Brexit 2019: the Good, Bad and could-turn-Ugly options

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
If politics is a numbers game, here are some 2016 referendum statistics to help MPs as they weigh up their options for Theresa May’s successor.
Leave won in the 2016 Referendum by 17.4million against Remain’s 16.1million.
Leave constituencies outnumbered Remain by 406 to 242.
Of these, Tory Leavers outnumbered Remainers by 247 to 80 and Labour’s by 148 to 84.
In Parliament, 160 MPs support Leave, while 486 back Remain.
There is a message about our future political stability in those figures
Maybe, the MPs think that they know what's good for you. They are in a perilous situation. If they vote to brexit, they will go down in history as the ones who did so much damage to their country. If they both to remain, they will forever be the cowards that failed to do their electorate's bidding. May is in such a situation that however it goes, she will be remembered badly.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Here he is again: Pissed off news reporter Jonathan Pie on those f"cking undemocratic Remainers:



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Here he is again: Pissed off news reporter Jonathan Pie on those f"cking undemocratic Remainers:

Lets see.............................

Brits want to be free of European Union because they want to regain control of their immigration system and do more to prevent illiegals and Muslims from swarming into their country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Brits are not happy about the debts their spendthrift LIE-berals are running up either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Donald Trump is waging war upon his Congress as he tries to regain control of the Yankee immigration system and prevent illegals and Muslims from swarming into the country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And NOBODY is happy with the debts that Yankee LIE-berals are running up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In France the Yellow Vests are rioting over immigration, illegals and LIE-beral debts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Canada, the LIE-beral govt has been engaged in several years worth of DECEIT about how many illegals are actually coming here..........

and engaged in MORE Deceit about how much it really costs to tend to the illegals................................................

and LIE-beerals have also engaged in deceit about how well Muslims integrate once they get here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And the size of the Cdn LIE-beral debts is so HUGE that we are in imminent danger of hitting the debt wall......................

which will produce DIRE social chaos when it happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are there ANY LIE-berals here smart enough to NOTICE THE TRENDS among the nations I have mentioned???????????????????

Who wants to BET that LIE-berals will IGNORE this post and swiftly and DESPERATELY try to change the subject???????????????

So what will the LIE-berals seek to talk about instead?????????????????????


Kinder Morgan pipelines????????????????????????????

The TOTAL FAILURE of LIE-beral negotiators on the NAFTA FILE???????????????????????

The RACIST INSULTS offered to all Cdns in the aftermath of the Gerald Stanley trial??????????????????????

The democracy damaging attempt to use :Islamophobia" to stifle speech critical of LIE-berals??????????????

The SULLEN RESISTANCE of most Cdns to carbon crap and trade tax SCAMS????????????????????

The fact that Quebec is one of the FEW provinces enthusiastic about carbon tax scams ...........................

because LIE-berals are using carbon gravy raised in other provinces.........................

to BRIBE Quebecers ...............................

to the tune of $11 billion dollars per year in federal transfers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we could talk about Alberta!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who wants to BET that after Jason Kenny is elected in Alberta.............................

there is a REAL CHANCE that the amount of oil flowing to British Columbia MAY BE REDUCED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until such time as B.C. becomes more reasonable about Alberta needs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we could discuss the new round of public "consultations" by LIE-berals.............................

regarding the NEED to CURTAIL ALL oil tanker traffic on the west coast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And to ENSURE that the "proper" conclusions are reached during the "consultations".............................

LIE-berals have carefully EDITED who MAY SPEAK TO THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guess British Columbia fishermen will have to go back to using wind driven sailing schooners to conduct their biz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it might get easier for commuters to cross the LIon`s Gate Bridge as horses take up less space than cars????????????

Once Kenny is in in B.C. might get access to oil is scaled back?????????????????


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
It’s the establishment who are the extremists
The casualness with which they threaten to override democracy is alarming.
It’s the establishment who are the extremists
Brendan O'Neill
26th March 2019
In the nearly three years since 17.4million of us voted to leave the EU, we’ve been told that extremism is on the march in the UK. That the Brexit referendum unleashed an ugly, alien and liberty-threatening worldview. That a section of British society wishes to do away with the social order as we have known it and propel Britain into a reactionary, even far-right future. All of this feels increasingly true. But not in the way suggested by the predominantly Remainer establishment that has been raising these extremist fears. They think it’s us, we Leave voters, who are the extremists ripping up the political and democratic fabric. It isn’t. It’s them.
This is perhaps the greatest trick that has been played since the referendum: under the guise of standing up to ‘extremism’, the establishment and its cheerleaders have mainstreamed genuine extremism. They have made it normal to be anti-democratic. They have made it not only acceptable but also celebrated to talk openly about disenfranchising the public. They have injected into the heart of British politics the kind of worldview that rightly horrifies us when it is propagated by a Pinochet or a Kim – a worldview that says the masses cannot really be trusted with making major political decisions and therefore politics should once again become the purview of small numbers of experts and the educated. This is the extremist idea doing most harm to the UK right now.
In recent weeks, the mask has fallen from the reactionary Remainer establishment. There have been three stages to elite Remainerism since the referendum in June 2016. First there was shock. The vote to leave the EU was a thunderbolt to technocrats and mandarins who are so used to getting their own political way. They responded by paying lip service to the democratic ideal. The result cannot be overturned, they said. We must vote to invoke Article 50, they insisted. Then came the second stage: the invention of new terms and a slippery, borderline Orwellian political language to justify the slow-motion undoing of the Brexit vote. We need a Soft Brexit, they said, using a phrase not one single person used during the referendum campaign. We cannot let the ‘extremists’ win, they argued. And so they established the idea that Brexit was too firm and dangerous an idea – you stupid voters – and that it fell to them to temper and soften it.
And now we are in the third stage. The stage where much of the camouflage of the Soft Brexit language has been dispensed with in favour of a more honest statement of the Remainer establishment’s worldview: that the public made a grave error and that error must now be corrected. This idea – this extremist, pre-20th-century idea – is now loose in the political and public realm. You hear it in MPs’ casual conversations about revoking Article 50 and opting for ‘No Brexit’. We saw it on the middle-class march in London on Saturday where people openly boasted of their intellectual superiority to the masses – we have degrees and can spell correctly, placards declared – and demanded that Brexit simply be halted. ‘Revoke this shit’, one banner said. ‘Shit’ – they mean democracy.
What is even more alarming than the elites’ explicit antipathy to making Brexit happen – Brexit having been voted for by the largest number of voters in UK history, remember – is the underlying belief that motors this antipathy: the belief that democracy is a mistake. This, arguably for the first time since all adults were enfranchised in 1928, is now an utterable and even cheered sentiment in Britain’s political and chattering circles.
In some ways, this isn’t surprising. The establishment knows full well what Brexit represents – a clear challenge by a massive section of the public to the idea that politics is better done by them, the experts, than by us, the plebs. And if the establishment lets this idea pass, lets it become established in law via a clean break from the EU, then it will be denuding itself of its presumed moral and political authority; it will be abandoning its own claim to have better, keener insights than the uneducated, unhealthy, un-PC public; it will be undercutting the very basis upon which its political rule has been based for three or four decades now. Its explicit and extremist turn against the democratic ideal is a desperate survival mechanism: in order to save their political style, they’re willing to destroy the promise of democracy.

The extremists aren’t the people who are saying, ‘Let’s leave the EU’. They’re the people saying, ‘I’m cleverer than you and therefore I should have more say’. They’re the people saying, ‘Let’s just cancel the largest democratic vote in UK history’. They’re the people who have backtracked on centuries of bloody struggle by stamping all over the principles of democracy. It is true that there was latent prejudice and hatred lurking in British society and that the vote for Brexit unleashed them into the world. And those prejudices and hatreds were among the ruling sections of society. And how they have been unleashed! Everywhere one turns, a deceptively polite and twee politician or commentator is expressing the deeply prejudicial and extremist idea that the little people, the moronic masses, must have their votes overruled and their rights curtailed. This is the dangerous idea stalking Brexit Britain. This is the true prejudice. This is the ugly face of extremism. And we mustn’t stand for it anymore.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
If you cared about democracy you would let the people vote.

Actually, never by the people. The people voted for a nebulously defined 'leave' whereas Parliament was voting on clearly defined agreements-in-principle.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

More than half of May's MPs in revolt over Brexit as 170 sign letter telling her not to agree a long delay with the EU - even if it means No Deal (and if they could hold a new confidence vote she'd be out)

Theresa May faces an insurrection after more than half of Conservative MPs demanded that Brexit should not be delayed by more than a few months. A letter calling for Britain to leave the EU soon, even if it means a no-deal Brexit, was signed by 170 of the 330 Tory Members of Parliament and sent to the Prime Minister after her withdrawal deal was rejected for a third time on Friday. As many as 10 Cabinet ministers - including Sajid Javid and Jeremy Hunt - and 20 other members of the Government are believed to have signed the letter. The Conservative Party's chairman Brandon Lewis said he was aware of the document but had not seen it. One pro-Brexit minister who signed the letter said the group 'want to leave the EU on April 12 or very soon afterwards', adding that if the PM's deal is voted down again then MPs will vote to dissolve Parliament and hold a general election, the Sun reported. Pressure to secure a result on Brexit continues to grow as a number of activists wearing yellow vests rallied in the capital today after thousands descended on Westminster last night following the Prime Minister's deal was defeated. Top leadership contenders Boris Johnson, centre today, and Dominic Raab, right today are likely to be among them. Michael Gove is pictured left today.


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
No deal it is then. By the way, doesn't the UK still have elections every few years? What are you so worried abut then?


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I like Teresa May. I think she's a trooper who was handed a poison chalice with the role of forging some kind of compromise in Brexit. Unfortunately there is no middle ground on this issue, no consensus. A Norway style capitulation to joining the Common Market and submitting to EU immigration protocols is a total SELL OUT. It in fact is a worst case option that submits to all EU trade and immigration tenets and hands the UKs border to Brussels.

She needs to be replaced. And the only way person capable of handling the assignment is a passionate Brexiteer. Not some Remain campaigner who came on board only after the referendum to a project for which she had no real empathy or understanding. Someone who will support a clean break without all the toxic exotica like the backstop or customs union. I would think Dominic Raab, Boris Johnson might be able to fill the role.

At this point the UKs most flexible and constructive option is to 'crash out' of the EU. All of the horror stories WON'T happen. Britain will have to sign FAIR TRADE AGREEMENTS, preferably bilateral with other sovereign nations and it can start to rebuild a sovereign, integrated, national, industrial economy.


Council Member
May 19, 2017
I tend to agree, the Brits should just get out right now. It's a mess. It's a joke. It's an idiotic shitshow circus that does nothing for anyone.
And if not, then the EU should boot them out. No extensions.... Same reasons


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
If you cared about democracy you would let the people vote.

POOR STUPID HOID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Brit people DID VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they SAID LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brexit is a MAJOR BATTLE against destructive and racist LIE-beralism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beralism has it roots in Nazi philosophy and Socialist dogma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beralism is biased and illogical...................................

because such irrational selfishness SERVES LIE-beral ends and helps them BUY VOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Conservative seeks to make the COUNTRY WEALTHY..............................

so that useful people can have steady work and decent pay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The LIE-beral seeks out the inefficient, the ill educated, the lazy, the drugged, and the Fascist civil service union Hogs and turns them AGAINST the people who actually do the work and keep the bills paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals prefer to support and promote the least responsible citizens because they are the ones who will sell their votes most cheaply............................... to LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE live in an era of LIE-beral SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Last stand of the Spartans: Hardline Brexiteers warn Theresa May her Government will collapse if she caves in to Remainers and allows UK to stay in EU’s customs union

By Harry Cole Deputy Political Editor For The Mail On Sunday
31 March 2019

A leading pro-Brexit Tory who gave Theresa May her vote last week today warns the Prime Minister her Government will collapse if she caves into Remainer demands for the UK to stay in the EU’s customs union.

Berwick-upon-Tweed MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan dropped her long-standing opposition to Mrs May’s ‘flawed’ Brexit deal on Friday as it was the ‘only remaining route out of the EU’.

The senior member of the hardline European Research Group – nicknamed ‘The Spartans’ for their willingness to lay down their political lives for a pure Brexit – warns Mrs May’s deal must go through this week or Brexit will be lost forever. She vows today to bring down the Government if Mrs May compromises further and caves into demands from MPs for a softer Brexit.

Anne Marie Trevelyan (centre), a Brexit warrior who has put down her spear once over May's deal but now vows to pick it up again. Steve Baker (left), Messianic Brexit commander who threatens to 'tear' Parliament down and 'bulldoze it into the river'. Mark Francois (right), ex-Territorial Army trooper who boasts: 'I was in the Army. I wasn't trained to lose.'

Ms Trevelyan says bluntly such a move ‘would spell the end of the line for this Conservative Government’ as it would not be tolerated by Tory MPs.

In an explosive intervention in today’s Mail on Sunday, the respected backbencher warns Brexit faces its ‘gravest threat’ yet, as staying bound to Brussels tariff rules without a seat at the table is ‘the most damaging option available’.

As MPs prepare to force Mrs May into a softer Brexit, Ms Trevelyan has branded any further softening of the divorce terms a ‘surrender’ that would open the door to a Jeremy Corbyn regime.

Taking aim at Downing Street for breaking its promises, she writes: ‘The Conservative manifesto promised, and the Prime Minister has emphasised repeatedly, that we would leave the customs union and Single Market. Conservatives who vote to remain in the customs union tomorrow will be tearing up their manifesto commitments and doing irreparable damage to our party.’

Despite Ms Trevelyan backing Mrs May’s deal on Friday, Downing Street faces an uphill struggle to convince fellow ERG hardliners Steve Baker and Mark Francois into a similar climbdown (Theresa May is pictured centre)

And she has blamed a ‘bizarre lack of direction from the leader of our party and country, for fear of resignations’ as the key reason the Government has ended up on the brink of collapse.

‘The Prime Minister has always viewed Brexit as a damage-limitation exercise.

‘She never had any enthusiasm for the decision made by the British people in 2016, and as a result we’ve been accommodating the EU’s every whim rather than staunchly fighting for British interests.

‘It seems the PM has decided to throw away our right to leave the EU without a deal – despite having said dozens of times that ‘‘no deal is better than a bad deal’’.’

In a warning to future leadership contenders, she adds: ‘Governance and vision for our great country after a real Brexit has been delivered must be restored.’

Despite Ms Trevelyan backing Mrs May’s deal on Friday, Downing Street faces an uphill struggle to convince fellow ERG hardliners Steve Baker and Mark Francois into a similar climbdown.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: Under starter's orders - the Tory Twit of the Year race takes to the field

By Richard Littlejohn for the Daily Mail
29 March 2019

Unless Mother Theresa decides to come back from the dead by doing a Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction and emerges from the bathwater wielding a carving knife, we’re in for a Tory leadership contest.

Nothing can, of course, be ruled out after the past week of complete madness at Westminster. May has so far only said she’ll go if her risible ‘deal’ passes the Commons.

And the chances of that happening still seem as remote as ever. So could she, in the event of it being rejected again refuse to stand down after all?

Stranger things have happened. She hasn’t kept the promises she made to the electorate in the Tory manifesto, so why should she feel obliged to follow through on assurances she has given to her own MPs?

Theresa May faces a crucial third and final vote on her Brexit deal on Friday after it was hurriedly arranged on Thursday

Sajid Javid (left) in Downing Street yesterday. Rumours are growing of a joint ticket that would see him enter Number 10 with Michael Gove (right, today in Downing Street) as Chancellor

Meanwhile, the runners and riders to succeed her are under starter’s orders.

Bookies are laying odds and the tipsters are making their selections. Michael Gove is reported to be teaming up with Sajid Javid, aka Albert R. N., on a ‘dream ticket’ to stop Boris. There are at least a dozen MPs throwing their rings into the hat — and more are considering putting their names forward.

One or two may be vaguely familiar, but the rest aren’t even legends in their own homes. Still, when 17.4 million people backed Leave in the 2016 referendum, they had no idea that they were voting to put Theresa May in Downing Street. Yet after Call Me Dave resigned, all sorts of obscure Tories were being mooted for the top job.

There was a strand of opinion which even claimed that the Brexit vote really meant: what we want is Stephen Crabb.

Then Welsh Secretary, or something, Crabb was briefly touted as the unity candidate, even though he had backed Remain and virtually no one had ever heard of him.

Sadly, we’ll never know if he could have been the nation’s saviour, since shortly after announcing his candidature it was revealed that he’d been sending sexually explicit text messages to a 19-year-old woman he’d interviewed for a job. Collapse of leadership campaign.
Oh, dear. How sad. Never mind.

Anyway, if all goes according to plan, the starting pistol this time will be fired on May 22 and the whole business could take up to six weeks.

How the heart sinks. Six whole weeks of wall-to-wall Tory leadership coverage dominating the news. Six weeks of intense campaigning, six weeks of speeches, six weeks of aides and bloggers scouring social media for a ‘gaffe’ one of the hopefuls may have committed in the dim and distant past.

Spare us, please, the televised candidates’ debates.

If they must face off against each other on TV, stick them on Pointless or The Chase.

I’d much rather hear them being quizzed by Bradley Walsh or Alexander Armstrong than any of the usual political insiders.

Maybe they could have a special Pointless picture board, featuring all the Tory leadership candidates. Apart from Boris, how many members of the public could put a name to any of them? There would be plenty of pointless answers to choose from.

Here’s another plan. Instead of dragging the process out for six weeks, why not just hold a one-day event to pick a winner?

‘It’s going to be like Ben-Hur — there’ll be a cast of thousands,’ a Tory MP told the Mail. Now there’s a good idea.

Make them all take part in a Ben-Hur-style chariot race, provided the chariots were all fitted with rotating blades and the competitors were kitted out with swords, maces, grappling hooks and nets.

Maybe let loose a few wild animals — lions, tigers, that kind of thing — to make it more interesting. There’d be no shortage of punters, especially if they were guaranteed plenty of claret and severed limbs. Mind you, attractive as the idea sounds, I can’t see elf’n’safety putting up with it. So I guess we’ll have to look for a more gentle alternative.

I’ve got it. They could model the leadership on Monty Python’s famous Upper Class Twit Of The Year sketch. Most of the front-runners would qualify, despite doing their best to burnish proletarian credentials.

Jacob Rees-Mogg wouldn’t have looked out of place in the original, alongside Nigel Incubator-Jones, Gervaise Brook-Hampster and Oliver St John-Mollusc, like Rees-Mogg an old Etonian. His father was a Cabinet Minister and his mother won The Derby. So roll up for the Tory Twit Of The Year contest. Your commentator is Clare Balding, obviously.

‘And they’re lining up for the first race. Let’s talk you through the field. There’s Jacob Rees-Mogg, a hedge fund manager. He’s brought his son along with him. And his nanny, who is going to push him round the course in a vintage Silver Cross Balmoral pram, bought in 1952.

‘Alongside Jacob, today’s favourite, Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, popularly known as Bonking Boris, another Etonian with a reputation for chasing the fillies.

Boris Johnson remains popular with Tory grassroots who choose the party leader in a final head-to-head vote. But he faces a battle getting through the opening rounds of a leadership contest, which are determined by votes from less enamored MPs

‘Jeremy Hunt, a former head boy at Charterhouse, eldest son of an admiral, is heavily fancied, as is Esther McVey — especially by Boris.

‘Amber Rudd, Cheltenham Ladies’ College, represents the Remain stable, and Matt Hancock wears the colours of the private King’s School, Chester.

Bringing up the rear, Michael Gove, from the fee-paying Robert Gordon’s College, Aberdeen, like most of the rest of the field trained at Oxford.

‘And they’re off. And Boris immediately makes a beeline for Esther, but he’s pursued by Gove, who seems intent on stabbing Boris in the back.

‘They round the first bend, manage to avoid the tricky Customs Union fence, but — oh, my goodness — Amber, Matt and Jeremy have all fallen at the Single Market. Jacob has refused and nanny is pushing him back to the start.

‘As they approach No Deal, Boris and Gove are neck-and-neck, but Gove is giving it the whip and trying to force Boris into the rails.

‘They’re safely over, but now for the Backstop, which has unseated dozens of jockeys on this notoriously difficult course.

‘I can’t watch. This is turning into a bloodbath. Boris is in the lead by a short head, but as they reach the final straight, Gove rugby tackles Boris and wrestles him to the ground before he can cross the finishing line.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve never seen anything quite like this. It’s like watching Ben-Hur...’