

Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Busted by a Computer Glitch: Thunburg’s Father Caught Posting on Facebook, Pretending to be Greta
A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired.
The result? For starters, some 3 million followers of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg have been reading posts written by her father, Svante Thunberg, and a climate activist in India who serves as a delegate at the UN’s Climate Change organization, Adarsh Prathap. Thunberg, Inc. claims Greta is still the one writing the content.
Latest: Busted by a Computer Glitch: Thunburg's Father Caught Posting on Facebook, Pretending to be Greta
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Greta, Inc. explained this in a Saturday Facebook post purporting to be the young climate activist.
“Some people have been asking who manages this page. First of all, since last spring I only use Facebook to repost what I write on my Twitter and Instagram accounts,” reads the post, in which ‘she’ says she tried Facebook “early on,” but didn’t like it, so she uses “my father Svantes account to repost content.”
“The rest that is shared on Facebook is reposted from Twitter and Instagram by the guy who founded the Greta Thunberg Facebook page long before I knew it existed. His name is Adarsh Prathap and he lives in India. Since a lot of people thought it was my official page in the beginning I asked if I could co-manage it and he said yes.”
Greta claims to have written all the content posted by her father and Prathap.
Child abuse.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Busted by a Computer Glitch: Thunburg’s Father Caught Posting on Facebook, Pretending to be Greta

A Thursday evening software update at Facebook accidentally allowed anyone to view exactly who is posting under the accounts of public figures, businesses and other entities, according to Wired.

The result? For starters, some 3 million followers of teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg have been reading posts written by her father, Svante Thunberg, and a climate activist in India who serves as a delegate at the UN’s Climate Change organization, Adarsh Prathap. Thunberg, Inc. claims Greta is still the one writing the content.

Greta, Inc. explained this in a Saturday Facebook post purporting to be the young climate activist.

“Some people have been asking who manages this page. First of all, since last spring I only use Facebook to repost what I write on my Twitter and Instagram accounts,” reads the post, in which ‘she’ says she tried Facebook “early on,” but didn’t like it, so she uses “my father Svantes account to repost content.”

“The rest that is shared on Facebook is reposted from Twitter and Instagram by the guy who founded the Greta Thunberg Facebook page long before I knew it existed. His name is Adarsh Prathap and he lives in India. Since a lot of people thought it was my official page in the beginning I asked if I could co-manage it and he said yes.”

Greta claims to have written all the content posted by her father and Prathap.

ONE WONDERS HOW BAD her learning disabilities really are????????????

One wonders if she can even READ a news paper or register on the number of BOTH California and Australian fires....................

that have been started by that UN-NATURAL collection of alleged global warming issues known as................................

CARELESS SMOKING...................................

CARELESS TENDING OF CAMP FIRES...............................


AND JUST PLAIN ARSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals carry some VERY ILLEGAL BEHAVIOUR........................................

under their global warming propaganda umbrella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

Do you suppose the solution is so simple????????????????????

Just WARM HER "CLIMATE"?????????????????????????????????

IN OTHER NEWS............................GRETA IS ENCOURAGING LIE-berals................................

TO SCREW US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the answer to a critical question related to the LIE-beral Carbon crap and trade tax. We ask: “who will benefit and this article tells us! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Trudeau carbon tax takes from the poor, gives to the rich

Pierre Poilievre, Special to Postmedia Network. First posted: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 04:12 PM EST | Updated: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 04:22 PM EST

Liberals always claim they want to redistribute money from those with too much to those with too little Which raises two key questions about the new Liberal carbon tax: who will pay and who will get?

(Those who “have too much money” always seem to hold views that LIE-berals do not approve of! With those having “too little money” being staunch LIE-beral supporters! Its all LIE-beral vote buying greed!)

Let’s start with who will pay. The federal government has mandated a tax on carbon emissions, which will raise the price of anything that uses fossil fuels. Even carbon tax supporter professor Nicholas Rivers admits the tax will raise the prices of gasoline by 11 cents-a-litre, electricity by almost 10%, and natural gas by over 15%.

Because it will raise the price of fuel required to grow and transport our food, grocery bills will rise too.

Annually, it will cost $1028 per person, or $4112 for the average family of four, according to the Canadian Taxpayers Federation.

(But not to worry, Our idiot Boy Justin has made sure that his Muslim friends will not be inconvenienced- he has made sure that Muslims- who so often seem to have 4-6 kids - will get LOTS of child support as compensation for the carbon crap!!!!)

(LIE-berals insist that their carbon crap will only cost $156.00 for that average family - as opposed to the above quoted $4112- but then there IS a reason why we call them LIE-berals!)

Everyone will pay it. But because poor households spend a third more of their incomes on fuel, heat, and groceries than do rich households, those with the least will suffer the most.

(And of course the poor household spends its carbon money mostly on heating and traveling to work and etc while the well heeled civil service/Lie-beral Hog spends a notable portion of their money on frivolous carbon production such as flying to Florida in winter, running sea-doos and bubble systems, operating that riding lawn mower that spews out as much carbon in 5 minutes as a modern car running on 401 for 30 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Hogs drive more often and in bigger cars than poor people and they own larger houses that cost more to heat. The poor person runs the car at 100 klicks on 401 so as not to strain the old machinery in the little 4 banger while the LIE-beral rolls along at 120 klicks in the big SUV using twenty percent more fuel than if they ran at 100 klicks! But after all, Hogs are entitled to travel swiftly to their second home in Muskoka and to hell with their carbon footprint! Right?)

For the same reason, a Statistics Canada official testified to the House of Commons Human Resources committee last month that increases in fuel and food prices lead to higher poverty rates.

(Yes - one LIE-beral will raise us out of poverty and the others will shove us UNDER! Then they will tell us we live in the best country in the world and they have OUR welfare at heart! And yes-it IS a great country-IF you can afford it!)

(And of course LIE-berals will give their devoted HOG supporters nice pay raises so their carbon foot print WILL NOT HAVE TO SHRINK - even as ours does!!!!)

The poorest families in Ontario have seen this movie before. Just look at the results of the so-called “Green Energy Act” in Ontario, which has thus far forced consumers to overpay by $37 billion to buy unneeded, unreliable, and overpriced electricity from well-connected wind and solar companies who are LIE-beral pals! Never has a government policy taken so much from so many to give to so few.

And the poor are suffering the most. Ron Dunn, the Executive Director of Windsor’s Downtown Mission has had people come to him to plead: “If you can help me with food, then I can pay for some of this hydro bill before it gets cut off.”

Skyrocketing prices are not an accident. They are a deliberate choice by the Liberal government, which pays wealthy solar power companies as much as 80 cents for a kilowatt-hour that is only worth 2.3 cents. The difference is passed onto consumers.

(What can we expect when it was LIE-beral premier Dalton McGinty who stated: “its time for govt-meaning his LIE-beral Party- to start picking economic winners and losers in Ontari-owe. But somehow we did not realize the ONLY WINNERS would be LIE-berals!)

With the Ontario Auditor General predicting another $133 billion in these overpayments for electricity by 2032, the Ontario Liberal Green Energy Act likely represents Canada’s largest ever wealth transfer from the poor and middle class to the rich.

Soaring hydro rates are one of the reasons Ontario has the worst poverty record in Canada, since the McGuinty-Wynne Liberals took power. Between 2003 and 2014, the poverty rate dropped by one-third in British Columbia, the Prairies, Atlantic Canada and Quebec. It barely budged in Ontario, from 10.4% to 9.7%.

Over the same time period, Ontario had the largest increase of any province in the share of the population living on less than half the average income.

(Facts like these have destroyed Ontari-owe LIE-berals - but can Doug Ford repair the terrible damage in the time available as GREEDY HOGS seek to destroy HIM?? Will the notoriously short memory of many voters allow a LIE-beral win in Ontari-owe in the 2022 provincial election???????????????)

The national carbon tax will compound the suffering the Green Energy Act has already forced on the most vulnerable.

So who will get the money?

All revenues from the federally-mandated carbon tax will go to provincial governments, like Kathleen Wynne's. She has announced she will not use it to reduce other taxes, but to fund more environmental programs, like the one the CBC reported “gave taxpayer-funded rebates to five millionaires to buy one of the most expensive cars ever manufactured, the Porsche 918 Spyder.”

(That was then and this is now- and the carbon rebate GAME of excuses and double dealing has begun!! The 2018 federal T-4 form included slots for APPLYING for carbon rebates- BUT HAS NO SLOT for telling us how much we would actually get back!! Nor do LIE-berals wish to discuss the discrepancy between their carbon rebate for heating costs versus the economy wide inflation their carbon tax SCAM is generating!!!!!!!!)

Expect more of this, as lobbyists for the wealthiest prepare to feast on money carbon taxes will generate.

(LIE-berals point to the amounts of money invested in green energy and electric cars but they do NOT wish to admit that the investing is being done by business simply to tap into HUGELY profitable govt subsidies - meaning give away`s being offered for these not ready for prime time products!! LIE-berals are BUYING industry support for products we do not want and then using more tax money for commercials telling us it is a good thing! And corporate CEO`s play along because it is good for THEIR bottom line!)

(In related news - electric TOY car maker Tesla has yet to make a penny of profit!! Even worse the market for Tesla products in Ontari-owe collapsed when the dead broke Ford govt cancelled the LIE-beral rebates for electric TOY cars!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Will the Liberal carbon tax redistribute wealth? Count on it: from those who can least afford it to those who least deserve it.

(In other electric TOY car bad news - Both the Ontari-owe and B.C. LIE-berals are embroiled in SCANDALS related to badly messed up contracts to install “fast chargers” for electric TOY cars!! With most of the money spent and less than half the chargers actually installed - and frequently MAL- functioning a year after the contracts were to have been completed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Not bad for a "child".
Honours and awards
Svenska Dagbladet (The Swedish Daily News) essay competition, May 2018, shared, a climate debate writing competition for young people.
Children's Climate Prize, November 2018, nominated by the Swedish electricity company Telge Energi. Thunberg declined to accept the award because many of the finalists would have to fly to Stockholm for the ceremony and a required meeting.
TIME'S 25 most influential teens of 2018, 10 December 2018, an annual list compiled by Time magazine of the most influential teenagers in the world that year.
Fryshuset scholarship, 2018, for Young Role Model of the Year.
Swedish Woman of the Year (Årets Svenska Kvinna), 8 March 2019, awarded by the Swedish Women's Educational Association to “a Swedish woman who, through her accomplishments, has represented and brought attention to the Sweden of today in the greater world”.
Nobel Peace Prize nomination, 13 March 2019, by two deputies of the Swedish parliament and three deputies of the Norwegian parliament.
Rachel Carson Prize, 22 March 2019, awarded to a woman who has distinguished herself in outstanding work for the environment in Norway or internationally.
Goldene Kamera film and television awards, 31 March 2019, special Climate Action Award. Thunberg dedicated the prize to the activists protesting against the destruction of the Hambach Forest, which is threatened by lignite mining.
Le Prix Liberté, 1 April 2019, honouring a young person engaged in a fight for peace and freedom. Thunberg donated the €25,000 prize money to four organisations working for climate justice and helping areas already affected by climate change.
Fritt Ord Award, April 2019, shared with Natur og Ungdom, which "celebrates freedom of speech". Thunberg donated her share of the prize money to a lawsuit seeking to halt Norwegian oil exploration in the Arctic.
TIME 100, April 2019, by Time magazine, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world for that year.
Laudato si' Prize, April 2019, awarded under the second encyclical of Pope Francis, "on care for our common home".
Doctor honoris causa (honorary doctorate), May 2019, conferred by the Belgian, University of Mons for " raising awareness on sustainable development."
Time magazine cover, 27 May 2019 issue, where she was described as a role model and one of the "next generation leaders".
Ambassador of Conscience Award, 7 June 2019, Amnesty International's most prestigious award, in this instance, for leadership in the climate movement, Thunberg said the award was "for all those millions of people, young people, around the world who together make up the movement called Friday's for Future."
Geddes Environment Medal, July 2019, by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, for "an outstanding practical, research or communications contribution to conservation and protection of the natural environment and the development of sustainability".
Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, July 2019, automatically conferred with the Geddes award.[158]
Vogue magazine cover, September 2019 issue, Thunberg and fifteen other women were featured on a cover created by guest editor Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.
GQ Game Changer Award, 3 September 2019, one of a number of categories awarded under the GQ magazine, Men of the Year Awards; this inaugural category being inspired by Thunberg.
Webby Award, Social Movement of the Year, 12 September 2019, presented annually by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences for excellence on the Internet.
Right Livelihood Award, 25 September 2019, from the Right Livelihood Foundation and known as Sweden's alternative Nobel Prize, one of four 2019 winners, "for inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts".
Keys to the City of Montréal, 27 September 2019, by Mayor of Montréal Valérie Plante.
Nelloptodes gretae, 1 October 2019, a newly identified species of beetle is named for Greta Thunberg in an academic paper by entomologist Michael Darby, published in Entomologist's Monthly Magazine for her outstanding contribution in raising awareness of environmental issues and because the beetle's antennae bear a passing resemblance to Greta's pigtails.
International Children's Peace Prize, 4 October 2019, shared with 14-year-old Divina Maloum from Cameroon, awarded by the KidsRights Foundation, whose mission is to "support and empower vulnerable children around the world, by raising funds for small-scale local projects, and by raising awareness for children’s rights through the international media." Thunberg accepted the award but declined to attend the ceremony as she was overseas, requiring her to fly to the Hague.[1
Maphiyata echiyatan hin win (Woman Who Came from the Heavens), Lakota tribal name conferred, 8 October 2019, at Standing Rock Indian Reservation, following a climate panel and support for the Dakota Access pipeline opposition, after being invited by Tokata Iron Eyes, a 16 year old, Lakota, climate activist.
Nordic Council Environment Prize, 29 October 2019. Thunberg declined to accept the award or the prize money of $52,000, stating, "the climate movement does not need any more awards," and that that the climate movement needed people in power to start to listen to science and not awards.
Glamour magazine Woman of the Year, 11 November 2019, Jane Fonda accepted on behalf of Thunberg in absentia following her principle not to fly.
Time Person of the Year, December 2019, by Time magazine, the youngest ever recipient and the first born in the 21st century. For succeeding in "creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change. She has offered a moral clarion call to those who are willing to act, and hurled shame on those who are not."[178] and "For sounding the alarm about humanity’s predatory relationship with the only home we have, for bringing to a fragmented world a voice that transcends backgrounds and borders, for showing us all what it might look like when a new generation leads.” This also put her on the Time magazine cover for the second time in 2019.
Nature's 10 nomination, 2019, 19 December 2019, an annual list of ten "people who mattered" in science, produced by the scientific journal Nature, specifically, for being a "climate catalyst: A Swedish teenager [who] brought climate science to the fore as she channeled her generation’s rage."
Conservationist of the Year, 2019, awarded by the Perfect World Foundation for bringing attention to wildlife and nature conservation.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Not bad for a "child".
Honours and awards
Svenska Dagbladet (The Swedish Daily News) essay competition, May 2018, shared, a climate debate writing competition for young people.
Children's Climate Prize, November 2018, nominated by the Swedish electricity company Telge Energi. Thunberg declined to accept the award because many of the finalists would have to fly to Stockholm for the ceremony and a required meeting.
TIME'S 25 most influential teens of 2018, 10 December 2018, an annual list compiled by Time magazine of the most influential teenagers in the world that year.
Fryshuset scholarship, 2018, for Young Role Model of the Year.
Swedish Woman of the Year (Årets Svenska Kvinna), 8 March 2019, awarded by the Swedish Women's Educational Association to “a Swedish woman who, through her accomplishments, has represented and brought attention to the Sweden of today in the greater world”.
Nobel Peace Prize nomination, 13 March 2019, by two deputies of the Swedish parliament and three deputies of the Norwegian parliament.
Rachel Carson Prize, 22 March 2019, awarded to a woman who has distinguished herself in outstanding work for the environment in Norway or internationally.
Goldene Kamera film and television awards, 31 March 2019, special Climate Action Award. Thunberg dedicated the prize to the activists protesting against the destruction of the Hambach Forest, which is threatened by lignite mining.
Le Prix Liberté, 1 April 2019, honouring a young person engaged in a fight for peace and freedom. Thunberg donated the €25,000 prize money to four organisations working for climate justice and helping areas already affected by climate change.
Fritt Ord Award, April 2019, shared with Natur og Ungdom, which "celebrates freedom of speech". Thunberg donated her share of the prize money to a lawsuit seeking to halt Norwegian oil exploration in the Arctic.
TIME 100, April 2019, by Time magazine, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world for that year.
Laudato si' Prize, April 2019, awarded under the second encyclical of Pope Francis, "on care for our common home".
Doctor honoris causa (honorary doctorate), May 2019, conferred by the Belgian, University of Mons for " raising awareness on sustainable development."
Time magazine cover, 27 May 2019 issue, where she was described as a role model and one of the "next generation leaders".
Ambassador of Conscience Award, 7 June 2019, Amnesty International's most prestigious award, in this instance, for leadership in the climate movement, Thunberg said the award was "for all those millions of people, young people, around the world who together make up the movement called Friday's for Future."
Geddes Environment Medal, July 2019, by the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, for "an outstanding practical, research or communications contribution to conservation and protection of the natural environment and the development of sustainability".
Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, July 2019, automatically conferred with the Geddes award.[158]
Vogue magazine cover, September 2019 issue, Thunberg and fifteen other women were featured on a cover created by guest editor Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.
GQ Game Changer Award, 3 September 2019, one of a number of categories awarded under the GQ magazine, Men of the Year Awards; this inaugural category being inspired by Thunberg.
Webby Award, Social Movement of the Year, 12 September 2019, presented annually by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences for excellence on the Internet.
Right Livelihood Award, 25 September 2019, from the Right Livelihood Foundation and known as Sweden's alternative Nobel Prize, one of four 2019 winners, "for inspiring and amplifying political demands for urgent climate action reflecting scientific facts".
Keys to the City of Montréal, 27 September 2019, by Mayor of Montréal Valérie Plante.
Nelloptodes gretae, 1 October 2019, a newly identified species of beetle is named for Greta Thunberg in an academic paper by entomologist Michael Darby, published in Entomologist's Monthly Magazine for her outstanding contribution in raising awareness of environmental issues and because the beetle's antennae bear a passing resemblance to Greta's pigtails.
International Children's Peace Prize, 4 October 2019, shared with 14-year-old Divina Maloum from Cameroon, awarded by the KidsRights Foundation, whose mission is to "support and empower vulnerable children around the world, by raising funds for small-scale local projects, and by raising awareness for children’s rights through the international media." Thunberg accepted the award but declined to attend the ceremony as she was overseas, requiring her to fly to the Hague.[1
Maphiyata echiyatan hin win (Woman Who Came from the Heavens), Lakota tribal name conferred, 8 October 2019, at Standing Rock Indian Reservation, following a climate panel and support for the Dakota Access pipeline opposition, after being invited by Tokata Iron Eyes, a 16 year old, Lakota, climate activist.
Nordic Council Environment Prize, 29 October 2019. Thunberg declined to accept the award or the prize money of $52,000, stating, "the climate movement does not need any more awards," and that that the climate movement needed people in power to start to listen to science and not awards.
Glamour magazine Woman of the Year, 11 November 2019, Jane Fonda accepted on behalf of Thunberg in absentia following her principle not to fly.
Time Person of the Year, December 2019, by Time magazine, the youngest ever recipient and the first born in the 21st century. For succeeding in "creating a global attitudinal shift, transforming millions of vague, middle-of-the-night anxieties into a worldwide movement calling for urgent change. She has offered a moral clarion call to those who are willing to act, and hurled shame on those who are not."[178] and "For sounding the alarm about humanity’s predatory relationship with the only home we have, for bringing to a fragmented world a voice that transcends backgrounds and borders, for showing us all what it might look like when a new generation leads.” This also put her on the Time magazine cover for the second time in 2019.
Nature's 10 nomination, 2019, 19 December 2019, an annual list of ten "people who mattered" in science, produced by the scientific journal Nature, specifically, for being a "climate catalyst: A Swedish teenager [who] brought climate science to the fore as she channeled her generation’s rage."
Conservationist of the Year, 2019, awarded by the Perfect World Foundation for bringing attention to wildlife and nature conservation.

NUT ZONE DOUG TELLING LIES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Buried in his verbal vomit - above - is the line CLAIMING that Greta Grotesque FLEW TO THE HAGUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nut Zone DOUG is UNAWARE THAT THERE ARE TRAINS that will carry Greta Grotesque from Sweden to The Hague!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Nut Zone Doug is unaware of the fact that Greta grotesque WILL NOT FLY ANYPLACE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Greta Thunberg’s Great-Grandfather Is Greenhouse Gas Guru Svante Arrhenius
Published on January 20, 2020

Written by Martin Vrijland

If someone suddenly receives so much attention and is the rising star on the world stage, that is usually no coincidence. Also in the case of the Swedish climate and environmental activist Greta Thunberg it seems that a proper planning had preceded this.

Her mother, Malena Ernman, won the final for the Swedish participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009 and thus became a familiar face, which is useful if your daughter looks like you and later has to become a world star.

The secret promotion probably already started there. You can answer the question whether mother Malena can really sing so well (see here). However, it is much more interesting to study the Thunberg family and you will find that the subjects CO2, ‘global warming’ and ‘population reduction’ are descended from the same family.

Greta Thunberg (born in 2003) according to Wikipedia a distant second cousin of Svante August Arrhenius. Her father Svante Thunberg, an actor, is named after Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius is seen as the first scientist to describe the so-called Arrhenius effect, a natural enhancement of global warming through increasing evaporation of water and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the sea due to a decrease in reflectivity.

He predicted that an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere causes an increase in temperature on Earth. According to him, a doubling of CO2 would be correlated with a warming from 4 to 6 degrees, which was caused by solar heat for 2 / 3 th part and for 1 / 3 th part by CO2. This has been interpreted by researchers like Keeling as a greenhouse effect caused entirely by CO2. So you could say that the subject is rather in the family.

Svante Arrhenius was born in Gut Vik, near Uppsala, the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. It seems that Greta is not a distant cousin, but a direct great-granddaughter. Wikipedia does not say that Svante Arrhenius himself also married a Thunberg. Her name was Karolina Kristina Thunberg.

This is evident from the still visible search results from Google. However, if you click on the link itself, the content is similar to be adjusted in relation to what the search result still shows (see screenshot below). There seems to be a bit of fiddling with the pedigrees and it seems that the name Thunberg can actually be directly linked to this global warming founder, Svante Arrhenius.

It is also remarkable that Svante probably married in the family (from his mother’s side). Such an incest is typically something we see with old noble bloodlines (such as mentioned in my book mentioned). However, if there is fumbling with family trees, then the direct pedigree may not be proven anymore, but the family link is indisputable.

Svante Arrhenius was involved in eugenics and was a member of the board of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene. The website states the following about this:

Arrhenius involved himself in the eugenics movement by joining the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene, a group focused on researching and promoting the benefits of controlled reproduction in humans (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). This society was formed in 1909 in an attempt to popularize eugenics and encourage policy changes to promote eugenics (Bjorkman & Widmalm, 2010). Arrhenius was not only a member; he was on the board for society (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). The society gave lectures and handed out pro-eugenic pamphlets to the public, but because it was illegal for them to discuss any method of birth control, the group was thought to have limited influence overall (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005).


Greta’s (presumed) great-grandfather was therefore a high peak. Around 1900, this Svante Arrhenius became involved in the founding of the Nobel Institute and the associated Nobel Prizes. In 1901 he was – despite a strong opposition – elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

For the rest of his life he would remain a member of the Nobel Committee of Physics and a de facto member of the Nobel Committee of Chemistry. He used his influential position to arrange Nobel Prizes for his friends (Jacobus van ‘t Hoff, Wilhelm Ostwald and Theodore Richards) and tried to prevent his enemies (Paul Ehrlich, Walther Nernst, Dmitri Mendeleev) from receiving them.

He also received a Nobel Prize in 1903 and so in fact rewarded himself, because he was involved in setting up the institute that awards the prizes. So science was then all about favoritism and not about content.

It is interesting that in several publications it is discussed that the global warming story is about establishing a world government and population reduction. I wrote about that in my last article (see here). In this article Publicist Brandon Smith also makes it clear that a manifesto from the UN Secretary General from the 90 shows that global warming was invented to frighten the world population and then push through an agenda. In his article he also conclusively demonstrates that that agenda is also about population reduction. Well, that agenda item can also be traced to Greta’s (presumed) great-grandfather.

So if Greta Thunberg blows so high from the tower that we need to listen more to the science of global warming with CO2, it now appears that this theory comes directly from her (very likely) great-grandfather and that this same great-grandfather was a scammer who awarded himself and his friends Nobel Prizes. That is telling about the way many scientists today are being pushed aside when they criticize the official reading of global warming as a result of CO2.



Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
Greta Thunberg’s Great-Grandfather Is Greenhouse Gas Guru Svante Arrhenius
Published on January 20, 2020
Written by Martin Vrijland
If someone suddenly receives so much attention and is the rising star on the world stage, that is usually no coincidence. Also in the case of the Swedish climate and environmental activist Greta Thunberg it seems that a proper planning had preceded this.
Her mother, Malena Ernman, won the final for the Swedish participation in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009 and thus became a familiar face, which is useful if your daughter looks like you and later has to become a world star.
The secret promotion probably already started there. You can answer the question whether mother Malena can really sing so well (see here). However, it is much more interesting to study the Thunberg family and you will find that the subjects CO2, ‘global warming’ and ‘population reduction’ are descended from the same family.
Greta Thunberg (born in 2003) according to Wikipedia a distant second cousin of Svante August Arrhenius. Her father Svante Thunberg, an actor, is named after Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius is seen as the first scientist to describe the so-called Arrhenius effect, a natural enhancement of global warming through increasing evaporation of water and carbon dioxide (CO2) from the sea due to a decrease in reflectivity.
He predicted that an increase in CO2 in the atmosphere causes an increase in temperature on Earth. According to him, a doubling of CO2 would be correlated with a warming from 4 to 6 degrees, which was caused by solar heat for 2 / 3 th part and for 1 / 3 th part by CO2. This has been interpreted by researchers like Keeling as a greenhouse effect caused entirely by CO2. So you could say that the subject is rather in the family.
Svante Arrhenius was born in Gut Vik, near Uppsala, the son of Svante Gustav and Carolina Thunberg Arrhenius. It seems that Greta is not a distant cousin, but a direct great-granddaughter. Wikipedia does not say that Svante Arrhenius himself also married a Thunberg. Her name was Karolina Kristina Thunberg.
This is evident from the still visible search results from Google. However, if you click on the link itself, the content is similar to be adjusted in relation to what the search result still shows (see screenshot below). There seems to be a bit of fiddling with the pedigrees and it seems that the name Thunberg can actually be directly linked to this global warming founder, Svante Arrhenius.
It is also remarkable that Svante probably married in the family (from his mother’s side). Such an incest is typically something we see with old noble bloodlines (such as mentioned in my book mentioned). However, if there is fumbling with family trees, then the direct pedigree may not be proven anymore, but the family link is indisputable.
Svante Arrhenius was involved in eugenics and was a member of the board of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene. The website states the following about this:
Arrhenius involved himself in the eugenics movement by joining the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene, a group focused on researching and promoting the benefits of controlled reproduction in humans (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). This society was formed in 1909 in an attempt to popularize eugenics and encourage policy changes to promote eugenics (Bjorkman & Widmalm, 2010). Arrhenius was not only a member; he was on the board for society (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). The society gave lectures and handed out pro-eugenic pamphlets to the public, but because it was illegal for them to discuss any method of birth control, the group was thought to have limited influence overall (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005).
Greta’s (presumed) great-grandfather was therefore a high peak. Around 1900, this Svante Arrhenius became involved in the founding of the Nobel Institute and the associated Nobel Prizes. In 1901 he was – despite a strong opposition – elected a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
For the rest of his life he would remain a member of the Nobel Committee of Physics and a de facto member of the Nobel Committee of Chemistry. He used his influential position to arrange Nobel Prizes for his friends (Jacobus van ‘t Hoff, Wilhelm Ostwald and Theodore Richards) and tried to prevent his enemies (Paul Ehrlich, Walther Nernst, Dmitri Mendeleev) from receiving them.
He also received a Nobel Prize in 1903 and so in fact rewarded himself, because he was involved in setting up the institute that awards the prizes. So science was then all about favoritism and not about content.
It is interesting that in several publications it is discussed that the global warming story is about establishing a world government and population reduction. I wrote about that in my last article (see here). In this article Publicist Brandon Smith also makes it clear that a manifesto from the UN Secretary General from the 90 shows that global warming was invented to frighten the world population and then push through an agenda. In his article he also conclusively demonstrates that that agenda is also about population reduction. Well, that agenda item can also be traced to Greta’s (presumed) great-grandfather.
So if Greta Thunberg blows so high from the tower that we need to listen more to the science of global warming with CO2, it now appears that this theory comes directly from her (very likely) great-grandfather and that this same great-grandfather was a scammer who awarded himself and his friends Nobel Prizes. That is telling about the way many scientists today are being pushed aside when they criticize the official reading of global warming as a result of CO2.
Fair enough but that doesn't change anything.
She is the world's leader on climate change and is challenging Trump , the world's climate terrorist in chief, on the worlds consensus.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
A leader? In a post mortem poll 97% of Heavens Gate members regret their decision.

Consensus? There is no consensus and Science is never settled.

She's a drop out who stunted her own growth and mental functions. I bet $50 she cant spell cumulonimbus or knows what the Beaufort wind scale is.
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