadians from foreign interference and therefore not worthy of becoming PM.

Without stating it explicitly, Trudeau implied the reason Poilievre doesn’t care about foreign interference is that India, allegedly helped him win the 2022 federal Conservative leadership race in which the party disqualified Patrick Brown from running, because, it said, the Brampton mayor broke election financing rules.

Brown has denied this and media reports have suggested India opposed Brown for Conservative leader because he was viewed as too sympathetic to Canadian Sikhs favouring the creation of an independent Sikh homeland, which India classifies as terrorism.

That allegation arises because of a redacted portion of a report earlier this year submitted to Trudeau by the all-party National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians that the PM created, containing a censored paragraph describing “India’s alleged interference in a Conservative Party of Canada leadership race” — meaning the race Poilievre won.

On Monday, Trudeau and the RCMP said Canada has proof India’s government — including top diplomats assigned to Canada that the Trudeau government has now expelled — facilitated extrajudicial killings and other crimes in Canada aimed at intimidating Canadian citizens of Sikh origin.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has called these allegations “preposterous.”

In response to Trudeau’s testimony Poilievre, challenged him, “to release the names of all MPs who have collaborated with foreign interference” (which would include Liberals) but added, “he won’t because Justin Trudeau is doing what he always does. He is lying to distract from a Liberal caucus revolt against his leadership and revelations he knowingly allowed Beijing to interfere and help him win two elections.”

In my view any attempt by Trudeau, to pose as the protector of Canadians from foreign interference is laughable, given that he had to to be dragged kicking and screaming into agreeing to a public inquiry into foreign interference in the first place, one where the Trudeau government’s utter incompetence in keeping Canadians safe has been exposed over and over again.

bob the dog

Council Member
Aug 14, 2020
In the beginning the idea to send a peer off to Ottawa was to be informed and get equal representation but now technology has enabled us to work from the comfort of our own homes which makes the original solution totally redundant. It could easily be set up that each of us get a vote on everything with the only problem that it would be so hard to control.
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Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
In the beginning the idea to send a peer off to Ottawa was to be informed and get equal representation but now technology has enabled us to work from the comfort of our own homes which makes the original solution totally redundant. It could easily be set up that each of us get a vote on everything with the only problem that it would be so hard to control.
Or whom should take the time to be informed before each vote, etc…

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
Prime Minister Justin Trudeauunveiled a new game for Canadians to play during his testimony before the committee on foreign interference in Canada’s elections, in which people wildly guess which Conservative MP or MPs are traitors to our country and collaborating with a foreign power.

“Is it the one who always sounds like she just finished her third pinot grigio? The guy who hung out with Nazis? The woman who hung out with Nazis? The other guy who hung out with Nazis? Or the one who is clearly a vampire?” Asked a smiling Trudeau. “Give it your best shot. It’s fun for the whole family!”

“First one to get it right wins a free trip to the Aga Khan’s private island!”
After drawing praise for his forceful condemnation of India’s role in the murder of a Canadian citizen yesterday, Trudeau decided to blow off some steam by turning the issue into a fun bit of mystery, like when you go to a dinner theatre and have to figure out who “shot” the owner before they serve dessert, only with Canada’s national reputation at stake.

“Obviously I’m prevented from actually revealing the names of the MPs involved, but there isn’t anything in the rules from me tapping my nose three times if you say their name, or telling you it sounds something like Mierre Moilievre.”
Poilievre responded forcefully to Trudeau’s gambit, demanding the PM release the names publicly, even though that would potentially compromise an ongoing RCMP investigation.
1729300555207.jpegPoilievre could of course find out the identity of the people involved, but that would require him to get his security clearance. To date he has chosen not to on account of the fact that being a national security risk is all part of the bad boy makeover he went through last summer.
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The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
What scares me?

After the election Liberal beaurocrats are going to end up manning the Parts Desk at my local John Deere dealer.

Where else do absolutely braindead people come from other than govt?

"The computers says it fits"...


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Can you name one? I can't think of a lead collapse this big. In Canada, anyway.
What Trudeau doesn't get is that Woke doesn't mean shit when you can't feed your kids.
2012. When election was called, Iggy had a commanding lead in polls. Projected majority. Turned out he got 3rd place and Harper got majority.

Ron in Regina

"Voice of the West" Party
Apr 9, 2008
Regina, Saskatchewan
It didn't last long. I think it was March, poll showed about 40% support, triggered election, Faded very fast.
2011 election, not 2012. The tanking of the Liberals was in 2009/2010 where Harper & Layton surged forward. Tough to find 14yr old polling outside of an election year.
Harper pierogi’d parliament in 2008 & 2009 which didn’t make him popular (that was the American sub-prime housing Fanny May/Freddy Mac housing shenanigans that crashed global economies) but Canada came out the other side with a balanced budget in 2015 before the reins where passed to Justin Trudeau but that’s another story I guess.

Layton was Charismatic and the economy improved (improving Harpers fortunes) dumping Iggy on his arse in 2009/2010 when Canada outperformed everyone beyond any expectations and the CAD spiked up.

It dropped again before coming back up but Iggy was already toast & Harper squeaked in with a minority. Closest the NDP has ever come to actual power…then rub’n’tug’s followed by death & decline, but that too is another story….but there’s a happy ending in there somewhere (not the death but with the rub’n’tug’s).


The End of the Dog is Coming!
Mar 19, 2006
2012. When election was called, Iggy had a commanding lead in polls. Projected majority. Turned out he got 3rd place and Harper got majority.
I remember the Iggy election, but I don't remember any runaway lead in the polls. I'm not challenging you. I honestly don't know.
Are you sure the CBC wasn't just projecting a huge lead? :).

What I remember about Iggy is that most people thought if he didn't win, he'd move back to the US, and he didn't win, and he did move back.