Just now..
I agree with peoples right to a peachful protest.. I just don't agree with this protests reason..
It's hurting the poor and middle class and driving up food costs.. the rich will get food, but the working class are the ones that will be hurt.
Indeed, it may start to hurt the poor but also it may also start to wake up most of those stupid bastards out there that keep going along with this covid scamdemic hoax. Here in BC our dear fascist Bonnie poo Henry has just extended it's lock downs on bars and night clubs and gyms for an indefinite period of time. In other words she is pretty much saying go fk yourselves to those people who own and run those businesses. Let them go bankrupt. I could careless. Let them go eat cake if they can find any.
Meanwhile, fascist Henry and Castro Turdeau will still be working and still be collecting their fat taxpayer's tax dollars salaries so why should they give a fuk? These f'n politicians and bureaucrats are not our friends. but they sure as hell are our real bloody enemy.
Those truckers have to be seen as hero's and not villains, although I am pretty sure that the lying politicians and the lying media will try and make those truckers out to look like very bad people. Indeed, those wealthy scum bags like Castro Turdeau will still be able to buy food with no problems, but it is we the peasants that will have to start to look for food in order to survive. I saw at Walmart today some Asian guy with a cart full of toilet paper. Does he know something I don't know? Are we going to have another shortage of shitty toilet paper to wipe our docile and covid arses with?
We the working class peasants are being attacked from every angle and everything that we once held dear to us all appears to be all under attack. Nobody is being left out of this covid fraud. Big family get together's and big party's with friends for different reasons and events are being taken away from us all. This is all about globalist fascist control and power over they the stunned peasants and has nothing to do with any virus. I say, go, truckers. go. Works for me.