Progressives is a guilt cult


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
They feel guilty about the environment.
Male progressives feel guilty of being men
Progressives feel guilty blacks go to jail
Progressives feel guilty about racism
Progressives feel guilty Islamists hate us.
They feel guilty about natives
Progressives feel guilty being privileged
They feel guilty of being humans
They feel guilty being born in Canada.
They feel guilty native women go missing
Progressives feel guilty about pay equality
Progressive feel guilty if they hurt your feelings
They feel guilty We won WW2
They feel guilty we won WW1
They feel guilty about how much our lives are enjoyable.
Progressive feel guilty for every child who die's in this world
Progressives feel guilty for not buying that overpriced vacuum that sales man was pushing hard for them to sign on for.
They feel guilty every time they walk by a donation toll and don't help

Progressives have guilt problems, so they try to compensate by being extra nice for all that guilt

Anything else they feel guilty about?

Is there anything they don't feel guilty about?
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Jun 8, 2007
Third rock from the Sun
They feel guilty about the environment.
Male progressives feel guilty of being men
Progressives feel guilty blacks go to jail
Progressives feel guilty about racism
Progressives feel guilty Islamists hate us.
They feel guilty about natives
Progressives feel guilty being privileged
They feel guilty of being humans
They feel guilty being born in Canada.
They feel guilty native women go missing
Progressives feel guilty about pay equality
Progressive feel guilty if they hurt your feelings
They feel guilty We won WW2
They feel guilty we won WW1
They feel guilty about how much our lives are enjoyable.
Progressive feel guilty for every child who die's in this world
Progressives feel guilty for not buying that overpriced vacuum that sales man was pushing hard for them to sign on for.
They feel guilty every time they walk by a donation toll and don't help

Progressives have guilt problems, so they try to compensate by being extra nice for all that guilt

Anything else they feel guilty about?

Is there anything they don't feel guilty about?



Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011

Here is a picture of a progressive who feels guilty of being a white male. Obviously has lots of guilt ramped up inside, He's trying to shoot his dick off in a attempt to relieve the guilt of having one.

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Here is a picture of a progressive who feels guilty of being a white male. Obviously has lots of guilt ramped up inside, He's trying to shoot his dick off in a attempt to relieve the guilt of having one.

I'd feel guilty about leaving a mess on the floor for someone else to clean up. Does that make me a Progressive?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I'd feel guilty about leaving a mess on the floor for someone else to clean up. Does that make me a Progressive?



That makes you a good room mate.

Progressives feel guilty about things that are out of their control. But feel they need to compensate for the lack of fairness.

It becomes a balancing act of keeping things fair, for everyone, all the time.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I'm a white male and somewhat a liberal in my thinking Angstrom and I feel no guilt for being who I am. You sure you're not exaggerating a tad bit?

Why don't you all take the time to define what a progressive is.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I'm a white male and somewhat a liberal in my thinking Angstrom and I feel no guilt for being who I am. You sure you're not exaggerating a tad bit?

Why don't you all take the time to define what a progressive is.

You don't feel guilty about pollution?

You don't feel guilty men beat women?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I don't pollute Angstrom, except when I drive my car. If I'm in nature and see a piece of trash on the ground I'll pick it up.No I don't feel guilty about it. We have to live in our environment.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You don't feel guilty men leave their wives to raise their children all by themselves?


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
I wasn't a part of those who conquered this continent Angstrom. I think my ancestors probably came to America at the time of the potato famine or possibly migrated here in the fifteenth century during the inquisition. or,, The edict of expulsion in Spain. My ancestors had nothing to do with Manifest Destiny nor did I. Why would I feel guilty about that?

And even if my ancestors were a part of the European conquest of North America I wasn't there. That was hundreds of years ago. I live now and had no part in it.

I think what I see in your post is another example of the persecution complex that exists these days. By many.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
I wasn't a part of those who conquered this continent Angstrom. I think my ancestors probably came to America at the time of the potato famine or possibly migrated here in the fifteenth century during the inquisition. or,, The edict of expulsion in Spain. My ancestors had nothing to do with Manifest Destiny nor did I. Why would I feel guilty about that?

And even if my ancestors were a part of the European conquest of North America I wasn't there. That was hundreds of years ago. I live now and had no part in it.

I think what I see in your post is another example of the persecution complex that exists these days. By many.

Sounds like your guilt proof, you have your clean bill of health, Ludlow, you do not suffer from progressive guilt culture.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Black people are not getting a fair shake . White men aren't getting a fair shake. Muslims are being persecuted. Christian are being persecuted ,,on. and on and on. And while I do know that there is persecution in the world it seems that anyone who walks this earth belongs in a category of humanity that feels they're being persecuted to one degree or another,


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Black people are not getting a fair shake . White men aren't getting a fair shake. Muslims are being persecuted. Christian are being persecuted ,,on. and on and on. And while I do know that there is persecution in the world it seems that anyone who walks this earth belongs in a category of humanity that feels they're being persecuted to one degree or another,

Well look, I'm not giving Islamists a free pass because I feel guilty Isreal and The United States have bombed many of them. I'm not going be a progressive about it and make excuses based on some guilt to try and justify why terrorism is somehow ok.

I'm not going to feel guilty many blacks people face racism.

Im not going to over compensate to create a preservable fairness out of guilt for things I had no control over.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Well look, I'm not giving Islamists a free pass because I feel guilty Isreal and The United States have bombed many of them. I'm not going be a progressive about it and make excuses based on some guilt to try and justify why terrorism is somehow ok.

I'm not going to feel guilty many blacks people face racism.
Nor should you. If you're gonna discriminate, own it. Which you do, credit where due.


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
You've proposed religious discrimination in immigration.

Islamist Muslims terrorist actions justify this discrimination by creating a lost of trust. We know for a fact that political Islam is creating this terrorism. It is acting racially against us and It discriminates against us. We know the problem lies, in majority in this group.

Discrimination is a first world problem, Winning A war is more vital then, feeling guilty about some discrimination.
Keeping yourself from being attacked and killed, is of higher priority then other people feelings not being hurt because you don't trust them.

You can't put your right for others to not feel discriminated before your own right to defend yourself

But if you did, that be awfully progressive of you.

Discrimination is acting against a group when they have given you no reason to.

Like arresting all those innocent black people that have done nothing wrong :lol: Now talk about racism !!!
If they actually were being arrested for real crime, It's not discrimination. It's criminal activity being policed.
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