The REAL Human Cause of Climate Change


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
About as much as you speak to the entity of Climate.

By supporting pipelines as the best way to get Alberta oil to market and understanding that oil will be a vital product for the foreseeable future despite what the eco-fascists say?

You have me confused with someone else.

Do you speak to God?

Maybe he speaks to you when you pull the Trumpy Bear string.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Where is your proof of man made Climate change since 1951? Where did I say I whole heartedly believed in God? I don't whole heartedly believe in evolution either, where's the proof of that?


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
Where is your proof of man made Climate change since 1951? Where did I say I whole heartedly believed in God? I don't whole heartedly believe in evolution either, where's the proof of that?

Proof of evolution?


Proof of AGW?

Process of elimination on probable causes of current warming.

Proof of God?

You tell me.


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020
So the same amount of lack of proof, OK, got it carry on.

SARS-cov2 is proof of the evolutionary process.

You can’t even say if CO2 is a GG so I can’t help you nor will I try given the below.

Proof of God or a God.


Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Avro52, you are wrong.. you keep asking the same question: Have you seen God? Have you spoken to God? Has God spoken to you?
Which are only the stupid questions repeated by atheists everywhere and at all time.

And some people insist stubbornly on such questions and whatever they are told, they return to the same point.

Can the impossible be possible?

I mean not every impossible, but the impossible impossible..

like someone asked me once: Can God take a son for Himself? This can't be because God is the absolute truth, and it is not proper for Him to have any son or daughter.

God prescribed for Himself to be Merciful, as in the Quran.

However, Imam Ali - salam to him - was asked this question: Have you seen God?
He said: God cannot be seen by the sight of eyes, but it is hearts and minds that see God facts of the true faith: [to see His marvels in the creation ..etc.]

Moreover, if you contemplate these words ascribed to Imam Ali, he differentiated between the sight and the eye; because the eye is the organ of seeing, while the sight is the eye of the soul.. so the seeing truly is by the sight of the soul, not by the eye of the body which is like a glass through which the soul sees with its sight.

But God cannot be seen by the eye of the body, neither by the sight of the soul which means: neither can material beings see Him, nor can spiritual beings see Him.

Comment: If you see God (which is impossible in fact), then He will be restricted and limited because your sight has fallen on Him and you have seen Him .. while this is impossible.
Like other impossible things as: Can God make pastime? or amusement? Or can He have any defect: which is the impossible.

This soora includes the observation of God's marvels

N.B. If you are a wrong-doer (or transgressor insisting on your sins), you may not be guided; because God does not guide wrong-doers.

But if you are not a wrong-doer, and you regret about your sins and mistakes, then God may guide you.. All guidance and misguidance is up to God.

God is the All-Knowing about His servants; therefore, He guides whomever He pleases and misguides whomever He likes to misguide (the wrong-doers.)
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
This is the implication of the aya in the Quran 6: 103, which means:
(Sights perceive Him not, but He does perceive sights)

More explanation of this aya:

So God here called it 'sights' because the seeing is by the soul, and it sees through the eye of the body, as we look through the glasses.

Moreover, it is in the Quran 25: 21, which means:
(Those [associaters] who look not for a meeting with Us [in the Next Life] say:
"Why are not the angels sent down to us [to testify the apostle-hood of Mohammed], or [why] do we not see our Lord [to tell us that He has sent Mohammed to us]!?"

[so God said:]
Indeed they have become proud within themselves [by saying such words], and their arrogance has exceeded all limits [in contradiction and opposition.])

More explanation by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The Israelite in the past demanded of Moses many of the impossibilities, like when they requested to see God with their own eyes, but God stroke them with a thunderbolt and killed them, then He revived them according to Moses prayer, and they returned to their people frustrated and humbled. (I can imagine these stubborn hypocrites and how they descended from the mountain) :lol:

It is in the Quran 4: 153, which means:
(But they did demand of Moses [aforetime] for [something] greater than this [demand], when they said:
"Show to us God conspicuously"

so the thunderbolt seized them because of their wrong-doing

See more explanation of this story in this aya and other ayat of the Quran, by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Avro52, you are stubborn ignorant, and you do not consider any logic.
So to you and your like, I have better give you this emoji :violent1:

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
And I should tell you (and anyone that read this)

Whenever and whatever you forbid God's religion, you will get far and far from guidance.
As in the Quran 6: 26, which means:
(And they forbid [men] from [listening to] the [Quran], and [they themselves] keep afar from it [lest they should discern its truthfulness and believe];

but they only destroy themselves [with such keeping afar from listening to the Quran], without perceiving [it.]

In fact, you have not read anything of what I wrote, because you have a precedent program, and a party to which you belong, and companions that you want to boast before them. (and devils that deceive you and you are not aware.)


Time Out
Mar 19, 2020