Saudi Arabia expelling Canadian ambassador, suspending new trade


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
1 suicided, via self dismemberment, Muslim reporter that was a 'traitor' to the KSA or $49B in arms sales for weapons that will never be used, but it sure helps the Yankee economy so the interest payment to the World Banks can be made on time. Do the math on which path he will be told to take.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Good example of why you should read more and type less.
Trump vows 'severe punishment' if Saudis killed Jamal Khashoggi
President speaks in CBS interview to be shown on Sunday and says: ‘There’s a lot at stake … because this man was a reporter’
The president said this week the US would not forego lucrative arms deals with Riyadh.
It reminds me of the bigly sanctions imposed on North Korea that were dropped like a live grenade after the North Koreans agreed to give up nothing but a cheesy photo op.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
This North Korea??

Any waffles are cooked up in the US kitchens. See how easy it is to show somebody is full of shit these days?
South Korean President Moon Jae-in called on the U.S. to officially declare an end to the Korean War during an interview Friday, adding that the North had “promised complete denuclearization.”
“If North Korea takes certain measures, the end-of-war declaration would be a political statement that would announce that the long-standing hostile relations between Pyongyang and Washington had ended,” Moon told the BBC, adding that he wanted the declaration to happen at the “earliest possible date.”
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (left) and South Korean President Moon Jae-in (center) during a visit to Samjiyon guesthouse in Samjiyon, North Korea, on September 20. Moon said that North Korea has promised to complete denuclearization and urged the U.S. to officially declare an end to the Korean War.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
This North Korea??
Any waffles are cooked up in the US kitchens. See how easy it is to show somebody is full of shit these days?
South Korean President Moon Jae-in called on the U.S. to officially declare an end to the Korean War during an interview Friday, adding that the North had “promised complete denuclearization.”
“If North Korea takes certain measures, the end-of-war declaration would be a political statement that would announce that the long-standing hostile relations between Pyongyang and Washington had ended,” Moon told the BBC, adding that he wanted the declaration to happen at the “earliest possible date.”
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (left) and South Korean President Moon Jae-in (center) during a visit to Samjiyon guesthouse in Samjiyon, North Korea, on September 20. Moon said that North Korea has promised to complete denuclearization and urged the U.S. to officially declare an end to the Korean War.
"Complete de-nuckearization" means "Yankee go home and take your nuclear powered aircraft carriers, submarines and any nukes on your bases with you."

The Yanks will not do that.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The US running out of wars would bring on a bigger depression than the 'Dirty 30's' when being a hobo was having a high-paying job. The picks always seemed to fall off the top of the rail car before the train made the next town.


Electoral Member
Aug 2, 2018


Saudi Dissident May Have Recorded His Own Killing

October 13, 2018 at 7:48 am EDT By Taegan Goddard 31 Comments

“Missing Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi may have recorded his own death, a Turkish newspaper reported Saturday morning,” CNN reports.

“Khashoggi turned on the recording function of his Apple Watch before walking into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul on October 2, according to Sabah newspaper.”



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The US will still back the KSA when they say it was doctored by Russian hackers. Welcome to the real world. Want some protection for your clean shoes?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Saudi state-owned media warns Russia will install permanent military base if US imposes sanctions
What utter bullshyte. The Russians and Iran are tight, tight and the Saudis and Iranians are bitter enemies (EXTREMELY bitter sectarian enemies). The Russians will be forced to choose between the two and after decades of backing up Iranian surrogates like Hamas and the Syrians, no one will believe a word that they say, anymore.

Fake news in spades ...


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Its odd that having a foreign army on their soil supposedly led to 911, and now they are basically inviting another one in.

It's time the Saudis were held to account. I know they have all the oil but who cares?


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The regular people would love ISIS compared to the overlords they have now. I repeat, the regular people would love ISIS compared to the overlords they have now.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Saudi embassy in Turkey being searched for evidence/remnants of the missing journalist.

They should look behind the fridge. When I'm missing something that's nearly always where it is.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
How you you say, 'the fix is in.' in English?

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US President Donald Trump said on Monday that he spoke by phone with Saudi Arabia's King Salman, who denied any knowledge of what happened to journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who went missing earlier this month during a visit to the kingdom's consulate in Turkey.

"Just spoke to the King of Saudi Arabia who denies any knowledge of whatever may have happened 'to our Saudi Arabian citizen.' He said that they are working closely with Turkey to find answer," Trump said in a Twitter statement.
Following the phone conversation, the US president suggested that Saudi Arabia's King Salman could believe that rogue killers were behind the disappearance of the journalist.
"That being said, the king firmly denied any knowledge of it, he didn't really know. Maybe, I don't want to get into his head, but it sounded to me like maybe these could have been rogue killers, who knows," Trump told reporters.


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
There's likely a lot of intrigue going on under the surface in the unified front presented by the Saudi government. Both the lives of the Crown Prince and Supervisory Council of Senior Saudi Princes who control the succession are likely in jeopardy. As are those of the death squad who conducted the murder.

The Saudi family sees itself as a Board of Directors who assign a King and Crown Prince as executives who serve at the pleasure of the family. They will not take well to a Tyrant in Chief; especially one as reckless and ambitious as MbS. He has none of the apparent gravitas or dignity of his predecessors.

They are facing withdrawal of investment, flight of capital, stock market collapse and diplomatic isolation. As far as threats of retaliation for sanctions, the Saudis are holding no cards. Although they have the world's largest retrievable oil reserves their economy has no native industry or agriculture. They ship oil or they starve.
Last edited:


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
. . . except Albertans for obvious reasons. The east will be livable again once the perishing and rotting of dead flesh is over.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
There's likely a lot of intrigue going on under the surface in the unified front presented by the Saudi government. Both the lives of the Crown Prince and Supervisory Council of Senior Saudi Princes who control the succession are likely in jeopardy. As are those of the death squad who conducted the murder.

The Saudi family sees itself as a Board of Directors who assign a King and Crown Prince as executives who serve at the pleasure of the family. They will not take well to a Tyrant in Chief; especially one as reckless and ambitious as MbS. He has none of the apparent gravitas or dignity of his predecessors.

They are facing withdrawal of investment, flight of capital, stock market collapse and diplomatic isolation. As far as threats of retaliation for sanctions, the Saudis are holding no cards. Although they have the world's largest retrievable oil reserves their economy has no native industry or agriculture. They ship oil or they starve.
Well, #2 in oil, now...


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
Too funny for words, really.
The report, written by the network’s General Manager Turki Aldakhil, stated: “Imposing any type of sanctions on Saudi Arabia by the West will cause the kingdom to resort to other options.”
Iran realignment, warmer Russia ties
Aldakhil warned that his country would even consider giving a military base to Russia in Tabuk, northwest of Saudi Arabia, a strategic area near Syria, Israel, Lebanon and Iraq.
“At a time where Hamas and Hezbollah have turned from enemies into friends, getting this close to Russia will lead to a closeness to Iran and maybe even a reconciliation with it,” he added.