Trucker protest at U.S. border crossing reportedly several kilometres long


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
What do you think the Vaccine Passport with the QR Code was??
I read it as one of those nuts who think a chip was injected with the vaccine so Bill Gates can control their mind with 5G.

I have no problem with the vaccine passport. I don't think you should be forced to be vaxxed but I am ok with saying no concerts, restaurants or border crossing without it. I think other covid restrictions are wll past their best before date.


Satelitte Radio Addict
May 28, 2007
Toronto, ON
Just for the record, I don't watch any video with a fundraiser title on the bottom. My money is to hard come by to throw away on crap like that. If you want to protest for what you believe in, there are consequences. That's how it works.
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Here's is an idea..

Use US drivers to bring Canadian's their food.. because as a Canadian Trucker.. I quiting. Moving to drive in the USA.

Oh shit, US drivers don't want to get vaxxed to come to Canada.. oh well starve.

I will just move to the USA and drive their.. no more icy & shitty roads, over priced fuel.

Canadian Over the Road truckers get $0.45 cents a mile Canadian, in the USA $0.65USD/mile. They are handing out Green Crads to Canadian Truckers..

As an Owner OP I get $1.79 per mile

Leave Canada empty of truckers.. evently, they will have to import a bunch mofre East Indians and Philippinos - feel safer already on Canadian Roads..
You are getting about $0.40 /mile too little by my rough calculations.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
It's only because of the blind servility of our grandparents to so-called "experts" and the gol-dang gummint that we lost the blessings of polio, smallpox, cholera, scarlet fever, and tuberculosis!

If only they'd done their own research!
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Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
But, but, I thought it was just mandates?

In any case, this entire fiasco is getting out of hand.

Trudeau is a fucking ass and prolonging this bullshit.

Truckers are not helping the situation by continuing to be, well, assholes. At this point everyone needs to fuck off, go home and be fucking adults instead of whiny, bitchy babies.
All turdOWe has to do to end the blockades and get people back to work is get off his high horse and remove the mandates as the electorate tells him. That is his job.


Time Out
Dec 3, 2021
Based on requirements from the Gov. to keep worksites open
Actually, based on health and safety rules..
Banks, Ford and GM plants, city departments that have union employees and even the teachers unions and so on have these requirements to protect their members and employees..