President: Trump 340, Harris 198
Senate: GOP 52, Dem 48
House: GOP 225, Dem 210
There's a person named Harris for President challenging Trump?
They Think I'm Slow, Eh?Biden is just a proxy.. he takes his orders from the AOC squad and Harris Administration with Biden as President or the Harris/Biden ticket :lol:
Try to keep up with the Biden screw ups..
President: Trump 340, Harris 198
Senate: GOP 52, Dem 48
House: GOP 225, Dem 210
President: Trump 340, Harris 198
Senate: GOP 52, Dem 48
House: GOP 225, Dem 210
Riots and looting in Portland and Los Angeles .
It would be harder to predict days when their wouldn't be rioting in Portland and Los Angeles.
More votes cast in WI than number of registered voters. GOP to demand recount.
Phuk-off, Avro.It would be harder to predict day, but republican has so many supporters.