Hollywood Is Starting to Choke on its Woke Vomit


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Let's go back a few years when the wokesters in Hollyweird decided that all roles should be portrayed by racially accurate casting. Now, when it comes to screen acting this makes sense. Black roles should be played by Black actors, Asian roles by Asian actors etc. Then it went to gay roles should be played by gay actors. Well there's a no brainer too since there's no shortage there. But then it started affected voice actors as well when Hank Azaria decided he wasn't going to voice Apu anymore. It seems that racially accurate casting is now applied to voice actors as well.
And make no mistake, these actors were all for it and pushed it. But now, now they are whining like fucking retards about it because "diverse" voice actors are being type-cast into the roles they racially "represent". So now Asian voice actors are only being sent scripts for Asian characters, Black voice actors are only getting scripts for Black characters etc. And it's funny because a lot of the ones that pushed for exactly this are now whining that they got exactly what they demanded. Funny how they don't care about "representation" anymore because their bank accounts are feeling the hit. "But why can't I voice a White character?" Well, it's because you ain't White. See how that works?

This is what happens when you swallow an ideology entirely. You lose your capacity for critical thought, assuming you had any in the first place. Never mind the old saw, "Be careful what you ask for because you just might get it."

Also, get ready for shorter seasons for shows. You see the writers in Hollyweird got this great idea. The longer a show's season, the more writers have to be involved, up to 9 depending on the length of the season. And you just KNOW that at least one of those writers will be doing much less writing and more "sensitivity reading" and censoring/altering. All those idiots did was ensure there'd be less work for them to go around. So yes, some of them will be making more, while more of them will be making little to nothing. That's one helluva union they got there. :LOL: