Should all new MPs receive addiction education?


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
We've had cases in the past of an MP suffering alcoholism. We now have Clement. And those are just the ones we know. How many MPs suffer gambling addiction or some other addiction. Given their position as lawmakers of the land, should all new MPs receive a quick crash course on addiction and knowing where to turn for help if they need it? I mean, 12-step groups abound in every major city and I can't imagine Ottawa is any different. Then we have professional therapists and all kinds of other supports too. Do our MPs know about these different programmes and where to turn for help?


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
We've had cases in the past of an MP suffering alcoholism. We now have Clement. And those are just the ones we know. How many MPs suffer gambling addiction or some other addiction. Given their position as lawmakers of the land, should all new MPs receive a quick crash course on addiction and knowing where to turn for help if they need it? I mean, 12-step groups abound in every major city and I can't imagine Ottawa is any different. Then we have professional therapists and all kinds of other supports too. Do our MPs know about these different programmes and where to turn for help?


Poor stupid LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Clement is a harmless horn dog who only sent photos to women who WANTED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What a WILD JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals have flat out refused to deport CONVICTED Muslim terrorists!

LIE-beral immigration policy is so sloppy they CANNOT DEPORT the Muslim woman who tried to kill Cdns at a Toronto Cdn Tire store with a golf club and knife- because they don’t know where she came from or how she got into Canada in the first place!

LIE-beral understanding of concepts like “national security” is so poisoned they are welcoming returning Isis fighters with open arms- because they expect Isis fighters to have a “powerful voice in Canada”!

LIE-beral security checks are so USELESS that they FAILED TO NOTICE that some Muslim immigrants are utterly delusional!

SUCH as the insane Danforth shooter!

Such as the MUSLIM LOON who attacked Cdn soldiers at a Toronto recruiting centre!

Such as the Muslim woman who was just declared not criminally responsible for stabbing a Toronto woman to death!!!!!!!!

Such as the Muslim goof who attacked Cdns in Edmonton a couple of years back!

Schizophrenia does not pop up over night like a common cold so it is deliberate LIE-beral carelessness that IGNORED the warning signs and allowed these murderous morons into Canada!

In 2016, LIE-berals imported 50,000 Muslims from refugee camps RUN BY HAMAS TERRORISTS! And LIE-berals expect us to TRUST these NEWLY BOUGHT LIE-beral friends because Hamas says they are good people!

LIE-berals are so gullible, their first act after being elected in 2015 was to start sending AID to HAMAS TERRORISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral ideas about Cdn civil rights and social responsibilities are so utterly twisted that they gave Omar Khadr and 3 other Muslims a total of $51 million dollars in compensation for having been rounded up and investigated as suspected terrorists- and in the case of Khadr - he is not just accused- HE IS A TERRORIST BOMB MAKER!

LIE-beral concepts of national security are so sloppy they are allowing tens of thousands of illegals from ANYWHERE to wander across our borders and settle here!

LIE-berals are not even concerned how many of the illegals are NIGERIAN- with ALL CDNS aware of how many Nigerians are involved in letter/e-mail scams and producing forged documents and other crimes- so LIE-berals- being focused on buying votes while ignoring crime and national security are HIDING how many illegals are here and where they might have come from!

LIE-beral crime fighting efforts are so sloppy that they have issued Cdn papers to illegals who happen to be members of the murderous MS-13 criminal gang- which has an international operation from Latin America up through United States and now they are set up in Canada courtesy of LIE-beral friendliness with illegals!

And we know this LIE-beral crap about Ms-13 is true because Yankee border cops ARRESTED a couple of gang members carrying BRAND NEW Cdn papers as they tried to get into Vermont from Quebec!

LIE-beral security is so sloppy that in summer 2017, a wanted terrorist POSED FOR A SELFIE with Our idiot Boy Justin- and cops did not react!

LIE-beral national security is so sloppy that Our idiot Boy took a CONVICTED SIKH TERRORIST WITH HIM on his disastrous visit to India! Has Our idiot Boy never heard of Kashmir? Or the Golden Temple of Amritsar? I guess not!

LIE-beral crime fighting efforts are so sloppy that Canada has become a FAVORITE DESTINATION for money launderers!

National security is SO BAD that some CBC reporters deliberately laundered $30 grand at Cdn casinos just to show how easy it is!

LIE-beral legal system is so full of holes that in summer 2017, SEVEN ACCUSED KILLERS were released from jail without trials because LIE-berals did not have enough gravy left to pay for trials within a reasonable time!

LIE-beral attitudes to crime and security are so bad they see nothing wrong with letting child killer Terry McClintock PRETEND to be a native so she can spend her life in comfort at a “native healing lodge” instead of in a jail!

In addition, LIE-berals are so sloppy that they released 4 men who ran two separate scams and stole over $50 million dollars by FRAUD here in Ontari-owe- and it was the usual thing- LIE-berals are so greedy they did not have enough gravy left to pay for trials in a reasonable time!

LIE-berals have been telling us for years that crime rates are dropping and we do not need to waste LIE-beral gravy on hiring more cops- yet LIE-berals cannot explain why there is such a spike in violence in Toronto since crime is so far down!

And yet LIE-berals bristle with anger when people call them LIE-berals because of all the Fake News they spew!

Nor Can LIE-berals offer up any coherent plan for dealing with the criminal violence- other than to MAKE IT EASIER FOR CRIMINALS TO GET BAIL!

After all- in the twisted legal world created by LIEberals- the longer a goon spends in jail awaiting trial- the SOONER HE GETS OUT!

Thanks to LIE-beral madness- for each month that a criminal spends in jail awaiting trial in our log jammed-slow as molasses in January legal system - LIE-berlas give THREE MONTHS CREDIT for time served against the jail sentence the criminal will be given once a judge gets to him! This results in EASY TIME for criminal goons- the local jail is nicer than Collins Bay Pen and goons get out sooner thanks to LIE-beral fiddling- and shameless vote buying!

And after all this LIE-beral SH+T, they want to tell us that horn dog Tony Clement is a national security risk- because he sent some pictures of his junk to some women- most of whom were probably LIE-beral staffers trying to get dirt on Clement anyway!

After all- many Cdns believe that the sex assault charges against Patrick Brown were a last ditch and very dirty LIE-beral tactic, launched by Wynne-bag LIE-berals as they struggled to save themselves from election defeat!


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
They aren't the problem, the old guard is. Personality tests would be more useful. The only way to stop bribes is to vote by referendum only.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
That only shows up in hindsight. We need a 'pre-crime' thingy.


POOR STUPID MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If LIE-berals ever got serious about dealing with mental illness- you and Christian and Gligamesh would be doomed to life in a padded room!

Here is an article that represents the most ugly and damning and hardcore condemnation imaginable of ALL western LIE-beral educators generally, of politically correct history teachers specifically and of social justice warriors everywhere! How any western kid could speak such crap in public is a staggering insult! There are some comments of my own in brackets):

Student union prez wants to paint over mural honouring school's war dead

By Brad Hunter. Published: October 25, 2018. Updated: October 25, 2018 2:34 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN/ News/ World

A British student union president wants to paint over a mural honouring First World War casualties because … they’re “white men”.

Sniffy Southampton University Student Union head Emily Dawes appears to have knocked back a little too much of the social justice kool-aid.

Called the Rothenstein Mural, the artwork depicts students who died in combat collecting degrees they were never able to finish.

(The Cambridge graduating class of 1914- the intellectual elite of Britain- has the following record: of 123 graduates from that year 1914- 120 grads died, one was driven permanently mad, one sent home minus both legs and one returned apparently unmarked- but of course we don’t know how well he slept at night or what ghosts visited him in dreams! And the idiot kid Dawes wants to condemn men who saved her WORLD from Imperial German Slavery?)

The loopy lefty tweeted: “Mark my words – we’re taking down the mural of white men in the Senate room, even if I have to paint over it myself.”

(And her MAJOR objection is that WHITE MEN are memorialized? WTF?)

Critics weren’t singing kumbaya, according to The UK Sun.

One tweeted: “The white men who died so you can spout such hateful nonsense? You’re a f*****g disgrace and should be kicked out of any state education system.”

(One HAS to agree- the girl is clearly NOT learning anything useful at school!)

The writer added: “A state created by hard working brave people: most of whom were the white men you profess to despise.”

(Say what you will of the British Empire- but at the same time as Soviet Russia was enslaving hundreds of millions of people- GREAT BRITAIN was FREEING hundreds of millions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(British law and justice are STILL the standard by which all others are JUDGED - and the others are too often found WANTING! The mere fact this ignorant COW can stand in public and spout such garbage without being hauled off to a deep, dark cell and beaten sensless is tribute to British justice!)

Others couldn’t understand why the rage-machine fuelled student politician would want to deface the memorial.

(And its not like our Cdn NDPers are any better: consider some recent stories):

WARMINGTON: NDP candidate sparks outrage with poppy remark
WARMINGTON: NDP land in another poppy scandal

One tweeted: “Jesus. Are all students left wing morons? Only academia could protest a painting that depicts men lost at war protecting the freedoms you take for granted.”

(Yes- professor Jordan Peterson has warned us of the POISON that infects ALL WESTERN schools and this is just the latest manifestation of the LIE-beral crap!)

Other commentators told Dawes to “grow up” and described her as “pathetic”.

One tweeted: “It’s a Painting showing students who did not return from the war you imbecile. You are a f*****g r***** with no shame and no understanding of what sacrifice is.”

And another said: “By suggesting the memorial of men who died to protect your freedoms is racist says more about you.”

(Imperial Germany sought to take over the world and enslave “lesser races” and France and Britain and the Commonwealth were major obstacles- fighting for the safety of ALL people who did not wish to serve the Kaiser as slaves!)

Finally, Dawes backtracked and apologized.

The Rothenstein Mural depicts students who died in action receiving the degrees they would never get. SOUTHAMPTON UNIVERSITY

“Firstly, and most importantly, I would like to apologize for the offence and upset I have caused with what I have said. I never meant the disrespect to anyone past, present and future,” she said.

(One thing we can say for socialist swine- they know how to offer a most articulate apology! It must be from getting such frequent practice since they say so very many stupid things perhaps?)

“My intention was to promote strong, female leader and not the eradication and disrespect of history. I do not believe that to make progress in the future, we should look to erase the past.”

The university also was quick to distance itself from Dawes’ comments.

Dawes is currently on a sabbatical from her astrophysics degree.

(Yeah - If I were her I would look into the cost of a DISCREET legal name change along the way! And maybe some appearance altering plastic surgery as well! No doubt the members of her minor woman`s studies courses think she is a heroine but a lot of others will think she is ignorant SLIME!)


Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
I'd start with proper English/French and basic arithmetic.

Shouldn't they be learning that in high school and not after being elected? Then again, I guess they should be learning where to turn for help for addictions in high school and not after being elected to parliament too; though it would seem that they're not.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Shouldn't they be learning that in high school and not after being elected? Then again, I guess they should be learning where to turn for help for addictions in high school and not after being elected to parliament too; though it would seem that they're not.


Apparently a lot of people are UNAWARE that WE ARE PAYING TO EDUCATE OUR LIE-beral leaders!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A few years back there was a huge fuss in Durham Region when it was discovered that three members of the city council were completing university degrees on the tax payers dime!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And this little gem was JUSTIFIED by the mayor and council on the grounds that educated leaders are better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Too bad they have no opinion on GREEDY AS HELL LEADERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Durham Regional govt was set up- two thirds of the population were in Oshawa and one third in the other towns- Whitby, Ajax, Port Perry- and the Region council seats were allocated on that basis.................

Now- 40 years later the numbers are reversed - with only one third of the population in Oshawa and now two thirds in the other towns!!

And yet Oshawa leaders are so GREEDY they called the proposed seat re-distribution an attack on their democracy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This would be the same Oshawa council that deliberately underfunded their public transit workers pension fund -leaving something like five million dollars in debt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And of course when Regional council chose to amalgamate all the various local town transit lines into one bigger and more efficient entity- Oshawa council blithely assumed the Region would PAY FOR OSHAWA PENSION DEBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So- five years of wrangling with a million dollars in legal fees- and the swine worked out some sort of deal that SCREWS the tax payers and makes the civil service union Hogs happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oshawa council has been so dysfunctional that they decided to BORROW $30 million dollars from their bankrupt electric power company so they could make grand improvements to their local arena used by Oshawa Generals - a farm team of NHL.......

So in an accounting sleight of hand that would shame a con artist- Oshawa council CREATED $30 million dollars and rebuilt their arena!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At the same time- hard pressed local people- who ALREADY pay the highest property taxes in the entire GTA area- started putting

up protest signs on their lawns- complaining that the arena rebuild was too costly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And local bylaw officers started coming around and demanding the signs be REMOVED due to "complaints"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Failure to remove the offending signs meant getting hefty FINES for each day the sign was out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The arena rebuild went ahead and the council found itself scrambling to explain how the grand, cannot lose, will never fail to make a profit, is guaranteed to profit nicely and pay back the Power company "loan" - arena went immediately into the red- losing money steadily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now- years later the arena now makes a modest doubt thanks to the same sort of "accounting" that LIE-berals used to give us a "balanced budget" that was hiding a $16 billion dollar deficit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happily, Oshawa now has a lot of new faces on council- but the DEBTS LINGER ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Including the debts for university degrees for now defeated candidates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isnt that nice- WE PAID TO TRAIN THEM FOR OTHER WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!